योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल – Talk on Happiness – V ☆ Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to be happier in life! – Video # 5 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Talk on Happiness – V ☆ 

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to be happier in life!
Video Link >>>>

Talk on Happiness: VIDEO #3



What determines happiness?

50% of our happiness is determined by genetically determined set point. 10% depends on our life circumstances. The remaining 40% is under our voluntary control – how we think and what we do.

The real keys to happiness:

Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment.

Positive emotion:

Positive emotion can be about the past, the present, or the future. The positive emotions about the future include optimism, hope, faith and trust. Those about the present include joy, ecstasy, calm, zest, ebullience, pleasure, and (most importantly) flow; these emotions are what most people usually mean when they casually – but much too narrowly – talk about “happiness”. The positive emotions about the past include satisfaction, contentment, fulfilment, pride, and serenity.

These three senses of emotion are different and are not tightly linked. It is possible to be proud and satisfied about the past, but to be sour in the present and pessimistic about the future. It is desirable to be happy in all the three senses – satisfaction about the past, optimism about the future and happiness in the future. You can move your emotions in a positive direction by learning about the three kinds of happiness (past, present, future).




The Gratitude Visit exercise:

Close your eyes. Call up the face of one important person from your past who has made a major positive difference in your life and to whom you have never fully expressed your thanks. Got a face?

Write a testimonial just long enough to cover one laminated page. Take your time composing this.

Invite that person to your home, or travel to that person’s home. It is important that you do this face to face, not just in writing or on the phone. Do not tell the person the purpose of the visit in advance; a simple “I just want to see you” will suffice.

When all settles down, read your testimonial slowly, with expression, and with eye contact. Then let the other person react unhurriedly. Reminisce together about the concrete events that make this person so important to you.



Gratitude can make your life happier and more satisfying. This exercise helps you increase joy, happiness and life satisfaction.

Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness, says that the expression of gratitude is a kind of meta strategy for achieving happiness. Grateful thinking promotes the savouring of positive life experiences. Gratitude can help people cope with stress and trauma. It helps build social bonds. The practice of gratitude is incompatible with negative emotions and may actually diminish or deter such feelings as anger, bitterness and greed.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to be happier in life!

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Talk on Happiness – IV जीवन में स्थायी रूप से आनंदित कैसे रहें ? – Video # 4 ☆ जगत सिंह बिष्ट

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Talk on Happiness – IV ☆ 

जीवन में स्थायी रूप से आनंदित कैसे रहें ? इस प्रश्न का विज्ञान सम्मत उत्तर इस वीडियो में दिया गया है।

Video Link >>>>

Talk on Happiness: VIDEO #3


आनंद के आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार, हमारे जीवन में आनंद तीन बातों पर निर्भर करता है :

  • सेट पॉइंट या निर्दिष्ट बिंदु
  • जीवन की परिस्थितियां
  • हमारी ऐच्छिक गतिविधियां

इस वीडियो में इन तीनों कारकों की व्याख्या की गयी है जिसके बाद जीवन में स्थायी रूप से आनंदित रहने का उपाय आप जान जायेंगे।

जीवन में स्थायी रूप से आनंदित कैसे रहें ?

– जगत सिंह बिष्ट

What determines HAPPINESS?


This video provides you answers to these questions based on POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY – the modern Science of Happiness.

According to Positive Psychologists, the enduring level of happiness that you experience is determined by three factors: your biological set point, the conditions of your life, and the voluntary activities you do.

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Talk on Happiness – III : Creating your Happiness: Positive Psychology Exercises that work: What-went-well Exercise – Video # 3 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Talk on Happiness – III ☆ 

Positive Psychologists have chosen evidence-based happiness-increasing strategies whose practice is supported by scientific research. One such activity is described here.

Video Link >>>>

Talk on Happiness: VIDEO #3

Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.
Action may not always bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.
Positive Psychologists have chosen only evidence-based happiness-increasing strategies whose practice is supported by scientific research.

