English Literature – Article ☆ Special on the Kargil Vijay Divas ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh, Ex-Director (News) Doordarshan

Shri Ajeet Singh 

(We present an article ‘Special on the Kargil Vijay Divas’ written by Shri Ajeet Singh ji, Ex-Director (News), Doordarshan.)

☆ Special on the Kargil Vijay Divas ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh ☆

The war I reported 24 years ago…

Kargil was largely a deserted town when I entered it for four days to report the Kargil war. I was part of an army conducted media party from Srinagar. The party comprising correspondents  from major media networks had waited for over three weeks in Srinagar to get army permission to move into the battle field.

I was travelling in the DAVP van along the Film Division team. They had stocked sufficient quota of bread, butter, biscuits and rice to cope with the situation of getting stranded in some cut off place in war zone.

I had a satellite phone too beside my taperecorder. 

Crossing the 12000 feet high Zojila, our first halt was a Bofor Guns battery that was pounding the Pakistan army positions across the high hill to provide covering fire to our advancing troops there. That was quite a show for the visual media and the artillery unit obliged them abundantly. We were convinced about the efficacy of the gun that otherwise was mired into allegations of commission in its purchase from Swedan during a previous regime.

Shortly ahead was a briefing by senior army officers about the area and the position of indian army. The Tololing ridge overlooking Drass town had been cleared of the intruders who comprised  of Pakistan army soldiers and militants. 

Some young officers were in high spirits as we talked to them during the lunch hour. I gathered that main focus at that time was on the Tiger Hill that stands tall behind Drass town. Flash lights of bombardment with guided missiles were visible as  we crossed Drass  taking a right turn towards Kargil town.

The narrow road runs along a river and some parts of it are in the firing range of Pakistani troops sitting on high hills on the Kaksar range.

A BSF man stopped our vehicles at a checkpost for some urgent precautions. 

“You are in the firing range of the enemy. Keep a distance of about 100 meters between your vehicles. No lights during darkness. Drive fast and don’t stop even if you are fired upon”.

The last instruction was quite chilling. We saw the wreckage of some vehicles down in the river and that heightened the fear. 

By late evening we reached a hotel in Kargil.  The town had faced daily artillery shelling from across the Line of Control. 

The hotel was a three storied structure, but all media persons wanted the first-floor rooms. By now they had learnt that the top floor could face a direct hit from an artillery shell and if the shell exploded in the hotel compound, its splinters could get into ground floor rooms. 

DC Kargil too was functioning from a nearby hotel as his office was in the firing range.

Most people from Kargil town had been shifted to tents at a safe place some distance away on the Zanskar road. We visited them the next day to listen to their tales of woe. They had abandoned their animals as there was none to look after them in home steads.

Next day we were taken on to the road that leads to the Aryans inhabited five villages along the Indus river. Aryans have features quite different from the majority Ladakhi people.

They support local flowers in their headgears except for the time when there is some mourning in their family.

They usually work as labourers for the Army.

It was an Aryan shepherd who first noticed the armed intruders and informed the Army. A reccy team from the army was ambushed by the Pakistani soldiers. All its members were brutally killed and their highly mutilated bodies were handed over to the Indian Army. This was in clear violation of the international norms. 

We talked to the Aryan people who gave details of Pakistani intruders.

Back into the hotel next evening, the owner cum manager came to my room as I just finished filing my despatch to All India Radio newsroom in New Delhi.  

He said he knew me through my frequent bylines in AIR bulletins till about an year ago. I had functioned as AIR’s Senior Correspondent in Srinagar for over six years before being transferred to Delhi.

We got talking and I found in him an interesting person. 

“Sir, this is not correct that Indian Army didn’t have information regarding Pakistani plans to intrude and capture positions on high hills the following spring. They had full details from their spying agents in Pakistan”.

I interrupted him saying how could he be so sure.

Sir, a letter containing all details of the areas of intrusion was received in October of 1998. It was in Urdu and I was called to the Army Officers Mess to read its contents as they couldn’t read Urdu”, he elaborated.  He sounded some convincing. 

And at one point, he even started sobbing. I tried to console him.

“Sir, Pakistan is not an option for us, the Kargil people. We are Shias and we know what Shias are facing in Pakistan. We have to stay in India only. There is no other home for us. 

“The officer who called me was also drunk. He might not have even properly listened to me as I read the letter”.

He was a bit agitated and somewhat desperate.

I told the matter in confidence to an army officer. He said, ” Letters  from the spies come every year as winter comes and we vacate the higher pickets. These are duly noticed but contents are found highly exaggerated or even totally baseless.  Some of the spies are double agents. You never know if these letters were planted by Pakistan agencies in an effort to extend our resources. It is extremely difficult to man higher pickets during winters.

I didn’t report the story. I couldn’t. On the fourth day, as the press party headed back to Srinagar,

The Army spokesman in New Delhi, Colonel Bikram Singh announced that the Tiger Hill had been recaptured. Col. Bikram Singh was to become the Chief of the Army Staff in due course of time. In between he had a stint in Anantnag as a Brigadier. 

