योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga For A Better Sex Life ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

Laughter Yoga For A Better Sex Life

I have been hesitating for quite a while to share what follows here because the subject remains hush-hush and taboo in the land of Kamasutra and Osho even today.

We had a gentleman, on the wrong side of fifties, in our laughter sessions who was very punctual – a rare virtue in this part of the world – and sincere. He went through and through the literature available on Laughter Yoga and regularly discussed about its health benefits like better respiration, stronger immunity, stress busting, lower blood pressure and cardio-vascular workout.

One day he confided to me over telephone that his married life has improved immensely and he feels happier as a consequence of regular laughter yoga. He and his wife had almost accepted that their sex life was over by virtue of their age but once they started practicing laughter yoga and meditation, the charm of youth slowly revisited them and they enjoyed a more wholesome life.

While most cases of erectile dysfunction have an underlying physical cause, sometimes sexual dysfunction is the result of stress, depression or other psychological and cultural issues. Laughter Yoga gets rid of physical, mental and emotional stress, is a good cure for mild depression and frees one from the psychological problems.

Laughter Yoga may help couples to have a better sex life by relieving stress and bringing about a freer, positive and open approach to life.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga – Laugh For No Reason ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga – Laugh For No Reason


Sun demands no reason to shine;

Water demands no reason to flow;

A child demands no reason to smile;

Why do we need a reason to laugh?


Laughter Yoga is a Life Changing Experience. According to Dr Madan Kataria, Founder of Laughter Clubs Movement, “When you laugh, you change and when you change, the whole world changes.”

Laughter Yoga combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing (Pranayama). Anyone can laugh for no reason, without relying upon humour, jokes or comedy. In a session, laughter is simulated as a body exercise in a group. The group maintains eye contact and childlike playfulness, and laughter soon turns real and contagious. The concept of Laughter Yoga is based on the scientific fact that the body cannot differentiate between fake and real laughter.

According to a study by Dr Michael Titze, a German Psychologist, people used to laugh 18 minutes a day in the 1950s, but today we laugh not more than 6 minutes per day, despite the huge increase in the standard of living. Children can laugh up to 300-400 times in a day, but as adults this frequency drops to barely 10-15 times a day.

Adults use their cognitive ability to first comprehend humour and then laugh. This is called the Mind-To-Body Model or the Humour Model. The other model is the Childlike Model or the Body-To-Mind Model. Children laugh the most while playing. Their laughter comes straight from the body and does not make use of any intellectual capacity of the brain.

Laughter Yoga makes a clear distinction between happiness and joyfulness. Happiness is a conditional response. It is dependent on the fulfillment of certain desires of the mind and is related to happenings in the past and the future and hardly ever deals with the present. Do you remember how long you stayed happy after getting that diploma, car, job, or new house that you had worked for so long?

In contrast, joyfulness is unconditional commitment to be happy for the moment and to have fun despite life’s problems. Joyfulness is easily triggered by joyful activities like laughing, dancing, singing and playing. It is purely a physical phenomenon while happiness is a concept of the mind.

In order to get scientifically proven benefits of laughter, we need to laugh continuously for at least 10 to 15 minutes. To reap the health benefits of laughter, laughter has to be loud and deep, coming from the diaphragm. Natural laughter that courses through our life depends on many reasons and conditions, but there are not many reasons which make us laugh.

Dr Madan Kataria, a medical doctor from Mumbai, is the founder of Laughter Yoga Clubs movement. Started with just five people in a public park in Mumbai in 1995, it has grown into a worldwide movement of thousands of laughter clubs in more than 65 countries.

The most frequently asked question is, “How do you laugh when you are in no mood to laugh or you don’t have any reason to laugh?” The answer is quite simple. Motion creates emotion, and vice versa.

Did you know that we can actually learn to laugh? Our body and mind can be trained to laugh at will. It’s like learning to ride a bicycle. It’s like muscle memory; once you learn it, you never forget it.

The most important factor in Laughter Clubs is the willingness of the participants to laugh. The members laugh voluntarily, with full commitment. All you need to do is to give yourself permission to laugh – and nobody can stop you.

Laughter Yoga goes beyond just laughing. It not only fosters a feeling of physical well being, it enhances the spirit and touches the emotional core. It cultivates positive thinking and promotes understanding. Laughter Yoga gives participants the opportunity to actively enhance the lives of others.