“Every night, for the next week, set aside 10 minutes before you go to sleep.

You may use a journal or your computer to write about the events, but it is important that you have a physical record of what you wrote.”
Martin Seligman/ FLOURISH


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Talk on Happiness – II : आनंदमय जीवन के वैज्ञानिक सूत्र: खुशहाली की ओर पहला कदम: – Video # 2 ☆ जगत सिंह बिष्ट

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Talk on Happiness – II ☆ 

इस वीडियो में है आनंद की विज्ञान सम्मत व्याख्या और खुशहाली की राह की ओर इशारा..

Video Link >>>>

Talk on Happiness: VIDEO #2

आनंद का वैज्ञानिक आधार क्या है?

आनंद के आधुनिक विज्ञान (The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology) के अनुसार, आनंद के पांच तत्त्व हैं:

The Five Elements of Happiness:
Positive Emotion
Engagement or flow

सरल हिंदी में इन्हें कह सकते हैं:
सुखद अनुभूति
किसी काम में गहरे डूब जाना
आत्मिक सम्बन्ध
जीवन का अर्थ या मायने

इस वीडियो में इन तत्वों की व्याख्या की गयी है, इन्हें समझाया गया है। इन्हें समझने के बाद आप अपने आनंद को और विस्तृत कर सकते हैं और खुशहाली की ओर अपने कदम बढ़ा सकते हैं।

आनंदमय जीवन के वैज्ञानिक सूत्र:
खुशहाली की ओर पहला कदम:

– जगत सिंह बिष्ट

The Five Elements of Well-Being:

Happiness is a thing and well-being is a construct. The five elements of well-being are positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.

Positive Emotion: Positive Emotion includes the feelings of joy, excitement, contentment, hope and warmth. There may be positive emotions relating to the past, present or future.

Engagement: Engagement denotes deep involvement in a task or activity. One does not experience the passing of time. One experiences flow in sports, music and singing but one may also experience it in work, reading a book or in a good conversation.
Relationships: We feel happy when we are among family and friends. The quality and depth of relationships in one’s life make it rich.

Meaning: It’s connecting to something larger than life.
Accomplishment: One strives for achievements in life as a source of happiness.

Each of these elements contributes to well-being. The good news is that each one of the above may be cultivated and developed to enhance level of well-being.

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Talk on Happiness – I : Recipe for Happiness – Video # 1 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Talk on Happiness – I ☆ 

A Short and simple video that gives you the recipe for happiness.

Video Link >>>>

Talk on Happiness: VIDEO #1

When asked for his recipe for happiness, Sigmund Freud gave a very short and sensible answer: “Work and love.”

Studies on flow have demonstrated repeatedly that more than anything else, the quality of life depends on two factors: how we experience work, and our relations with other people.

Engagement, or flow, is one of the strongest pillars around which Positive Psychology is built. Here, one is fully in the present, immersed in something worthwhile.

Flow is a state of joy, creativity and total involvement, in which problems seem to disappear and there is an exhilarating feeling of transcendence.

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is what we feel when we are fully alive, involved with what we do, and in harmony with the environment around us.

It is something that happens most easily when we sing, dance, do sports – but it can happen when we work, read a good book, or have a good conversation.

When asked for his recipe for happiness, Sigmund Freud gave a very short and sensible answer: “Work and love.”

Most people spend the largest part of their lives working and interacting with others, especially with members of their families. Therefore, it is crucial that one can learn to transform job into flow-producing activities, and to think of making relations with parents, spouses, children, and friends more enjoyable.

Studies on flow have demonstrated repeatedly that more than anything else, the quality of life depends on two factors: how we experience work, and our relations with other people.

It is true that if one finds flow in work, and in relations with other people, one is well on the way toward improving the quality of life as a whole.

We each have the potential to experience flow, whether at work, at play or in our relationships.

