English Literature – Article – ☆ Maintaining a Healthy Relationship ☆– Shri Divyanshu Shekhar

Shri Divyanshu Shekhar 


(Young author Shri Divyanshu Shekhar writes poems, stories, plays and scripts in Hindi and English. His first collection of poems  “Zindagi – ek chalchitra” was published in May 2017 and first English Novel “Too Close – Too Far” in December 2018. Today we present his article “Maintaining a Healthy Relationship”)

☆ Maintaining a Healthy Relationship ☆

In this modern world “How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship?” should be the most important topic to understand even more than Love and Life. Why it is so important?

We can give a simple formula that two honest, attracted, and interested people forms and maintain a good relationship. Is it that simple? No! we all know, that unfortunately, it’s not. Because maintaining takes more than forming, but why?

According to me, a relationship can’t be formed in one day, it’s like a continuous workout. If you want to get the shape you have to be consistent, you have to invest for it for long.

For example, lots of people join the Gym and within a few days when they don’t notice the change and even if they do according to their expectations, they quit. But in reality, it takes time to get that shape and lifelong to maintain that shape.

Similarly to get the best shape of the relationship we have to work for it, for lifelong because it’s a kind of process, not just a result. Obviously, a relationship without trust and respect is just a matter of need and greed but for a healthy relation, we have to make a continuous investment similar to our fitness.

If I ask you a question, what is the most unique thing? Lots of people will come up with answers, a person, or an idea. But lots of research says that at the same time few people carry the same characteristics even thought process, even we can observe and feel it.

So, you know what’s the most unique thing, a Relationship! between two people.

Those two persons might be quite similar or different but the relationship between them is always unique. So, we should celebrate that uniqueness and avoid comparison with the relationship of other people, even with other relationships in our personal life.

At last, I want to say that a longer relationship is not about the special events, not about the high intensity, not even about the deep feelings. It’s about consistency, trust and respect, and all three demands time.


© Divyanshu Shekhar

Kolkata (West Bengal)

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English Literature – Article ☆ How will the world transition to normal? ☆ Shri Abhimanyu Chaudhary

Shri Abhimanyu Chaudhary

E-Abhivyakti welcomes Shri Abhimanyu Chaudhary. Presently he is working in a leading position in the Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi.  He has completed his MBA from T A  Pai Institute of Management, Manipal. Blogging is his hobby.  He has followed Corona, COVID-19 very minutely right from the beginning. He is trying to explain each and everything which you want to know about COVID-19.  How will the world transition to normal? We are reproducing this very important blog from his blog Fresh Morning Brew – Newsworthy stories. You are requested to follow his updates on the topic on his following blog link for his regular updates:

Blog link >>>>>>>>         ☆  Fresh Morning Brew – Newsworthy stories ☆

☆ How will the world transition to normal? ☆

COVID-19, like other pandemics, will pass. Even if the new infections continue to rise today, and there seems to be no end in sight, it certainly will be over. And the world will be normal again.

As we go about our daily lives, do we worry about hundreds of deadly diseases which exist in the world? Knowing these diseases have killed millions and continue to kill many more? No, because they are known enemies, we know how to tame, manage, cure or avoid them. Medicines, vaccines, treatments, and lab tests exist to detect, treat, cure, contain and ward off these diseases. COVID-19 will be no exception.

Let’s look at some reasons to be hopeful:
  • We continue to learn more about the virus, its genome, symptoms, how it impacts the body, how it transmits, and how to treat the infected. Although there is lot to be learnt, research is underway to further our understanding
  • Government and social response is in line with the threat we face. Wearing masks, online classes for children, work from home, lock-down, quarantine, social distancing are the new normal. People across the globe understand the risks and are taking precautions to stop the spread
  • More people are getting tested, this improves our response to treat, quarantine, isolate or trace contacts early on
  • We learn from the experience of other countries, and adopt their best practices. South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and UAE are few examples where COVID-19 was contained well. It serves as a blueprint for the rest
  • Healthcare system is building capacity – isolation rooms, supply of PPE, ventilators, test kits etc. Production is ramped up to meet growing demand, more players are joining the race to meet supply shortages
  • Development of vaccineanti-viral, and plasma treatments are underway. We shouldn’t expect overnight miracles, but it can be available few months down the line. And will be a decisive weapon in the fight against COVID-19
  • Be cautious but don’t panic, majority of the infected people recover from the virus
  • It’s likely that those who have recovered from the infection will develop some level of immunity

While there are reasons to be hopeful we must remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. It will take time, and united efforts from all to win against this virus.