Even when one exhales completely, there is some amount of air left in the lungs, called residual air. During inhalation we breathe in 500 to 700 ml of air and almost the same amount is exhaled. This 500-700ml constitutes only 25% of our lung capacity. But there is a huge volume of residual stale air in our lungs that has more carbon dioxide.

Both laughter and yogic breathing exercises are intended to stimulate the movement of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles which helps to activate the parasympathetic system – the calming branch of the autonomic nervous system. This is opposite to the sympathetic system – the stress arousal system. One can turn off the stress arousal system by simply learning to move the diaphragm.

Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate said,”Deep breathing techniques increase oxygen to the cells and are the most important factors in living a disease-free and energetic life. When cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not and cannot occur.”

Laughter Yoga goes beyond laughter and physical wellbeing. It enhances the inner spirit and makes people change for the better. Unconditional laughter connects people from different cultures, countries, no matter what language they speak or how they live.

In Laughter Clubs, we have different styles of belly laughter that exercise the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm simultaneously. Scientists have referred to laughter as internal jogging. Regular laughter exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and gives a constant massage.

Laughing promotes a healthy heart. In a good bout of laughter, there is a dilation of blood vessels all over the body. We’ve all seen or experienced this as a flushed appearance and feeling of warmth. Pulse rate and blood pressure rise as the circulatory system is stimulated before settling down, below the original levels. In a nutshell, laughter helps tone the circulatory system of the body.

Laughter and breathing exercises help to increase the breathing capacity of the lungs and increase the net supply of oxygen to the body. Laughter sessions, along with deep breathing, are like chest physiotherapy – especially for those who smoke and suffer from bronchitis and respiratory airway obstruction.

The foremost benefit of laughing is that one remains cheerful throughout the day. This sense of wellbeing comes from the release of feel good hormones called endorphins. One also develops the ability to laugh at small things. Laughter Yoga helps to develop sense of humour and bring more childlike playfulness.

According to Dr William Fry, 10 minutes of hearty laughter is equal to 30 minutes on the rowing machine. This is in respect of cardiopulmonary endurance. Laughter Yoga is ideally suited for busy professionals who have very little time to exercise. 20 minutes of Laughter Yoga can give you similar results as those of going to gym for one hour.

Stress is the number one killer today, and most illnesses are stress related. Laughter Yoga is an instant stress buster which takes care of physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously. It has been scientifically proven that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine and enhances positive emotions.

The practice of using unconditional laughter to prepare for stressful events is known as Laughter Boosting and is gaining popularity with speakers, actors and other performers to prepare themselves for presentations to audiences of all sizes.

Laughter Yoga has proved to be very effective as a personal development tool. It enhances mental skills and abilities that help a person to improve their performance in every sphere of life. It is a powerful means for self confidence as it helps to overcome inhibition and shyness and eases out awkwardness.

Laughter has an infinite potential to enhance right brain functionality, which is the seat of creativity, intuition, imagination, inventions, music, art, meditation and healing. Laughter is an excellent exercise for toning facial muscles and improving expressions. Laughter enhances communication skills and cultivates positive emotions.

A weak immune system is a major cause for almost all sickness and ill health. Laughter boosts immune system. Oxygen is one of the primary catalysts for all metabolic reactions in the human body. Ongoing scientific studies show that lack of oxygen is the major cause of most diseases. Laughter Yoga flushes the lungs and fully oxygenates the blood and major organs leaving one bursting with energy and vitality and free from disease.

Scientific studies have proved that a few days of laughter exercises and deep breathing lowers blood pressure thus reducing the risk of a heart attack. Having too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to the hardening and narrowing of the arteries in the major vascular systems. A daily dose of laughter opens the arteries and allows the blood to flow freely to all parts of the body thus preventing a cardiac failure.

Diabetes is emerging as a major health hazard worldwide. Japanese scientist Murakami’s experiment to ascertain the effect of laughter on the blood sugar levels has affirmed that laughter has a lowering impact on blood sugar. Murakami indentified 23 genes that can be activated with laughter. In addition, it also reduces the stress hormone cortisol responsible for increase in sugar levels and stabilizes the immune system, which if weakened, can affect the production of insulin in the pancreas.

