International Yoga Day Special

Yogacharya Subhash Kalambe

(We are grateful to Yogacharya Subhash Kalambe ji who gave us permission to publish the very useful article “Health: an asset to mankind” on the occasion of International Yoga DayYogacharya Subhash Kalambe ji is an author of the book “Yoga Sadhana and Exercise”.  Presently, he is providing Yoga Training in his ॐ  Saibag Yoga Ashram, Pune.)




In present day scenario, it is great achievement of life, if one remains healthy and physically fit throughout his life. If one succeeds in achieving this then certainly it is a blessing in disguise. The present day attitude of leading a luxurious style is in a way inviting more and more trouble.

What is health? “Health is nothing but a psycho-physical balance of the human personality.” A sound mind can command a sound body and a sound body responds to a sound mind. In the simplest term, a sound health denotes that when the demands arise all the body systems and organs should co-ordinate with each other to function with vigour & vitality. However, by any reason, if the psycho-physical balance becomes unstable, it leads to life threatening health maladies that will put human personality under the danger zone.

Unstable psycho-physical balance may lead to anatomical, physiological and mental ailments/disorders like heart disease, asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, indigestion, constipation, cancer, arthritis, spondylosis, obesity, physical/mental stress, high/low blood pressure, mental depression and insomnia etc. In other words these ailments/disorders are the gift of a modern luxurious life style. The psycho-physical imbalance directly affects the total human personality, which ultimately leads to mental depression at the very first instance.

Remember mental peace cannot be bought in the market. It can be achieved only through modifying our luxurious life style and by adopting a positive approach towards life. Optimism is the best solution rather than blindly following pessimism to maintain mental peace. When nature closes one door, the other door is always kept open provided you are diligent enough to recognize it. To keep up psycho-physical balance in tuned conditions just remember these simple facts of healthy living:



A person looses the essence of healthy living by always being in the pursuit of asset. Man has an insatiable urge to earn more and more money in order to enjoy luxurious life style. This attitude leads to the neglect of the individual’s health and fitness state, diet, socialization, mental peace, etc. Psycho-physical balance should be a prime concern in everyone’s life. To maintain our health we should not rely on somebody. If every individual is healthy, the society & nation too becomes healthy.  A healthy nation can survive the natural calamities with a strong willpower. More-over to keep ones mental peace we should bear in mind a few golden rules. One should learn to love others unconditionally, which is the essence of fruitful life. Don’t be jealous of others. Don’t give any space in your mind for enmity and hatred. Enjoy the happiness by sharing others happiness. If possible extend a timely helping hand provided it is need based. This will give you an additional mental satisfaction. If one cannot do well to others, we can stop ourselves from doing bad. If assistance cannot be provided, do not create hurdles. Have a positive approach in day-to-day dealing.

Moreover, hoarding movable/immovable property/asset more than your requirement causes more of anxiety and stress rather than peace. Be patient in your day-to-day life. Do not worry about the past or the future, live in the present. However, in search of mental solace / mind purification people follow the path of spirituality, religion, mythology, satsang etc. All these activities really play wonderful role in life provided human ego is surrendered at any cost. Following mythological approach blindly without knowing the facts of life will do more harm than good to the individual. To achieve the highest goal in once life is a wonderful aspect, provided individual capability and aptitude is so suited. As long as aims and objectives of life are concerned, invariably have the options, because there is no limit to human desires. Failing to achieve the desire aims and objective in life without having many options may lead to psycho-somatic disorders and directly affect the health. On the whole, leading a healthy life style should be imbibed and nurtured in our heart from the childhood itself along with cultural heritage. Keep your body and mind occupied by doing something positive, constructive and useful. Also, to keep up a sound mind in a sound body & a vice-a-versa incorporate in your daily routing some sort of aerobic exercises, yoga, meditation and a regime of healthy nutritious diet according to individual calorie requirement. To sort out or prevent most of the health problems take proper rest during working hours and have a sound sleep at night for at least 7/8 hours daily. Doing aerobic exercises in the form of brisk walk, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. for 30 minutes, 5 times a week while maintaining target heart rate will do wonders to your health. Hence plan your day accordingly to avoid any mishaps. Similarly it is worth remembering the statement:

शरीरमाद्यम खलुधर्मसाधनम

To follow the path of religion faithfully your body and mind should be sound enough. Whatever the mind thinks that reflects in the body. Therefore to maintain mental state, meditation plays a vital role in human life. Meditation in the simplest term means, “CONTINUOUS THINKING OF SOMETHING MENTALLY”. In the day-to-day life, make your body and mind to perform the task at hand with perfection by putting your heart and soul into it, so as to reduce additional, physical and mental stress. Try to attempt one work at a time. Too much of a sedentary life style like watching TV, gossiping, browsing on the internet, oversleeping, smoking, tobacco chewing, over-eating, etc. reduces the lifeline.

Therefore in a nutshell, here are a few tips on how to stay young and healthy to maintain psycho-physical balance to achieve sound health:

1)   Laugh and be humorous, don’t be gloomy.

2)   Let bygones be bygones. Dwelling on the past inflicts unnecessary stress.

3)  Early to bed, early to rise, is healthy and nice.

4)  Stay lean; being just 30% over-weight is bad.

5)  Keep learning, reading and socializing. An alert and active mind keeps the brain cells healthy.

6)   Keep working, doing something you like. Don’t retire; it slows down your body.

7)  Be the boss of your own life. Letting others push you around produces stress.

8)  Too many pills ruin your body. Take just what you need.

9)  Constantly alternating between the weight gain and loss is bad.

10) Exercise, give up smoking and eat less fatty food.

11) Do not worry about health and death, just get on with your life and enjoy it.

Last but not the least –

‘Always remember’

‘Health is an asset, learn to treasure it’.

©  Yogacharya Subhash Kalambe

Yoga Therapist, Health & Fitness Consultant
BPE, MPE, NIS (Athletics), Dip. Yoga (Kaivalyadham), Dip. SportsMedicine & SportsManagement, Black Belt (Marshal Art)

7, Parishram Housing Society, Near Baker Factory, Viman Nagar PUNE – 411 014.Maharashtra (India)
Phone: 020-26630475Mobile: 9822094849, Email: [email protected]


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