How will your country go back to normal? Gradually.

The pandemic normal will continue even after the lock-down is lifted.
  • First evidence that the spread is contained in your community is when new infections come down, and stabilize for a reasonable period of time. Rigorous testing will not catch new infections. Number of people getting discharged will exceed hospital admissions. These are the signs that contamination has stopped
  • Lock-down will be relaxed in phases, in a manner that economic activity can be resumed gradually, as risk of second wave remains high. Offices, malls and public transport will resume at limited capacity
  • Face masks will remain ubiquitous, social distancing at public places, hand washing, sanitizing will continue. Thermal screening and disinfection at commercial and residential buildings, malls, public transport will also continue
  • Its likely governments will increase surveillance to monitor health status, track travel history, and enforce mandatory quarantine. China has implemented AliPay Health Code to this effect. An individual’s risk of exposure to the virus will be continuously monitored, high risk individuals will be quarantined mandatory.
  • Outdoor activities will carry some level of risk, people will actively avoid crowded places.

Abhimanyu Chaudhary

Abu Dhabi 

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English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Suryadev ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwj’s Hindi Poetry “ सूर्यदेव” published in today’s edition as ☆ संजय दृष्टि  – सूर्यदेव् ☆  We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.   )

☆ Suryadev ☆

Suryadev, the Lord Sun, means *certified truth of amazing, unique (Almighty) visible through the eyes.* Sun entering the planetary house of Capricorn sign or Capricorn transition is important from all angles, especially, with the point of view of astronomy, geography, spirituality, philosophy etc.

Uttarayan is the arrival of this divine light beam near the northern hemisphere.  Uttarayana is  the contraction of the period of darkness and expansion of light. Naturally in this period, the days will be bigger and the nights will be shorter.

Bigger day leads to more opportunities *for illumination*, bigger consciousness, larger scope for action.

The representative of the determined resolution to have more action is the consumption of substances made of sesame and jaggery.

The implication is that the energy of sesame and the sweetness of jaggery remain resplendent in our thoughts, words and deeds…

*From the darkness, lead me to the effulgent light!*


*Eternal wishes for Makar Sankranti / Uttarayan / Bhogali Bihu / Maghi / Pongal / Khichdi.*


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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आध्यात्म/Spiritual – श्रीमद् भगवत गीता – पद्यानुवाद – नवम अध्याय (24) प्रो चित्र भूषण श्रीवास्तव ‘विदग्ध’

श्रीमद् भगवत गीता

हिंदी पद्यानुवाद – प्रो चित्र भूषण श्रीवास्तव ‘विदग्ध’

नवम अध्याय

( सकाम और निष्काम उपासना का फल)


अहं हि सर्वयज्ञानां भोक्ता च प्रभुरेव च ।

न तु मामभिजानन्ति तत्त्वेनातश्च्यवन्ति ते ।।24।।


सब यज्ञों का मैं ही हूँ भोक्ता, प्रभु औ” नाथ

जो न मुझे पहचानते उन्हें न मिलता साथ।।24।।


भावार्थ :  क्योंकि संपूर्ण यज्ञों का भोक्ता और स्वामी भी मैं ही हूँ, परंतु वे मुझ परमेश्वर को तत्त्व से नहीं जानते, इसी से गिरते हैं अर्थात्‌ पुनर्जन्म को प्राप्त होते हैं।।24।।


(For) I alone am the enjoyer and also the Lord of all sacrifices; but they do not know Me in essence (in reality), and hence they fall (return to this mortal world).।।24।।


© प्रो चित्र भूषण श्रीवास्तव ‘विदग्ध’ 

ए १ ,विद्युत मण्डल कालोनी, रामपुर, जबलपुर

[email protected]

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English Literature ☆ Article ☆ How high should I rise? ☆ Mr. Ashish Kumar

Mr Ashish Kumar

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual writing.  He has well researched Hindu Philosophy, Science and quest of success beyond the material realms. I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed.  This article “How high should I rise?” will change your thinking.)    