Laughter has a profound positive impact on allergies, with many practitioners reporting complete disappearance of all symptoms of asthma, skin and other allergies. Though not an intervention for countering physical causes of allergies; Laughter Yoga is a definite tool to remedy stress. It helps to reduce the risk factors by boosting the immune system, encouraging deep breathing and flushing the lungs of stale air and generating a feeling of wellness.

Those suffering from life threatening diseases not only go through physical pain; they also face immense psychological trauma. Not just the patient, but family, friends and care givers all need positive reinforcement. Having a positive mental attitude greatly influences the course of the disease. We have had many members suffering from cancer, immune disorders, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases who have reported relief from their symptoms, thereby reducing their medications.

Depression is often associated with physical pain, feelings of despair, loss of appetite, immobility, insomnia and other cardiovascular problems. Practicing Laughter Yoga regularly helps to resolve most of these ailments as it is one of the fastest ways of boosting heart rate, reducing blood pressure, providing an excellent cardio workout and alleviating pain. Extended hearty laughter is a body exercise with powerful body-mind healing effects.

The combination of natural pain killers with movements in laughter exercises makes Laughter Yoga a powerful tool for physiotherapy. Many practitioners have reported reversal of frozen shoulder and other movement limitations due to stroke, arthritis, and injury. Endorphins released as a result of laughter help in reducing the intensity of pain in those suffering from arthritis, spondylitis and muscular spasms of the body.

Members of Laughter Clubs are engaged as active and interactive participants, and not as passive audience being entertained. It has been proved that people who actively participate in any humour and laughter activity get more benefits, than those who inertly receive humour and laughter. The source of laughter is within the body, and one can generate laughter with conscious effort and commitment, anytime he or she wants to.

Laughter exercises are short and easy and can be added to your existing fitness programme. It can be a value addition to Yoga groups, Tai-Chi groups, aerobic centres, meditation centres, health clubs, sports and fun activities.

The whole world is an extended family. Let us join through Love and Laughter.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Touching human lives with laughter ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Touching human lives with laughter ☆

During the last hundred days, we (Radhika, my wife, and me) have laughed with more than a thousand people. It has really been a life changing experience! We are now proud to have a life skill with us with which we can connect to any group of people anywhere, anytime and make them laugh unconditionally. We feel cheerful throughout the day. The life is full of joy. We have converted our bodies into factories that utilize oxygen from the atmosphere, rejuvenate each and every cell of our system and manufacture feel good endorphins. We are as healthy and energetic as one can be, touch wood, and have not taken any medication since we turned Laughter Yogis. We feel deeply fulfilled as we are instruments of happiness and health for others and are able to touch their lives with a new joyous way of life. Our lives now have a meaning and a mission – to make others happy and healthy!

I had my tryst with Laughter Yoga one fine morning in Mumbai, more than a decade ago. Dr Madan Kataria and Madhuri Kataria, the founders of laughter yoga, were leading a laughter session in Lokhandwala park. The experience was simply out of the world! I had to wait for more than a decade after that. In the month of October this year, Radhika and myself, along with more than 20 laughter professors from all over the globe, were baptised by Dr Kataria himself at Bengaluru.We have never looked back after that..

We run two laughter clubs – the Suniket Laughter Club and Laughter Club of State Bank Learning Centre, Indore – regularly. Here are some experiences shared by the members..

Let us begin with ourselves. The pain in my knee joints is a thing of the past. I get up early in the morning every day and work till late in the night without any feeling of fatigue. Radhika doesn’t need her blood pressure pills any more and her frequents bouts of sinusitis have simply disappeared.

Many among a group of newly promoted bank officers felt nervous to face the audience in their public speaking sessions. They were asked to join laughter yoga sessions, after which they shed all their inhibitions, and gathered the courage to speak freely.

Another group was required to appear for a tough test for promotion to the next cadre. They felt tired at the day end and had no energy left to study. Those who attended laughter exercises in the morning not only improved their attention span in classes but could also study for a couple of hours more in the evenings.

An elderly businessman felt severe pain in his neck which travelled across his shoulders and back. The pain was acute and disabling. After he joined our laughter club, the pain is gone. He has developed a regular habit of getting up and going for morning walk. His wife tells us that he seldom laughed earlier and never mixed socially with people. She is pleasantly surprised at the transformation.