The saga of the recapture of the Tiger Hill was to unfold in weeks and months to come. Sepoy Sanjay Kumar was to be decorated with the highest gallantry award of Param Vir Chakra on the following Republic Day of 2020.

That is the history that would continue to be told every year  every time anyone talks of  how the Kargil war was won by brave indian soldiers defeating the evil designs and machination of a  devious enemy, defeated many times but still not giving up.

© Shri Ajeet Singh 

Shri Ajeet Singh ji is a freelance journalist based at Hisar in Haryana. He retired as Director of News, Doordarshan Hisar in 2006.

Mo. – 9466647037

≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Articles ☆ – “What AI is all about…” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay ☆

Shri Ashish Mulay

 ? – “What AI is all about…” – ? ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

What AI is all about… through my lens – Ashish Mulay

Everybody’s talking AI these days. but not about the core impact of it… Talks on tables, restaurants and in nerdy chats are mostly of surface level impact of AI…

Like change in jobs, changes in the way we work..etc. But almost 99% missed one point – ‘It will change the way we think’ ..How? Let me explain..

But before that we must understand the basic concept of power and it’s structure..

Let me give you one example:

A soldier kills one person on ground

but he does so on the orders given by his commander..

His commander takes order from the king or the highest authority … Now is the catch.

We might here think that ultimate power lies with king. but no… king does not give orders on his whim.

He gives orders based on what he thinks is the ‘Right thing to do’… or whom should be killed is decided by kings’ definition of ‘who is wrong’…

So, you see, the one who defines the ‘right and wrong’ in the head of king (or in the head of society these days) holds the real power and in a very subtle way controls the world.

Here comes the AI… you might wonder, ’how come?’

Let me explain:

What most people do on internet?

they ‘ask.’


what’s the average salary of project manager?

what’s the meaning of yoga, God and all divine stuff?

is it right to have sex before marriage?

is it right to be in particular relationship?

how is life in Bangalore?

what’s the meaning of love and life?

iphone vs android what’s better?

show me photos of riots.

search real photo of hanuman.

and so on….

What they are actually looking for is the confirmation for their definition of right or wrong. Today they are asking to google, which shows them multiple options. BUT

AI will give them definite answer. Try ChatGPT … and when the trend is set. Most of new generation will take decisions based on what AI says. I am not talking of tomorrow but years after tomorrow.

Now you will understand why world billionaires are spending like mad on AI. And why valuations are so high of relatively small AI companies.

Remember, the one who controls the definition controls the world…

In my opinion we need real visionaries and not AI visions for they will never understand our pain… and pain starts beyond the realm of Logic.

Let’s see where it all goes by…

Till then ‘Have a nice day!’ and you know I mean it…


© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Articles – ☆ World Environment Day Special – पर्यावरण दिवस की दस्तक – श्री संजय भरद्वाज ☆ English Version by Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi article 👉 पर्यावरण दिवस की दस्तकpublished today on the eve of World Environment Day.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author  Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज जी की मूल रचना

? पर्यावरण दिवस की दस्तक  –  श्री संजय भरद्वाज ??

(विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस पर श्री संजय भारद्वाज जी की एक प्रासंगिक और विचारणीय रचना साझा कर रहा हूँ। साथ में संलग्न है मेरा एक अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद प्रयास,अहिन्दी भाषियों और विदेशी  समुदाय हेतु – कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी )

लौटती यात्रा पर हूँ। वैसे ये भी भ्रम है, यात्रा लौटती कहाँ है? लौटता है आदमी..और आदमी भी लौट पाता है क्या, ज्यों का त्यों, वैसे का वैसा! खैर सुबह जिस दिशा में यात्रा की थी, अब यू टर्न लेकर वहाँ से घर की ओर चल पड़ा हूँ। देख रहा हूँ रेल की पटरियों और महामार्ग के समानांतर खड़े खेत, खेतों को पाटकर बनाई गई माटी की सड़कें। इन सड़कों पर मुंबई और पुणे जैसे महानगरों और कतिपय मध्यम नगरों से इंवेस्टमेंट के लिए ‘आउटर’ में जगह तलाशते लोग निजी और किराये के वाहनों में घूम रहे हैं। ‘धरती के एजेंटों’ की चाँदी है। बुलडोज़र और जे.सी.बी की घरघराहट के बीच खड़े हैं आतंकित पेड़। रोजाना अपने साथियों का कत्लेआम खुली आँखों से देखने को अभिशप्त पेड़। सुबह पड़ी हल्की फुहारें भी इनके चेहरे पर किसी प्रकार का कोई स्मित नहीं ला पातीं। सुनते हैं जिन स्थानों पर साँप का मांस खाया जाता है, वहाँ मनुष्य का आभास होते ही साँप भाग खड़ा होता है। पेड़ की विवशता कि भाग नहीं सकता सो खड़ा रहता है, जिन्हें छाँव, फूल-फल, लकड़ियाँ दी, उन्हीं के हाथों कटने के लिए।