One thing I can say for sure – flow brings true happiness! The experience becomes its own reward.

– Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi / Flow

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ ध्यान विधि विपश्यना के महान साधक – आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका ☆ प्रस्तुति – श्री जगत सिंह बिष्ट

आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका

(हम इस आलेख के लिए श्री जगत सिंह बिष्ट जी, योगाचार्य एवं प्रेरक वक्ता योग साधना / LifeSkills  इंदौर के ह्रदय से आभारी हैं, जिन्होंने हमारे प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए ध्यान विधि विपश्यना के महान साधक – आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका जी के महान कार्यों से अवगत करने में  सहायता की है।) 

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  ध्यान विधि विपश्यना के महान साधक – आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका ☆ 

आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका  ने बुद्ध की ध्यान विधि विपश्यना को शुद्धतम रूप में सारे विश्व में पहुँचाया. उनके इस अमूल्य योगदान के लिए सम्पूर्ण मानवता उनकी हमेशा ऋणी रहेगी.

विपश्यना बुद्ध द्वारा सिखाई गयी ध्यान की महत्वपूर्ण विधि है. बुद्ध के परिनिर्वाण के पश्चात ५०० वर्ष तक उनकी वाणी और प्रयोगात्मक शिक्षा विपश्यना शुद्ध रूप में कायम रही. उसके बाद धीरे-धीरे वह क्षीण होते होते भारत से पूर्णत: लुप्त हो गयी. बाहर के कुछ देशों में बुद्ध की केवल वाणी कायम रही. लेकिन विपश्यना विद्या केवल बर्मा (अब म्यान्मार) में बहुत थोड़े से लोगों में कायम रखी गयी.

आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका  का जन्म बर्मा देश के मांडले शहर में २९ जनवरी १९२४ को  हुआ. उन्होंने कम उम्र में ही अनेक वाणिज्यिक और औद्योगिक संस्थानों की स्थापना की और खूब धन अर्जित किया. वर्ष १९५५ में .गोयनका जी माइग्रेन के सिरदर्द से बहुत दुखी हुए विशेषकर इस दर्द को दूर करने के लिए जो मॉर्फिन के इंजेक्शन  दिए जाते थे उनसे बहुत पीड़ित हुए. तब डॉक्टरों की सलाह पर वे सारे विश्व के बड़े बड़े देशों के प्रसिद्ध डॉक्टरों से इलाज कराने गए लेकिन निराशा ही हाथ लगी. उनके एक मित्र ने सुझाव दिया कि उनका यह असाध्य रोग मन से सम्बंधित है और उन्हें मानसिक शांति के लिए विपश्यना ध्यान करना चाहिए.

सयाजी ऊ बा खिन से .गोयनका जी ने विपश्यना विद्या सीखी और १४ वर्षों तक उनके चरणों में बैठकर अभ्यास करने के साथ बुद्धवाणी का भी अध्ययन किया. १९६९ में वो भारत आये और बम्बई (अब मुंबई) में पहला विपश्यना शिविर एक धर्मशाला में आयोजित किया. इसके बाद देश के अनेक स्थानों पर निरंतर शिविर होते रहे. १९७६ में इगतपुरी में पहला निवासीय विपश्यना केंद्र बना. आज सारे विश्व के ९४ देशों में, ३४१ स्थलों पर, जिनमें से २०२ स्थाई विपश्यना केंद्र हैं, १०-दिवसीय विपश्यना शिविर आयोजित किये जाते हैं. सबका संचालन नि:शुल्क होता है. भोजन, निवास आदि का खर्च शिविर से लाभान्वित साधकों के स्वेच्छा से दिए दान से चलता है.

आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका  ने बुद्ध की ध्यान विधि विपश्यना को शुद्धतम रूप में सारे विश्व में पहुँचाया. आज भी विश्व भर में, १०-दिवसीय विपश्यना शिविर समान रूप से, पूर्ण अनुशासन में, संचालित होते हैं. शिविर में १० दिन तक साधक मौन रहकर एक भिक्षु की तरह शील-सदाचार का पालन करते हैं, ध्यान-समाधि का गहन अभ्यास करते हैं और बुद्ध की वाणी से ज्ञान-प्रज्ञा जागते हैं. इससे बेहतर अध्यात्म की कार्यशाला शायद ही कहीं कोई और हो. १० दिन में मानो पूरा जीवन ही बदल जाता है. उनके इस अमूल्य योगदान के लिए सम्पूर्ण मानवता उनकी हमेशा ऋणी रहेगी. भारत ही नहीं, विश्व भर में विपश्यना साधना निर्बाध रूप से बढती चली जा रही है और करोड़ों मानव-मानवी इससे लाभान्वित हुए हैं. ध्यान की यह विद्या सीखने हर संप्रदाय और हर वर्ग के लाखों लोग प्रतिवर्ष आते हैं.

आचार्यजी का व्यक्तित्व अत्यंत मोहक था. एक साधारण मानवी की वेशभूषा, कोई आडम्बर नहीं. चेहरे पर हमेशा मंद-मंद मुस्कान, साधकों के लिए ह्रदय में गहन करुणा भाव लेकिन बाह्य रूप से पूर्णतः अनुशासन-प्रिय. आवाज़ बहुत बुलंद और गहरा प्रभाव डालने वाली. शिविर के दौरान सायंकालीन प्रवचन रोचक प्रसंगों से भरपूर लेकिन कुलमिलाकर धीर-गंभीर और बुद्ध वाणी का सरल भाषा में निचोड़. वैसे भी वे बहुमुखी प्रतिभा के धनी थे – साहित्यकार, हिंदी-सेवी, समाज सेवक और उद्योगपति.

विपश्यना द्वारा धर्म-सेवा करने के लिए आचार्य सत्य नारायण गोयनका  को अनेकों विशिष्ट अलंकरणों से सम्मानित किया गया. भारत सरकार ने भारत तथा विश्व में सामाजिक सेवाओं के लिए वर्ष २०११ में  गोयनका जी को पद्मभूषण राष्ट्रीय पुरुस्कार से सम्मानित किया. २९ सितम्बर २०१३ को मुंबई में उनका देहावसान हुआ. हमें लगता है कि आज भी कहीं दूर से, अपनी चिर-परिचित मुस्कान और करुणा-भाव से, हम सबको देखते हुए, वो वही आशीर्वचन कहते होंगे जो प्रत्येक संबोधन के उपरांत अपनी असरदार, जादुई वाणी में गायन कर कहते थे – भवतु सब्ब मंगलम! सबका कल्याण हो! सबका मंगल हो!

प्रस्तुति – श्री जगत सिंह बिष्ट

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Our Famentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga

We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Surya Namaskara: SALUTATIONS TO THE SUN – Video # 7 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Surya Namaskara: SALUTATIONS TO THE SUN ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


Surya namaskara is a well-known and vital technique within the yogic repertoire. It is a practice which has been handed down from the sages of vedic times. Surya means ‘sun’ and namaskara means ‘salutation’.

It is a technique of solar vitalization, a series of exercises which recharge us like a battery, enabling us to live more fully and joyfully with dynamism and skill in action.

Surya namaskara is a series of twelve physical postures. These alternate backward and forward bending asanas flex and stretch the spinal column and limbs through their maximum range. The series gives such a profound stretch to the whole body that few other forms of exercise can be compared with it.

It is almost a complete sadhana in itself, containing asana, pranayama and meditational techniques within the main structure of the pracntice. It also has the depth and completeness of a spiritual practice.

Surya namaskara can be easily integrated into our daily lives as it requires only five to fifteen minutes’ practice daily to obtain beneficial results remarkably quickly.


