Mr Piyush Lokhande


When the Night Goes Dark!!!


(e-abhivyakti welcomes Mr Piyush Lokhande.  Mr Piyush is a brilliant young poet and we present his amazing poem When the Night Goes Dark!!!.) 


It feels so lonely and fearful when the night goes dark,
Hear the hounds from the distance while they bark.
Embarking on an unending journey, a traveler starts,
Nocturnals coming out from their shades and the moon’s dim arc.


The wanderer wanders amidst the dusk so black,
Seeking and searching the purpose of his very existence
Like a lost duck separated from his trustworthy pack.


Haunted and bewildered by the wilderness around,
The poor soul’s eyes lit up sighting a hut by the nearby ground.
Topsy and curvy pavements lead onto a ray of hope,
Only to be obstructed by a dim shadow lurking in a bright night cloak.


Shimmy gray eyes of an aged damsel inquire the traveler’s intentions,
Food, thirst and a place to rest gain an instinctive ascension.
Touched by the tourist’s sorry state, queen nods hesitantly,
Warm cup of soup and soft cozy blanket renders the feel pleasantly.


Invigorated traveler resumes his exhaustive outing,
Passing the wild forests while the sunlight starts crowding.
Such philosophical and profound this life has been,
Clouding judgment from a damsel to the noblest queen.


While one prefers to run away from the darkest of shadows 
The other bathes in the rays of faith and hope that follows.


© Mr Piyush Lokhande

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