मृत्यु की पूर्व सूचना आदमी को जड़ कर देती है। वह कुछ भी करना नहीं चाहता, कर ही नहीं पाता। मनुष्य के विपरीत कटनेवाला पेड़ अंतिम क्षण तक प्राणवायु, छाँव और फल दे रहा होता है। डालियाँ छाँटी या काटी जा रही होती हैं तब भी शेष डालियों पर नवसृजन करने के प्रयास में होता है पेड़।

हमारे पूर्वज पेड़ लगाते थे और धरती में श्रम इन्वेस्ट करते थे। हम पेड़ काटते हैं और धरती को माँ कहने के फरेब के बीच शर्म बेचकर ज़मीन की फरोख्त करते हैं। मुझे तो खरीदार, विक्रेता, मध्यस्थ सभी ‘एजेंट’ ही नज़र आते हैं। धरती को खरीदते-बेचते एजेंट। विकास के नाम पर देश जैसे ‘एजेंट हब’ हो गया है!

मन में विचार उठता है कि मनुष्य का विकास और प्रकृति का विनाश पूरक कैसे हो सकते हैं? प्राणवायु देनेवाले पेड़ों के प्राण हरती ‘शेखचिल्ली वृत्ति’ मनुष्य के बढ़ते बुद्ध्यांक (आई.क्यू) के आँकड़ों को हास्यास्पद सिद्ध कर रही है। धूप से बचाती छाँव का विनाश कर एअरकंडिशन के ज़रिए कार्बन उत्सर्जन को बढ़ावा देकर ओज़ोन लेयर में भी छेद कर चुके आदमी  को देखकर विश्व के पागलखाने एक साथ मिलकर अट्टहास कर रहे हैं। ‘विलेज’ को ‘ग्लोबल विलेज’ का सपना बेचनेवाले ‘प्रोटेक्टिव यूरोप’ की आज की तस्वीर और भारत की अस्सी के दशक तक की तस्वीरें लगभग समान हैं। इन तस्वीरों में पेड़ हैं, खेत हैं, हरियाली है, पानी के स्रोत हैं, गाँव हैं। हमारे पास अब सूखे ताल हैं, निरपनिया तलैया हैं, जल के स्रोतों को पाटकर मौत की नींव पर खड़े भवन हैं, गुमशुदा खेत-हरियाली  हैं, चारे के अभाव में मरते पशु और चारे को पैसे में बदलकर चरते मनुष्य हैं।

माना जाता है कि मनुष्य, प्रकृति की प्रिय संतान है। माँ की आँख में सदा संतान का प्रतिबिम्ब दिखता है। अभागी माँ अब संतान की पुतलियों में अपनी हत्या के दृश्य पाकर हताश है।

और हाँ, आज पर्यावरण दिवस है। हम सब एक सुर में सरकार, नेता, बिल्डर, अधिकारी, निष्क्रिय नागरिकों को कोसेंगे। कागज़ पर लम्बे, चौड़े भाषण लिखे जाएँगे, टाइप होंगे और उसके प्रिंट लिए जाएँगे। प्रिंट कमांड देते समय स्क्रीन पर भले पर शब्द उभरें-‘ सेव इन्वायरमेंट। प्रिंट दिस ऑनली इफ नेसेसरी,’ हम प्रिंट निकालेंगे ही। संभव होगा तो कुछ लोगों खास तौर पर मीडिया को देने के लिए इसकी अधिक प्रतियाँ निकालेंगे।

कब तक चलेगा हम सबका ये पाखंड? घड़ा लबालब हो चुका है। इससे पहले कि प्रकृति केदारनाथ के ट्रेलर को लार्ज स्केल सिनेमा में बदले, हमें अपने भीतर बसे नेता, बिल्डर, भ्रष्ट अधिकारी तथा निष्क्रिय नागरिक से छुटकारा पाना होगा।

चलिए इस बार पर्यावरण दिवस पर सेमिनार, चर्चा वगैरह के साथ बेलचा, फावड़ा, कुदाल भी उठाएँ, कुछ पेड़ लगाएँ, कुछ पेड़ बचाएँ। जागरूक हों, जागृति करें। यों निरी लिखत-पढ़त और बौद्धिक जुगाली से भी क्या हासिल होगा?

☆ पर्यावरण दिवस की दस्तक – श्री संजय भरद्वाज ☆

☆  English translation by Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ☆

After a trip, I am on my return journey! But, this too is an illusion, since journey never returns, it’s only the man who returns…! D’you really think man ever returns exactly the same way? No, never!

Anyways… Whatever distance I’ve traversed in a direction since morning, the same is being traversed back after the U-turn… Witnessing the fertile land along the railway track and the highways; and the landfill to make these pathways. The bevy of middlemen roam in private sedans and hired-cars from Mumbai, Pune and some upcoming cities, eyeing to grab the land in the “Outskirts” to make a fresh-killing…! These “Dalals”– the Land-agents,  reap the fat-profits! Land-sharks buying-selling the land!