 ☆ How high should I rise? ☆ 

It was one seemingly ordinary day when I decided to QUIT… All of a sudden, I made a decision to quit my job, my relationship and finally my spirituality. I just wanted to quit my life.

But before that, I went to the wood to have one last talk with God.

I started: “God, can you give me one good reason not to quit?”

His answer really surprised me: “Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?”

I replied: “Yes. When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth.

Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.

But still, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo.

He said: “In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. I would not quit.”

“Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant…But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.”

After that, He asked me: “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you.”

“Don’t compare yourself to others.” He added.  “The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful.” God said to me: “Your time will come”

“You will rise high”.

I asked: “How high should I rise?”

“How high will the bamboo rise?” He also asked.

I was confused: “As high as it can?”

” Yes.” He said, “Give me glory by rising as high as you can.”

After this conversation I left the forest and I wrote this amazing story. I really hope that these words can help you to see that God will never give up on you.

You should never, never, never, Give up.

Don’t tell the Lord how big the problem is, tell the problem how great the Lord is!…………………….


© Ashish Kumar

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English Literature – Classical Scientific Fantasy – ☆ The Last Metropolis ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  is not only proficient in Hindi and English, but also has a strong presence in Urdu and Sanskrit.   We present an English Version of Ms. Nirdesh Nidhi’s  Classical Scientific Fantasy “शेष विहार ”   with title  “The Last Metropolis” .  We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.)


सुश्री निर्देश निधि

इस कथानक के सन्दर्भ में आदरणीय डॉ विजय कुमार मल्होत्रा जी (पूर्व निदेशक (राजभाषा), रेल मंत्रालय,भारत सरकार) के शब्दों में   –

“एक कहानी “शेष विहार” के बारे में बताया था, जिसने आधुनिक विज्ञान की विभीषिकाओं से पाठकों को रूबरू करवाया था. निर्देश निधि द्वारा लिखित “शेष विहार” पढ़कर मैं न केवल भयाक्रांत हो गया था, बल्कि विचलित भी हो गया था और मैं चाहता था कि इस कहानी को विश्व-भर के पाठक पढ़ें और समय रहते ऐसे उपाय करें जिससे हम अपने इस प्यारे भूमंडल को आसन्न् भयानक विभीषिका से बचा सकें. इस संदर्भ में मुझे गुरुदेव रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर की अमर कृति गीतांजलि का स्मरण हो आया. हम सब जानते हैं कि इस काव्यकृति की रचना मूलतः बंगला में की गई थी, लेकिन गुरुदेव ने स्वयं 1912 में इंग्लैंड की यात्रा से पहले इसकी कुछ कविताओं का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद कर लिया था. अंग्रेज़ी में उपलब्ध सामग्री के कारण ही गीतांजलि पश्चिम में बेहद लोकप्रिय हो गई थी और 1913 में साहित्य के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार जीतने वाले टैगोर पहले गैर-यूरोपीय लेखक बन गए.

इस बात से प्रेरणा लेकर पुणे प्रवास के दौरान मैंने अपने अनुजवत् मित्र कैप्टन रघुवंशी से चर्चा की और हिंदी की कालजयी रचनाओं को अंग्रेज़ी में अनूदित करने की योजना बनाई. नमूने के तौर पर कैप्टन साहब ने पुणे के ही हमारे मित्र संजय भारद्वाज की हिंदी में रचित कुछ श्रेष्ठ रचनाओं का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद कर दिया. संजय जी और मैं दोनों ही कैप्टन साहब की अनुवाद-क्षमता के कायल हो गए. कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी न केवल हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में प्रवीण हैं, बल्कि उर्दू और संस्कृत में भी अच्छा-खासा दखल रखते हैं. कुछ समय पूर्व उन्होंने मेरे अनुरोध पर भारत के महान् सामाजिक और राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ता स्व. केदारनाथ साहनी की पुण्यस्मृति में प्रकाशित उनके स्मृति ग्रंथ की भूमिका का हिंदी से अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद किया था. यह भूमिका लिखी थी, भारत के यशस्वी प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने इस अनुवाद की भूरि-भूरि प्रशंसा हुई.