An income tax officer, who has retired recently, has shared that his lungs are fully cleared after the laughter session and the feeling of freshness lingers throughout the day. We get feedback of feelings of well being, energy and health on a continual basis from our member friends.

We were also invited to conduct a laughter therapy session for about 80 persons in a camp organized recently by the National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune at the Naturopathy and Yoga Research Centre, Indore. The response was overwhelming. They found such great value in this alternate therapy that they decided to honour us on the spot after going through our session. The standing ovation, with chants of Very Good Very Good Yay, lasted for more than ten minutes..

We look forward to touch many lives with joy and bliss.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga – The Best Ice-Breaker For Seminars And Workshops☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga – The Best Ice-Breaker For Seminars And Workshops☆

I have been a behavioural science faculty for a pretty long time now. It is a practice to begin all training programmes, seminars and workshops with a short ice-breaking session. There are numerous ways of de-freezing the participants who come from varied backgrounds and are usually a little tense and anxious before the start of the programme.

Earlier, I tried many different ways of making the participants comfortable and relaxed. Then, I watched Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter

Yoga movement world-wide, conducting some laughter yoga exercises in the open at the Lokhandwala Park, Mumbai more than a decade ago. It was a ‘eureka’ moment for me. I had found the ultimate ice-breaker. I just had to muster courage to try it.

First, I tried to use Laughter Yoga as an ice-breaker in the training programmes conducted for the employees of the State Bank of India. Especially, I remember distinctly the spark of fun in the eyes of marketing executives of the Bank when they repeatedly enjoyed milk shake laughter exercise. Laughter Yoga gradually became a regular feature for ice-breaking and I enjoyed doing it for batches after batches week after week.

Recently, I was invited, along with my wife Radhika, to conduct a brief wellness break for safety, health and environmental heads of Nestle who had come to Goa (India) for a week long workshop from various countries in the Asia-Oceania-Africa region, Their top bosses from Vevey, Switzerland were also present. Laughter Yoga was an instant hit with them and they continued to relish it all through the span of the workshop. All the barriers melted in no time.

The Director of State Bank Foundation Institute (Chetana), Indore, India confided recently – I don’t know exactly what you do with the participants but after the laughter session they are quite warm, relaxed and non-fussy. The entire atmosphere changes in the campus. Please keep up the good work.

I can now confidently say that a ten minute ice-breaker consisting of clapping, chanting, child-like playfulness and a few laughter exercises like greeting laughter, milk-shake laughter and hearty laughter can do wonders for any corporate training programme or any sort of seminar or workshop. It works without fail with all groups under all circumstances. The road becomes smooth after that and it is ‘Very Good Very Good Yay’ all the way after that..


Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]


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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga Exchange Programme ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga Exchange Programme ☆Jagat Singh Bisht

Carolyn Laughalot and Desmond Nicholson, Laughter Yoga Leaders from Eltham Laughter Club, Melbourne, Australia visited Suniket Laughter Club and Laughter Club of State Bank Learning Centre, Indore, India under the exchange programme of Laughter Yoga International Clubs. They also giggled with the school girls of Sarada Ramakrishna School, Indore and laughed with their teachers.

It was an enriching experience for the members of these clubs in Indore as Carolyn and Desmond enthralled them with the Victorian flavour of Laughter Yoga, especially Giggle and Wriggle, New Zealand Rugby Hakka Laughter and Donkey Laughter.

Carolyn and Desmond were guests of Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, at Bangalore. They stayed with us at Indore and we had deep discussions till late in the night on the inner spirit of laughter, new laughter exercises and the manner in which we conduct laughter sessions.

While we appreciated their fusion of energy healing and dance with Laughter Yoga, they loved Follow-the-Leader and Singing+Dancing+Playing+Laughing=Joy incorporated in our laughter sessions. While switching between laughter, they used Hoho Hahaha and deep breathing; whereas in our clubs we use Very Good Very Good Yay more often. They loved Cricket Laughter exercise created in our club and Desmond added a piece to it.

I prepared Indian Chai (Tea) for them every morning while my wife Radhika, who is also a Laughter Teacher, cooked Poha (Rice flakes) for them in the Indorean style which they relished. My mother, who is almost 80 years old, usually doesn’t prefer to move out of house, accompanied us for an excursion to nearby Maheshwar and Mandu, which are places of great historical value, as she felt that it would be too long a day without her new found daughter Carolyn. I had long, leisurely strolls with Desmond, who has a great sense of humour, in the evenings and talked about everything from Cricket to Kashmir and Australian grapes to Indian wine.