Between the deafening noise of bulldozers and JCBs are standing these terrorized-trees, cursed to witness the massacres of their friends everyday… Even fresh drizzle this morning fails to uplift their sagging spirits…As the adage goes: Even the snakes desert the place where their meat is eaten…But helpless trees can’t even run away; forcing them to remain rooted  wherever they are…only to be chopped off by those, whom they give shade, fruits and the wood…!

Premonition about the death makes a person freeze like an inanimate object…Innately, he doesn’t want to do anything, infact he cannot as he is rendered incapable… Contrary to mankind, an about-to-be-chopped tree gives life-giving oxygen, flowers & fruits and shade till last moment…Even if being trimmed or chopped off, then also tree tries to give new life through its remaining branches…

Our ancestors used to plant trees and invest their hard labour in the land…

Now, the man shamelessly engages himself in buying-selling-trading the land, while remaining in between  felling the trees and calling it: ‘Mother earth’! I find these buyers, sellers, middlemen, as the “Agents” only… Cruelly buying-selling the mother-earth! Inevitably feel as if, the nation has become the “Agent-hub” in the name of development!

Intriguingly, I think how can the development of human race and the annihilation of the nature be a complementary to each other? Mocking at the so-called ever-increasing IQ level of the ‘Shekh Chilli’ — the bufooned-nature man, who takes the life of the life-giving trees!

Killing sun-protecting-shades and piercing ozone-layer through harmful carbon dioxide by excessive use of air-conditioning, makes even all the lunatics of all the mental asylums guffaw at the mankind…

The true picture of today’s ‘Protective Europe’,  selling the dream of ‘Global-village’ to villages, and the images of India of 1980’s decade are almost similar. The pictures depict lush green trees, sources of water, villages! Now, we have waterless lakes, dried up ponds, buildings on the reclaimed water-bodies standing tall on death-defining foundations, absent greenery, dying cattles for the want of fodder; and, converting-fodder into money-grazing beastly humans.

It is believed that human is the dearest child of the ‘Mother-nature’! One always sees the reflection of her child in the eyes of the mother….Cursed mother is shockingly despondent to see the murder of herself in the iris of her own offspring!

And yes, today is World Environment Day. We all will collectively curse the government, politicians, builders,  officials and the inert public. Sheets of papers will be inked with lectures, they will get typed and printed. Though, while printing the monitor will be adorned with: “Save environment. Print this only if necessary!” Nevertheless, disregarding this, we will take out the prints. Possibly, we will make even more printouts, especially, to give it to our media-friends!

How long will this hypocrisy go on? Water is flowing above the nose! Before the nature converts the trailer of Kedarnath disaster into large scale cinemascopic film, we must get rid of the politician, builder, corrupt official and the inert countryman residing within us…

This time, lets pledge ourselves that along with the seminars and discussions, we will pick up spades, hoes, shovels; plant a few trees; and, more importantly, save them. Incidentally, what will we truly gain by writing-printing and so called intellectual ruminations??


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Article ☆ Victory Day Special – Memories of the Victory Day 1971 ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh, Ex-Director (News) Doordarshan

Shri Ajeet Singh 

(We present an article ‘Memories of the Victory Day 1971’ written by Shri Ajeet Singh ji, Ex-Director (News), Doordarshan.)

☆ Victory Day Special – Memories of the Victory Day 1971 ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh ☆

Bliss was it to be in the newsroom of All India Radio Simla this day 50 years ago. And it was heaven to be a young Sub-Editor listening to the relay of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi addressing Parliament on the fall of Dhaka garrison after the 16-day long Bangladesh liberation war. Clapping and celebratory gestures erupted as she announced, “Dhaka is now the free capital of a free nation”.

Member after member hailed the indian victory over the Pakistani forces. I still remember Srinagar MP Shamim Ahmad Shamim who while congratulating the Prime Minister said, “She has not only created a new history but also a new geography”.

It was a bigger bliss for me as I was to read that evening’s regional news bulletin as our regular Newsreader veteran Ramkumar Kale had taken ill since the eruption of war itself.

A senior announcer    had been very keen to read a news bulletin. He frequently demanded to be given a chance but Assistant News Editor Puran Chand didn’t oblige.

In his usual jovial manner, the announcer would plead that he had been PA to actor Premnath and was experienced enough.

The first reason to deny him reading a news bulletin was that he

was a perpetual paan-eater and  we non-paan eaters were scared of his spitting paan while talking. Some time we even told him that.

“Paan is essential for a clear throat. An announcer has to speak a lot. Paan, therefore, is a must for him. Your newsreader Ramkumar Kale speaks only for 10 minutes. That is no job. I speak for six hours”. 

Ramkumar Kale would say that job of a newsreader and that of an announcer are quite different. “An announcer could make a mess of a news bulletin if he didn’t practice off air in a studio for one month and listened to his recordings under professional guidance”.

When the December 1971 India- Pakistan war broke out, Newsreader Ramkumar Kale fell sick and the Regional News Unit Shimla did not have a panel of casual newsreaders.