Caution:   This is only a demonstration to facilitate practice of the asanas. It must be supplemented by a thorough study of each of the asanas. Careful attention must be paid to the contra indications in respect of each one of the asanas. It is advisable to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer


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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Rlaxation Asanas – Video # 6 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Rlaxation Asanas ☆ 

Video Link >>>>



SUPTA BADDHAKONASANA (reclining fixed angle pose)

SHASHANKASANA (pose of the moon or hare pose)

BALASANA (child’s pose)

Reference books:

  • ASANA PRANAYAMA MUDRA BANDHA by Swami Satyanada Saraswati

Caution:  This is only a demonstration to facilitate practice of the asanas. It must be supplemented by a thorough study of each of the asanas. Careful attention must be paid to the contra indications in respect of each one of the asanas. It is advisable to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.)


Healing by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…

Artist: http://incompetech.com

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Yoga Asanas: Chandra Namaskara: Salutations to the Moon  – Video #4 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Chandra Namaskara: Salutations to the Moon ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


This posture develops balance and concentration; the breathing pattern becomes more demanding – inhalation, exhalation and breath retention are all prolonged.

The lunar energy flows within ida nadi. It has cool, relaxing and creative qualities.

The word ‘chandra’ means the moon. Just as the moon, having no light of its own, reflects the light of the sun, so the practice of chandra namaskara reflects that of the surya namaskara.

The sequence of the asanas is the same as surya namaskara except that ‘ardha chandrasana’, the half moon pose, is performed after ashwa sanchalanasana.

Also, in ashwa sanchalanasana the left leg is extended back in the first half of the round, activating ida nadi, the lunar force. In the second half of the round, the right leg is extended back.

The inclusion of ardha chandrasana is a significant change. The posture helps develop balance and concentration, adding another dimension to the practice. A further effect is that the breathing pattern becomes more demanding; inhalation, exhalation and breath retention are all prolonged.

The contra indications and other details: same as surya namaskara.

For complete details, please refer:




Caution – This is only a demonstration to facilitate practice of the asanas. It must be supplemented by a thorough study of each of the asanas. Careful attention must be paid to the contra indications in respect of each one of the asanas. It is advisable to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

 Reference book:
ASANA PRANAYAMA MUDRA BANDHA  by Swami Satyananda Saraswati


I Don’t See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/dtv/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Meditation Asanas – Video #3 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Meditation Asanas ☆ 

Video Link >>>>



The main purpose of the meditation asanas is to allow the practitioner to sit for extended periods of time without moving and without discomfort. Only when the body has been steady and still for some time will meditation be experienced.
Deep meditation requires the spinal column to be straight and very few asanas can satisfy this condition. Furthermore, in high stages of meditation the practitioner loses control over the muscle of the body. The meditation asana, therefore, needs to hold the body in steady position without conscious effort.

In this video, we have demonstrated how to get into the following meditation asanas:

SUKHASANA (easy pose)
ARDHA PADMASANA (half lotus pose)
PADMASANA (lotus pose)
SIDDHASANA (accomplished pose for men)
SIDDHA YONI ASANA (accomplished pose for women)
SWASTIKASANA (auspicious pose)
DHYANA VEERASANA (hero’s meditation pose)
SIMHASANA (lion pose)
VAJRASANA (thunderbolt pose)
ANANDA MADIRASANA (intoxicating bliss pose)
PADADHIRASANA (breath balancing pose)
BHADRASANA (gracious pose)


Practice note: A useful suggestion to make the above poses comfortable is to be place a small cushion under the buttocks.

Caution – This is only a demonstration to facilitate practice of the asanas. It must be supplemented by a thorough study of each of the asanas. Careful attention must be paid to the contra indications in respect of each one of the asanas. It is advisable to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

 Reference book:
ASANA PRANAYAMA MUDRA BANDHA  by Swami Satyananda Saraswati


I Don’t See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/dtv/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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