यही कारण है कि जब मैंने निर्देश निधि की उक्त कहानी पढ़ी तो मैंने इसके अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद के लिए कैप्टन साहब से ही अनुरोध किया. कैप्टन साहब ने न केवल तत्परतापूर्वक इसका अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद किया, बल्कि इसको बार-बार परिमार्जित करके मूल कहानी की तरह ही प्रस्तुत कर दिया.”

इस कहानी की मूल लेखिका निर्देश निधि और कैप्टन साहब के प्रति आभार प्रकट करते हुए इस रचना मूल हिंदी  संस्करण आप इस लिंक पर पढ़ सकते हैं

>>> “शेष विहार ”.

आपसे अनुरोध है कि आप हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में पढ़ें और इस कहानी के अंग्रेज़ी पाठ को पढ़ने के लिए अपने विदेशी मित्रों को भी प्रेरित करें और उनकी प्रतिक्रिया से  सुश्री निर्देश निधि जी एवं अनुवादक कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी को अवश्य अवगत कराएँ.

 ☆ The Last Metropolis ☆

I’m the ‘Time’, silently witnessing epochs after epochs passing by! Since ages, it has been a customary practice for me to observe only with my experienced eyes. It is not possible for me to interfere with the proceedings or bring about any changes, however good or bad. I often pick up a unique story which is incredibly different from the others, and present before you all. Today, I am going to narrate the story of a mother and her eight-year-old son of the present age. This story belongs to the country, called ‘India’. What I am seeing now is reproduced as it is.

“Van, the sun is about to set, wake up and get ready fast. Today, we’ve got to go and see ‘The Last Metropolis’. Hurry up so that we can come back safely before the sun rises”, Mother told her son.

Van went to the fresh room and fed his choicest outfit dress, perfume, shoes, etc. in the computer, which made him fully ready in a jiffy by enclothing him with his chosen outfit, shoes, etc., after having them dry-cleaned with anti-viral, anti-bacterial sprays.

Eight-year-old Van is the only child in the entire city who has been born out of his mother’s womb. He does not know the whereabouts of his father since his mother had used the ‘State Sperm Lab’ for conceiving him. For a unique phenomenon like getting born out of mother’s womb and staying in the same cell with her, the mainstream media and people of reputed institutions keep thronging to interview them. Many advanced researches are going on them since the women of present age have lost their inherent fertility to give birth to baby from their womb. In the rarest of case, even if a capable woman is there, she is not willing to take risk to conceive and give birth to a baby. Over the past several centuries, the foetal killings have become so common that even the Mother Nature has stripped them of this natural ability to procreate. Even worse, there are hardly any menfolk left who are potent enough to inseminate a woman. Now, barring a few exceptions, most of the children obtain their preliminary form of life in the laboratory only under the supervision of highly skilled scientists. Government found that Van’s mother was having this unique capacity to bear a child, therefore allured her to conceive a child by offering her hordes of governmental benefits, concessions and facilities. Mother also weighed the pros and cons, and considered that the baby she would give birth to from her womb would truly love her, a bit like the children of the bygone eras. And besides, she would enjoy a heap of government benefits also.

Well, for her it was a calculated move!

Van asks his mother with great surprise, “Mother, have you really given birth to me from your womb? Amazing, Mom, you’re really amazing! All the boys in my class grew up in the lab, and they were born there only. If their mother or father desired, they would come to see their unborn children in a particular jar. It would have been quite safe to have children brought up like this; from where they went to crèche and infant homes, and subsequently, to

the hostel to pursue their academic career. Very seldom only, they would meet their biological parents.”

“Yes, Van, this is what happens these days, but I have really nurtured you in my womb for nine whole months.” Mother responded.

“But mother, you took a great risk. You could only see me through a modern device using imaging technology in your womb, why did you take so much of a risk? Also, you had put my life in an inexplicable danger, mother.”

“No, Van is not like that, man’s care is better taken off by the Mother Nature herself, but our ancestors stopped trusting her. So, seeing this disdain, she also pulled her hands. Our generation has suffered immense harm on account of this.”