It was decided, though reluctantly, to try the senior Announcer for newsreading as he only was available on announcer duty that day.

The jovial Announcer was thrilled. “You should listen to the bulletin today. You may forget Ramkumar Kale”.

We pleaded with him to practice hard as this was his first chance. He didn’t care much.

I, as standby news editor in the studio, wished him all the best.

Hardly two minutes into the bulletin, he closed the fader switch and said, ” this bloody thing is choking my breath”.

I gestured him not to talk and concentrate on the bulletin. He opened the fader and read the next item but to close it again saying, “you will kill me today”.

I showed my eyes hinting that he should calm down and read the bulletin.

At half time, he rose from his seat after closing the fader. I was shocked. I just got hold of him by his arm and gave a big rap on his back dragging him to the seat.

There was a gap of about half a minute or so. The Duty Officer and the Engineer on Duty rushed to the studio. By that time a humbled Announcer was in the chair and reading bulletin at a much slower speed. He threw no tantrums.

As he, somehow, finished the bulletin, the Duty Officer and the Engineer-on-Duty,  still in the studio, wanted to know what had happened. The Announcer mumbled something that wasn’t much audible.

They turned to me. I told them it may be a short studio failure. Check it up tomorrow.

I told the factual story in the newsroom. Everybody laughed. ANE Puranchand said, “No more chance taking with announcers. Ajeet Singh, you will read bulletins from tomorrow. Take these old bulletins home and practice. Will record you off air tomorrow at 2 PM”.

The jovial Announcer was friend from the following day but he never pestered for news reading.

And I read the bulletins for the next about three months.

1971 war had ended after 17 days. We had started an additional daily bulletin that continued long after.

The bulletins were also used to be relayed through a public address system on the Mall Road Shimla where people would crowd to listen to the latest on the war front. It was still the Radio age. Television had arrived but was still in its infancy, confined mainly to the national capital Delhi.

Due to some strategic consideration, Jalandhar and other stations of All India Radio used to stop transmission early as the enemy could locate the position of their transmitters and bombard, especially during night when engaging them was rather difficult. Shimla located among hills didn’t suffer this disadvantage. So it was listened to even in the plains of Punjab and Haryana.

It did give some sort of image or recognition to me.  People in my home village near Panipat would tell me having listened to the bulletins from Shimla. It did please me.

Every experience makes one a better person. By and by I became more confident.

War ended and bulletins also came back to development and local stories. After about two months of my news reading, came a letter from some listener saying that one Ajeet Singh who read news that day mispronounced

the word ‘zila’ as ‘jila’ 13 times. He was right as we counted the word was used 14 times in the bulletin, may be he missed one count. I improved not only that but started rehearsing for all Urdu words. Mr. Puranchand ANE was an Urdu man and a big help.

Newsreader Kale joined after about three months. He trained me in voice acculturation.

Jasdev Singh, the ace sports commentator used to do Newsreel from Delhi. I got hooked to that.

During 1980s and 90s when I was in J&K,  SFH Naqvi was incharge of the Newsreel section in the News Services Division in Delhi. The Statesman used to carry detailed review of radio programmes of the week those days. One of my despatches was praised therein. HT also appreciated some despatch later.

Joint Director of News, Jag Mohan Lal Mathur rang me up once to say that one of my Samayiki programme was appreciated in the Director’s meeting following its newspaper review. I asked him if he had listened to the programme, he said none had. Newspaper reference only thrilled everybody. Now tape was being located to listen in the evening meeting.

Instances are numerous but I think this grinding must have shaped me to be awarded the Akashvani Award for the “Correspondent of the Year” for 1990.

It was all very thrilling that took me through about 20 years in J&K . The Kargil war, Hazratbal shrine seize and a lot  more.

Thank you dear jovial Announcer, thanks Puranchand ji, Kale ji, SFH Naqvi and everybody who helped me shape what I am.

©  Shri Ajeet Singh 

Shri Ajeet Singh ji is a freelance journalist based at Hisar. He retired as Director of News , Doordarshan Hisar in 2006.

Mo. – 9466647037

≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Article ☆ Positive Education: Happiness Fundamentals for Children and Parents ☆ Mr. Jagat Singh Bisht

☆ Positive Education: Happiness Fundamentals for Children and Parents ☆ Mr. Jagat Singh Bisht ☆

I am happy to share with the readers and writers of e-abhivyakti that my eighth book Positive Education: Happiness Fundamentals for Children and Parents is available on Amazon.

Amazon Kindle Link: >>>> Positive Education: Happiness Fundamentals for Children and Parents


Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Author, Blogger, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Behavioural Science Trainer, and Founder: LifeSkills.)

Authored six books on happiness: Cultivating Happiness, Nirvana – The Highest Happiness, Meditate Like the Buddha, Mission Happiness, A Flourishing Life, and The Little Book of Happiness.

He served in a bank for thirty-five years and has been propagating happiness and well-being among people for the past twenty years.

He is on a mission – Mission Happiness!

About the book:

Brief description:

Do you wish to prepare your child with life skills, such as, grit, optimism, resilience, growth mindset, engagement, and mindfulness?