We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Madan Kataria who arranged this exchange and would like to share that these exchanges are really great experiences. The Times of India, The Hindustan Times and the local Hindi papers gave a wide coverage to this exchange programme which has been encouraging for the laughter lovers in this part of the country.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]


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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga – Compelling Purpose ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga – Compelling Purpose ☆

Anurag, my son, is pursuing masters in business administration at the Auckland University Of Technology, New Zealand. He loves sports more than study. Sometimes, when a sport enters the study arena, he gets intensely involved in study too!

During the course of learning about high performance teams (HPT), they are required to go out every week in the water and improve rowing skills collectively without the fear of drowning. This way they are taught not only the management skills that are required in the workplace but with the help of the rowing club they imbibe a practical aspect to it which amplifies their learning ability.

The compelling purpose of their team is to become a legend so that they create a benchmark which will be referred to henceforth to all upcoming HPT classes. According to management experts, compelling purpose is the driving force that pushes athletes beyond limitations, enables social worker to work for betterment of society beyond their own needs and make a soldier to protect others by endangering their life.

I was more than pleasantly surprised when I discovered this mention in his assignment paper on the subject:

“My mom is a housewife and dad is working with the national bank since last 34 years. Three years back they decided to learn and teach laughter yoga. Since then my parents have not only learnt and further developed this art, but have also spread love and laughter to school children, elderly homes and organisations. Being laughter yoga teachers since last three years, I am constantly amazed by enthusiasm and effort they have put in this field of their passion along with their daily lifestyle. Since beginning their fundamental purpose was to touch human lives by the power of love and laughter which enabled them to meet and greet people from different age group, religion and nationalities. These consequential factors were clearly based on a commitment to spread their knowledge without any profit motive and provided good health and wellbeing as an end result. After earning the certificate of teaching this art, their biggest challenge was to develop an environment which encourages people to join and become a part of their journey. Identifying the opportunities in local area was the first step which enabled my parents to not only spread but develop individuals who can be potential front runners to further spread the knowledge. With the right balance of challenge and clarity they have developed a network which has now crossed Indian borders. And with a clear compelling purpose I am confident that they will make their dream of travelling the world come true by the journey of laughter.”

What better testimonial can one expect? I shall cherish and keep it as a treasure all my life!

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Footprints of Laughter Yoga in my native village ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Footprints of Laughter Yoga in my native village ☆

We (Radhika and me) are just back from a short vacation to our native village Naula in the Uttarakhand hills of India. To reach our place, one has to pass through the famous Corbett National Park. It is named after a British Jungle enthusiast, Jim Corbett, who penned ‘The Man Eaters of Kumaon’.

There is a small school, named Shikhar Public School, in the village. My nephew, Bittu, studies there. We visited the school and explained the concept and benefits of Laughter Yoga to the Principal and teachers. Instantly, a laughter yoga session was arranged for the kids. Some of them were very young, just three or four years old in the Nursery class, and the older ones were about twelve years old in their Eighth standard.

We started the session as usual with clapping and chanting. There were guffaws all around as they chanted ‘Hoho Hahaha’ and moved around. They relished Milkshake Laughter, may be because it was close to lunch time. Radhika did the Laughter Zoo with them comprising of various laughters from the animal kingdom like Lion, Elephant, Kangaroo, Penguin, Bird and Monkey Laughter. It touched the core of their hearts and they yearned for more laughter as they had never imagined of such variety in laughter. We did Age Laughter and Swinging Laughter.

Then, we realized that the sun was straight over our heads and it had got somewhat hot. We tried to wrap up but the kids wanted more. So, we decided to come back to the school again in the evening.

To our utter surprise, all the kids were there in the evening. We did a quick recap of the warm-up steps and some laughter exercises. Then we played the games ‘Follow the Leader’ and ‘Pizza Pasta’ with them. They were simply delighted.

By this time, a word had spread in the village that children in the school were having some real fun. When we looked around towards the end, the entire school was surrounded by spectators from the village who were shouting in chorus ‘Very Good Very Good Yay’.