“And what else to say, even the earth has become devoid of the animals. Their vital food chain was broken. The animals now you see only on your viewing device, they all used to move around freely on this earth. The population of humans also used to be very high, so much that the governments of many countries had to penalize the people for having excessive number of children; while on the other hand, the less numbered-children families used to get rewarded with numerous perks and facilities. But, it is other way around now, Van. Governments now provide amenities to the families on each and every childbirth. Depleting populations has resulted in the existence of only a small number of countries on such a vastly expanded earth, of which one of them is our India.”

“Van, do you remember seeing the hands of your classmate Arunima, the other day, how badly they got burnt by the sun’s rays? Now, she is sure to have “DSD” or “Disease of Sure Death”. She won’t heed to any advice and stubbornly kept awake during the day. So many times her Warden warned her for keeping awake during the day time!”

“Mother, didn’t the doctor give her ‘NanoWatts’ at the time of birth?”

“Van, that must have been administered; but, it intrinsically cures only the minor illnesses or small injuries, but it cannot protect a person from the harmful rays of the sun. Van, these days not only just the ‘NanoWatts’ but a chip in the brain, an ID chip, hearing device, cornea protective lens, pumping device for the lungs and heart etc. are also fitted to the baby at the time of the birth for total protection.”

“Yes, yes mother, I too know all that, you are not saying anything new. I know that by continuously talking on mobile phone and listening to the loud music all the time; and being subjected to the loud noise of the different types of machines, human-beings’ hearing-power gets impaired. The effects of TV and computer screens on the eyes have also proved to be fatal; the toxic environment of the earth has already started damaging the lungs very badly; the flawed style of living has almost consumed the human health. After the Third and then the Fourth World War, it became almost impossible to see, hear, think, or even comprehend; meaningful life itself became impossible, that’s why a chip in the human brain had to be inserted. This chip contains the universal knowledge which all the citizens must have, and besides, it also holds some specific kind of knowledge, which revolves around his chosen field of work. Through this chip, we can deliver our messages to each other without any extra effort or device; and through this chip only; we are able to find ways. Those who do not possess this chip, become almost neurotically irrational. Mom, I am aware of all this.”

“Yeah, you said it right, Van. And, who knows whether any life will be there after the next World War? Only the scientists—hiding in the artificial environment of underground bunkers—who had made themselves immune from the toxic rays of the sun and immersed into this deadly lifestyle, could survive. They only kept the compassion and empathy of the human heart incessantly alive on the earth, Van. Now available populace on the earth is the descendants of those few scientists only. The World Wars have caused not only widespread pollution on the earth but also made the water present in the crust of the earth toxically unfit for the human consumption.”

“Mother, could the earth’s water be used for bathing in that era?”

“Not only for bathing, Van, it used to be fit for drinking and cooking food also.”

“Really, Mother!”

“Yes, yes absolutely! Now when you move to higher classes, you will be taught about these things, both, in history and the science. Water became toxic and unfit for human consumption after the World War III. Still, few Water-purification plants could do the purification, but the fourth World War ended this remote possibility also.

Limited quantity of water and food items were kept safe in underground bunkers for a harsher period. But that could keep only a few people alive, especially, these distinguished scientists. That’s why, we are forced to bring water from ‘Planet Aquarium’, and owing to limited carting capacity, we are forced to use it repetitively by recycling it. That’s why now we sponge-bath only, and consume few milliliter of water, or we dry-clean ourselves with this artificial antibacterial, antiviral gas.”

“So mother, does it mean that all our ancestors were so stupid that they made such big mistakes. Was it necessary to fight among ourselves, cut the trees, and destroy the forests? After all, what did they give us, except these prison-like-claustrophobic houses in which we are forced to stay the whole day? If we had not made these air- conditioned, sunlight proof, oxygen-filled houses, probably, we would have not even survived.”

“Yes Van, it is true. But humans are not designed to lose, so we have almost succeeded in finding a second home on other planet, which has a natural and life-supporting environment like our old earth. But of course, till the time we get settled down there, it is going to be a real tough time for the human race.”

“Mother in our life, will we be able to go to that new home?”