A combination of traditional education with the study of happiness and well-being can be of great help in this regard.

Children and parents can flourish in life by practicing scientifically proven happiness activities.

The concepts are derived from Positive Psychology, the modern science of happiness and well-being, and Positive Education, an approach that focuses on specific skills that assist students to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote mindfulness, and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

There are books for children and there are books for the grown-ups. This one is for both of them – the children and their parents. The book may also be used for implementing positive education in schools.


Fundamentals of happiness and well-being for children and their parents

“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”

 – J Krishnamurti

This is a book describing the fundamentals of happiness and well-being for children and their parents. It is to be read individually as well as collectively by them so as to have a true understanding of happiness and how to flourish in life.

Usually, there are books for children, and there are books for the grown-ups. This book is different. It is for both of them – the children and their parents. Each one reads and understands from his/her own perspective and then there is friendly sharing of learning amongst them for better understanding. It creates joy and bonding. The effects on long-term happiness and well-being of the family are deep rooted and robust.

The concepts are derived from Positive Psychology – the modern science of happiness and well-being – and Positive Education – an approach to education that blends academic learning with character and well-being.

All parents want the best for their children, they want their child to be happy and flourish. However, finding the right education for their child can be a challenge.

The Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia, in consultation with world experts in positive psychology, developed a model for positive education to complement traditional learning.

It is essentially an applied framework comprising six domains:

positive emotions,

positive engagement,

positive relationships,

positive purpose,

positive accomplishment,

and positive health.

Each of these six domains are explained and elaborated in the book. The emphasis is on how to cultivate each one of these practically and enhance happiness and well-being.

A good school doesn’t just aim for its students to achieve their academic potential. It also aims to develop them as caring, responsible, and ultimately productive members of society.

Positive education curriculum has been implemented with good results in schools in Australia, USA and Germany. Widespread support is necessary for the success of the positive education movement.

This book may also be used as a well-being primer by teachers and educators for implementing positive education in their schools. It will enable the students to develop an understanding of authentic happiness and flourish in life.

“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”

 – Voltaire

 ©  Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and training.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Article ☆ Independence Day Special – All ‘Reborn’ on the 15th of August! ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh, Ex-Director (News) Doordarshan

Shri Ajeet Singh 

(We present an article ‘All ‘Reborn’ on the 15th of August!’ written by Shri Ajeet Singh ji, Ex-Director (News), Doordarshan.)

☆ Independence Day Special – All ‘Reborn’ on the 15th of August! ☆ Shri Ajeet Singh ☆

Dr. Subhash Kalra, an 82-year old senior citizen of Hisar in Haryana, celebrates his birthday every year on the 15th of August. A senior citizens’ group , the Vanprastha, gives him the honour of unfurling the national flag at the Senior Citizens Club to mark the occasion.

Last year he wished everybody Happy Independence Day and surprised by disclosing that all his brothers, sisters and cousins also celebrate their birthdays on the 15th of August in different towns they live.

How could that be? Coincidence could be in respect of one or two members being born on a particular day, but about a dozen people born on the same date in an extended family, though in different years, seemed almost impossible.

Dr. Kalra narrated the story behind it .

His family migrated in 1947 from Kamalia town in Pakistan. He was about nine years old and remembers the hardships the family went through in their journey from Kamalia to Lahore and Amritsar.

A very young child, just a few months old, couldn’t stand the heat and humidity of tough rail journey. He died. How to bury his body ?

The family elder, his Tayaji, a freedom fighter, took the dead child in his hands and let it slip into the Ravi as the train crossed over the river bridge.

The extended family of about 50 people, young and old, reached a refugee camp in Amritsar. The women were wailing for the dead child.

Tayaji asked all to gather immediately. He announced that nobody will grieve for what they had lost. Rather, all will celebrate what they achieved, the gift of azadi.

He further announced that from then onward everyone would declare and celebrate his or her birthday on the 15th of August. Years of birth would, of course, be different.

Tayaji’s logic was that arriving alive in India in that madness of violence of partition, was a rebirth for everyone.

And everybody has been following his dictates since then.

Tayaji and other elderly people of the family are no more. The children of partition time are now themselves elderly. They recall the incident regarding their birthday every year on the 15th of August.

Dreams of azadi were very intense among the people of the era of the freedom struggle.

Prof. Swaraj Kumari, a retired teacher from the Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, says that she was born about a year before the Independence came in 1947. Her father, a freedom fighter, named her Swaraj as he thought she was gift of God prior to the soon-to-come, azadi that was so much in the air.

Another university teacher, Prof. A.L. Khurana says that the joy of celebrating the Independence Day was very intense in the initial years of post -independence era and has been going down since then. “Early in the morning, an elderly gentleman named Mr. Bedi, would ride a horse and move throughout Hisar city exhorting people to gather at the site of the Independence Day celebrations.

Those were the days.

Happy Independence Day.

©  Shri Ajeet Singh 

Shri Ajeet Singh ji is a freelance journalist based at Hisar. He retired as Director of News , Doordarshan Hisar in 2006.

