योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल–Meditation: Breathing with the Mind – Learning Video #6 -Shri Jagat Singh Bisht


Learning Video #6

Learn and practice meditation breath by breath. When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated, it is of great fruit and great benefit.

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Sit down with legs folded crosswise, back straight and eyes closed.

Always mindful, breathe in; mindful, breathe out.

Breathing in long, understand:I am breathing in long; breathing out long, understand: I am breathing out long.

Breathing in short, understand: I am breathing in short; breathing out short, understand: I am breathing out short.

Breathe in experiencing the whole body, breathe out experiencing the whole body.

Breathe in tranquilizing the whole body, breathe out tranquilizing the whole body.

Breathe in experiencing rapture, breathe out experiencing rapture.

Breathe in experiencing pleasure, breathe out experiencing pleasure.

As you breathe in and out, observe your mental processes.

Be aware of the mental processes.

Breathe in experiencing mental formations, breathe out experiencing mental formations.

Breathe in tranquilizing mental formations, breathe out tranquilizing mental formations.

Ever mindful, breathe in; mindful, breathe out.

May all beings be happy, be peaceful, be liberated.

Open your eyes and come out of meditation.

(Based on the Anapanasati Sutta)


Jagat Singh Bisht, Founder: LifeSkills

[email protected]