It was quite a fulfilling experience as kids there don’t have equipments to play any games and this could be very handy. Some of the villagers expressed that well meaning citizens like us should regularly visit the remote village to encourage and guide the local kids.

Last night, I telephoned my mother to tell her that we have reached back Indore safely. She seemed very happy and said, “Radhika and you have left permanent footprints in the village. The chants of ‘Very good Very Good Yay’ by the kids can be heard anytime, anywhere in the neighbourhood. Now, you are not away. You are always right here!”

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga in Gandhi Ashram for Girls ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga in Gandhi Ashram for School Girls☆

I feel proud to share with you this out-of-the-world experience we had with school girls and their mentors in Gandhi Ashram. We (Radhika and me) have been blessed with several fulfilling experiences in the journey of Laughter Yoga but this one simply astounded us. We could never have even dreamed of such ecstasy and inner fruits. Our sincere gratitude to the God Almighty for blessing us with this Heavenly experience and hats off to Giggle Guru, Dr Madan Kataria, who propounded such a profound concept which has enabled us to serve humanity in such a wonderful manner.

We recently visited Kausani at the foothills of Himalayas in north India. It is one of the most picturesque and tranquil places we have ever been to. Mahatma Gandhi called it the Switzerland of India. He complied the Gujarati translation ‘Anasakti Yoga’ of the Bhagavad Geeta while staying at an ashram, now named as Anasakti Ashram, here.

Sarla Ben, fondly remembered as Gandhi’s British daughter, established Lakshmi Ashram here in 1946. It was set up as a basic education program where girls would receive academic education along Gandhian lines and get trained to become social activists. So that they would in turn, work to become self reliant to uplift their village sisters of remote Uttarakhand.

Most of the students at the ashram today are from poor, rural families. Others are from particularly remote villages where access to post primary school is still s problem, especially for girls. Most of them come from small, off-road villages and relatively uneducated families. The school considers it very important that everone at the ashram lives and works together irrespective of caste and other social differences.

We reached the ashram, after a steep climb, in the afternoon. Two little girls guided us to Kanti Didi, affectionately called Odee by all in the ashram, a devoted Gandhian and in-charge of the school activities. She was very warm and loving and bonded with us in no time. We told her about Laughter Yoga and she could see the deep value hidden in it for her school girls.

Odee summoned a girl and asked her to ring the ashram bell. All the girls assembled in a jiffy and were told to proceed to the Shanti Bhavan, their community hall for prayers and cultural activities. In her simple, yet sincere and effective way, Odee announced that we had something valuable to share with them and everyone should pay apt attention.

There were about 60-70 lovely, little girls there. We told them how much we loved children and how sweet each one of them was. Then, we explained the concept of Laughter Yoga in a simple manner very briefly. A laughter session followed after that. Oh, what an amazing session it was! We had never experienced anything like that before. It was joy, cheers and energy all around. Odee, probably in her seventies, was as ecstatic as the kids. The session lasted for one and a half hours! Pure joy, nothing else. Towards the end, everyone was lying down, facing upwards, meditating laughingly as if in a trance.

They offered us Kaadha, a drink prepared from a concoction of Himalayan herbs, and requested us to stay back for the evening play time with the girls. We felt happy and privileged and obliged readily.

In the evening, we went to a lush green play field, surrounded by beautiful trees, and all the girls, clutching our hands tightly with heartfelt affection, took us many years back, right into our own childhood days. We ran and played with them like mad kids. First, we formed a laughter train and ran around the entire field and then marched like soldiers with loud shouts of hoho haha. Towards the end, we performed a laughter orchestra. We had slipped into super consciousness!

All the girls are richly talented in their own way – some are super atheletes, some good at games and almost everyone can sing and dance well. We are sure that many of them can compete at the national level with a bit of coaching and opportunity. Everyone of them is a wonderful soul.

There were some volunteers with us there: Michelle (from Denmark), Alexandra (U.K.), Leo (Germany), David (U.K.), Pramila (Italy) and Uma (Hyderabad). It was an awesome evening.

By now, we were like a family and the girls wouldn’t let us go back. We promised that we would come back the next day, stay and laugh whole day and have lunch with them. And, we did.

We were there with them on the next evening also and joined them for their evening prayers in Gandhian manner. Thereafter, they arranged an impromptu cultural evening and farewell for us. It was singing+dancing+playing+laughter=joy all the way.What terrific talent those girls possess! Unbelievable. It was a marvelous night brimming with emotions. By now, we were all theirs and they were all ours. We would be going there again and again. It is a home for us now.