Mo. – 9466647037

≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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English Literature – Article ☆ Buddha Purnima Special– Nirvana – The Highest Happiness ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

☆ Nirvana – The Highest Happiness ☆ 

The present times are turbulent indeed. One needs to have peace of mind to tide through the pandemic. There is a greater need to follow the doctrine and the discipline enunciated by the Buddha. His teaching is simple and easy to practice.

On the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima it is worth to share two interesting facts:

 1.   Buddha Purnima is actually 3-in-1:

              • Buddha’s Happy Birthday,
              • Day of attaining enlightenment,
              • and also Maha Parinirvana Day!

 2. Buddha was born under a tree in Lumbini, found awakening while meditating under a tree in Gaya, gave his first sermon in  Saranath under a tree and all his important sermons under trees, and also reached Maha Parinirvana under a tree in Kushinagar!

Nirvana is described as the highest happiness – the supreme state of bliss. Those who have attained Nirvana live in utter bliss, free from hatred and mental illness.

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

Video Link >>>>>>>

Meditate Like Buddha!

The Buddha realized Nirvana through his enlightenment, and for the next forty-five years of his life he endeavoured to help others to realize it for themselves.

He said, “Health is the greatest of gifts, contentedness the best riches; trust is the best of relationships, Nirvana the highest happiness.”

Nirvana is the culmination of the quest for perfection and happiness. It is a state to be attained here and now in this very life and not a state that is attained only after death.

Nirvana is the destruction of lust, the destruction of hatred, and the destruction of delusion.

Nirvana is a state of moral perfection. For one who has attained Nibbana, all unwholesome motivational roots such as greed, hatred, and delusion have been fully eradicated with no possibility of their ever becoming active again.

The realization of Nirvana comes with the blossoming of wisdom and brings perfect peace, untarnished happiness, and the stilling of the mind’s compulsive drives.

Nirvana is the destruction of thirst – the thirst of craving. It is the destruction of greed, hatred, and delusion. It is an island of safety amid the raging currents of old age, sickness, and death.

The way for realization of Nirvana is the Noble Eightfold Path – that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

We must guard our thoughts, actions, and speech so that no harm is caused to any living being. We must cultivate loving-kindness and compassion for all sentient beings.

If we seek the serenity of the Buddha, we must learn to meditate like the Buddha. Meditation brings calm and peace of mind. It enables us to live our life optimally.

One also needs to develop and cultivate one’s mind by continuously imbibing spiritual wisdom that is inherent in the teachings of the Buddha.

Let us strive to be a Buddha in the modern world. May all be happy, be peaceful, be liberated!


©  Jagat Singh Bisht


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and training.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

संपादक – श्री हेमन्त बावनकर/सम्पादक मंडल (हिन्दी) – श्री विवेक रंजन श्रीवास्तव ‘विनम्र’/श्री जय प्रकाश पाण्डेय  ≈

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English Literature – Weekly Column☆ Samudramanthanam – 26 – Amrit ☆ Mr. Ashish Kumar

Mr Ashish Kumar

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual writing.  He has well researched Hindu Philosophy, Science and quest of success beyond the material realms. I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed.  We are pleased to begin a series on excerpts from his well acclaimed book  “Samudramanthanam” .  According to Mr Ashish  “Samudramanthanam is less explained and explored till date. I have tried to give broad way of this one of the most important chapter of Hindu mythology. I have read many scriptures and taken references from many temples and folk stories, to present the all possible aspects of portrait of Samudramanthanam.”  Now our distinguished readers will be able to read this series on every Saturday.)    

Amazon Link – Samudramanthanam 

☆ Weekly Column – Samudramanthanam – 26 – Amrita ☆ 

Finally, the day has come for which Sura and Asura join their hands, for which they were doing all efforts from ages.

Out of the ocean of milk ‘Kshirasāgara’ emerged a radiant golden pot. “I am the Lord of Good Health and Medicine,” he announced. “Here is the amrita that you seek. Those who drink it will gain strength and immortality.”

There was a great cheer as the devas and Asuras realized that their task was over. Both Lords Indra and Bali stepped forward to take the pot.

“As it was our idea, we will drink it first,” said Indra, tugging it to the right.

“Without us, you would not have had the strength to churn the ocean,” retorted Bali, tugging it to the left. “Give it to us first.”

And so on, it went, back and forth, right and left. Tempers flared and it almost came to blows, four drops split from the pot and fall over earth. Those four drops of amrita fall on ‘Haridwar’, ‘Paryagraj’, ‘Ujjan’ and ‘Nasik’ and these four are places where Kumbh melas are organised. Kumbh means a pot.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, appeared a beautiful maiden such as they had never seen! Her dark eyes were like blue lotuses and her air of mystery enchanted devas and Asuras alike. It was Lord Vishnu, who took the form of a lovely girl, to divert the attention of the Asuras.

Smiling sweetly and coyly, she took the pot from them. “Silly men, why quarrel over this?” she scolded playfully. “Sit down and I will serve it equally amongst you.”

