Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay

?Soul Searching…Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay ?

Who am I if not who I should be ? 

The stormy unforgiving sea with crashing waves,

The calm that the sunrise brings,

The relentless raging of the flames, 

The very ones I burn in ? 


Who am I if not myself ? 

The light that engulfs the dark, 

The snail that hides in its shell, 

A single name etched forever, 

The pages of history I’ m within ? 


Who am I if I’m not strong ? 

The boulder at the edge of the cliff, 

The tree with its deep, anchoring roots, 

and branches wide and stiff 

About to tumble, but growing, breathing, and alive. 


Who am I resolving to be ? 

My character hidden deep inside 

The one who stands up to fight. 

The only one who chooses to carry 

The weight of the world, upon myself alone …… 


© Miss Radha Unmesh Mulay

Std. X, Sanskriti School, Pune.

≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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Vijay Kumar

A silent thinker.. dipped in maturity..a quality of born poet..