Next time, when we go there, we are going to stay at the ashram itself. Odee has been benevolent to accept us as their family members. The girls surrounded us and held our hands with so much warmth that Radhika had tears in her eyes. It was really difficult to depart. Two girls, with torches, came down the hills to escort us back to our hotel in the pitch darkness of the mountain slopes.

As we were preparing to leave Kausani with a heavy heart early in the morning, we saw Odee knocking at our hotel room door to bid adieu. How thoughtful of her! She assured us that they will do Laughter Yoga regularly in their ashram and they find immense value in it and appreciate the philosophy underlying it. Had it not been for Laughter Yoga, we would never have had such a soul stirring experience ever!

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga has made me a better human being ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga has made me a better human being ☆

Laughter Yoga has made me a better human being in many respects. I can now relate to people more warmly and add some joy to their lives. The hesitation has gone. I look forward to meeting and greeting people. The people also sense my inner warmth and respond smilingly. My inter-personal skills have improved tremendously.

As a person, I have matured and mellowed to a great extent. Just as Sachin Tendulkar seems to have all the time in the world to play his cricketing shots, I find more time to respond to a situation and the quality of response has certainly improved. All the stress and tension is gone. There is a feeling of tranquility and trust that things will go right. There are no worries and unnecessary apprehensions. I have gained the confidence that I can handle things smoothly. I feel more relaxed.

I find a greater meaning in my life. I add value and joy to the lives of scores of human beings with each sunrise and feel fulfilled in my heart as the sun sets. There is a mission to which I am devoted whole-heartedly and feel rewarded in my pursuit. It is a great experience touching the lives of young children and the elderly people. There can be nothing more satisfying.

In my journey of Laughter Yoga, I have come close to several people and institutions and realized that I can contribute a lot. I have become a more understanding and compassionate human being, inclined to acts that usher sunshine into dark areas. I am able to see more clearly what needs to be done for the under-privileged and find myself in a position to do something about it.

I am a trainer and facilitator at my workplace. Now, I can walk into any class and break the ice spontaneously. I can have heart-to-heart talks, full of intimacy, and impart lessons of authentic happiness in a subtle, yet effective, manner. I can lead any group to joyful singing, dancing, laughter and play whenever required to enhance their training experience. I have something in my armoury to give it to them which will have a lot of back-home utility in enriching their lives and the lives of their near and dear ones.

I spread the message of health, happiness and peace wherever I go. I make it a point to meet as many people as possible and laugh with them. I prefer to spend more and more quality time with human beings rather than indulging in fleeting, worldly pleasures. The entire focus of my life has shifted to contributing my bit for the good of human beings.

I have become more caring and loving for those around me. I communicate better, feel fearless and more effective. Laughter Yoga is gradually transforming me to a better and better human being everyday.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga and Diabetes ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga and Diabetes ☆

November 14 is observed as World Diabetes Day to spread awareness about the silent killer.

Diabetes is emerging as a major health hazard worldwide. In India, the situation is grimmer as diabetes is often coupled with hypertension and cardiac problems which make it deadly.

Japanese scientist Murakami conducted several experiments over a period of time to ascertain the effect of laughter on blood sugar levels. He reached the conclusion that laughter has a definite lowering impact on blood sugar. During the course of his research, he found that 23 genes are activated with vigorous laughter. Often the production of insulin in the pancreas is affected due to poor immune system in diabetic patients. Laughter yoga strengthens and stabilizes immune system. Laughter also reduces the stress hormone cortisol responsible for increase in blood sugar level.

Vishwamohan, a member of a laughter club in Vijaywada suffered from chronic diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, high blood pressure and cardiac problems for a long time. His pain was never ending until he joined laughter club after which he gradually started feeling good. He now celebrates the day he joined laughter club as his birthday. Aruna Kalway and D C Rathi, members of my laughter club suffered from diabetes. I am happy they are now out of it and need no medication.

Laughter Yoga does help in diabetes. If you are not able to make it to the park and join a laughter club, you can now laugh from the cozy comfort of your home or on the move on your cell phone by connecting to Skype Laughter Club and laughing with people from all over the world.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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