Meekly they sat down, devas facing north and Asuras facing south, as the beautiful maiden danced between them. Flirting outrageously with the Asuras, she distracted them while she slyly served the amrita to the devas. Soon, all the devas had received the magic potion and there was not a drop left for the Asuras.

The beautiful maiden then threw down the pot and, laughing scornfully, vanished as suddenly as she had appeared.

© Ashish Kumar

New Delhi

≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM≈

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मराठी साहित्य – कवितेचा उत्सव ☆ मनसूर्य ☆ सौ.अश्विनी कुलकर्णी

☆ कवितेचा उत्सव ☆ मनसूर्य ☆ सौ.अश्विनी कुलकर्णी ☆

कॅनव्हास वरील चित्रात

नेहमीच सूर्य कुठे दिसतो?

तरीही उजळतो आसमंत,

दिसतात हिरव्या ओल्या रेषा

रेषांच्या विविध छटा…आणि

ऐकूही येते खळखळ नद्यांची

आकाशाने कवेत घेतलेले पक्षी… त्यांच्या कुशीत आश्वस्त ,

वाटून घेणारे डोंगर….




आकाश आणि नदीच अद्वैत…

आकाश आणि डोंगरांचे अद्वैत…

कधी झाडाचं…लता पल्लवीचं…

तर कधी साऱ्या सृष्टीचं अद्वैत….

त्या आकाशाशी!!

चित्रात सूर्य नसतानाही….


मग असाच एक मनसूर्य

प्रत्यक्ष प्रकट न होणारा … काळोखातूनही उजेड प्रसवणारा….

मुठीएव्हढ्या अंधारात वसलेल्या हृदयातून ,

तेजाळणाऱ्या गीतांना ताल देणारा…

तर कधी….

पान, फुल, सरिता, आभाळ होऊन त्यांना रंग नी रूप देणारा….

आणि तिमिरातूनही,

चैतन्याची वाट दाखवणारा,

आणि जीवनाच्या सुंदरतेशी,

अद्वैत करवणारा….

पडद्यामागचा कलाकार!

पडद्यामागचा कलाकार!


© सौ अश्विनी कुलकर्णी

सांगली  (महाराष्ट्र)

मो – 9421225491

≈ संपादक – श्री हेमन्त बावनकर/सम्पादक मंडळ (मराठी) – श्रीमती उज्ज्वला केळकर/श्री सुहास रघुनाथ पंडित  ≈

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English Literature – Weekly Column☆ Samudramanthanam – 25 – Kalpavriksha ☆ Mr. Ashish Kumar

Mr Ashish Kumar

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual writing.  He has well researched Hindu Philosophy, Science and quest of success beyond the material realms. I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed.  We are pleased to begin a series on excerpts from his well acclaimed book  “Samudramanthanam” .  According to Mr Ashish  “Samudramanthanam is less explained and explored till date. I have tried to give broad way of this one of the most important chapter of Hindu mythology. I have read many scriptures and taken references from many temples and folk stories, to present the all possible aspects of portrait of Samudramanthanam.”  Now our distinguished readers will be able to read this series on every Saturday.)    

Amazon Link – Samudramanthanam 

☆ Weekly Column – Samudramanthanam – 25 – Kalpavriksha ☆ 

Last phase of churning of ocean of milk ‘Kshirasāgara’ was going on. All were waiting for amrita now. After one more round of push and pull of mount Mandara with the help of Naga Vasuki by Sura and Asura a tree with golden green leaves seen over ocean surface. Indira and other wondered that what is this. The glory of that tree was looking immeasurable. The roots and timber were below the ocean and only branches and leaves were visible above ocean.

Meantime an Asura started thinking in his mind about Rajasavik food. Soon a big plate of Rajsavik food appeared in front of him from nowhere.

All were amazed.

Other hand one Sura thinking about ornaments and soon he got them.

Then Lord Bharma said, “this is ‘Kalpavriksha’ that can fulfill wish only about thinking them. Now question is to whom this ‘Kalpavriksha’ belongs to”

Indira said, “No, question about it ‘Kalpavriksha’ is born to be a part of Indira’s  heaven”

Soon Bali said, “No, Indira till now we haven’t objected on anything. Even I have given Parijaat to your wife and make her my own sister’ but this ‘Kalpavriksha’ go to only underworld and if not, then war will surely take place”

After listing these words of their king against first time Asura felt very proud over him.

Soon both the teams lost their grips over Naga Vasuki and be ready for war.

Indira picked his Vajra and about to attack over Bali. Bali is actually ready for this attack and stop and hold Indira hand from his right hand.

Then one to one dual is started in between Indira and Bali and other hand both the teams also doing war against each other team members.

Brahma and other sage present there were trying to stop them but they were unable to listen.

This war is taking serious shape.

Then a big blast happened at place where ‘Kalpavriksha’ appeared from ocean. That was vanished and no mark of ‘Kalpavriksha’ remained.

© Ashish Kumar

New Delhi

≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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