“I cannot say that for myself, but, Van, you will definitely be able to go there; and yes, not even think of going there alone. Like olden days, you must have a woman —called wife, in your family. Keep your family there. Live there with your wife and children. Look how happy families appear in the commercial films we often see, how the entire family laughs and enjoys, rejoices in playgrounds and gardens; everyone is so fond of fun and frolic.”

“Oh, no! Mother, do not talk about such hypothetical things; I do pragmatic things only which are possible. I want to live totally alone, free as a bird like everyone else. Why should I get trapped in these troubles?” Van resisted the mother’s point of view.

“Ok Van, enough of talks, we are already late, and the sun is also about to set. Quickly wear your lifejacket, check your flying capsule, and yes, don’t forget to check its fuel chip, Oxygen,

do not forget to keep the jars of your diet tablets and water capsules. I have already completed all my work, and I am all set to move.”

“Mother, I have also done all this work, that too, much before you, I’ve to just don my lifesaving suit. But mother, I often think that you are the most different person from others. You have sacrificed your privacy for me.”

But Van doesn’t know that the mother had conceived because of incessant pressure from the Government since she was the only one tested positive as a potential childbearing mother in the whole town; beside that she got the hordes of facilities from the Govt. But she felt very nice to give birth to Van, and thoroughly enjoyed his company as a biological mother. Though, sometimes it did infringe on her privacy, and she had to share extra load of work because of her child. Regardless of any taxing involvedness, she did enjoy the company of her child like any mother would do.

“Yes, Van I did sacrifice but I really love to be with you. That’s why I could do it. But, as I told you earlier, the entire family used to live together only.”

Mother, what is a family? Tell me the correct meaning.”

“The meaning of the family is the mother and the father, and the children born out of mother and father are the son and daughter; and the other children born are brothers and sisters to each other. Families are thus made up of parents, children, relatives and close friends.”

“Mother, tell me who is my father?”

“Van, I did give birth to you from my womb but frankly speaking I do not know who your father is, because I took support of the State Sperm Lab.”

“Oh mother! How I wish you knew him, and then I would also play with my father just like how it happens in movies.”

“Oh yes! You know, interestingly, in the olden times, even the domestic help used to have a live-in place in the house, and also animals used to be reared in a separate place near the house. And, many birds would make their nests in the human houses.”

“Oh really, how unhygienic the condition of the house must have been at that time!”

“That period was not like the present one, Van. Infections did not catch so easily, the resistance to the diseases for the humans was very good.”

Why did not the animals survive whilst the human race could survive?”

“Look Van, as such man was quite selfish from the beginning, and he could not keep the animals as safe as he was able to keep himself. Also, after the World Wars, there was not enough space left to keep the animals and birds, so humans selfishly dumped the animals. For humans, it has always been important to save themselves first.”

“Now, why only animals or birds, not even men and women live together, because no one can tolerate other for a moment. Nobody wants to lose the freedom even for a second on account of someone else. D’you know Van, why these days there are more mental hospitals than the people, because in the olden days, people used to relieve their stress and tensions through fun and frolic and meeting each other.”

“Mother, did people have the spare time to laugh, then?”

“Yes, Van, in plenty! But there is a strange paradox. Hours of work is done in minutes through modern machines, but ironically, the man has run out of time.”

“There used to be countless types of grains grown on earth that the man used to eat several times in a day. They never lived on tablets like now; they all used to have taste buds and huge appetite. But gradually, the man started using more and more tablets to give strength to the body, and gradually increased it to such a level that the taste buds died. Haven’t you seen various types of grains and diverse kind of food and desserts on your viewing device?”

“Oh, yes mother, I did. Has the fertility of the land on earth become obsolete?”

“No, Van! It could have remained intact in perpetuity, but for the human greed, it could only fulfill the needs of the man, but not the greed, as you know it. Our ancestors exploited these resources to such a limit that we were made captive to the greenhouse gases, causing ambient temperatures beyond the human tolerance limits; and we are forced to keep ourselves in the air-conditioned vehicles and homes.”

“Van, We will talk later, Let’s move since about fifteen minutes back the sun has already set. It’s high time we started our journey. Check if you’ve fed the destination correctly in your flying capsule, or else you might get lost.”

Don’t worry, Mom, I have already fed it properly. Where is the scope for mistake with the ‘Brainy chip’ fitted in our brain?”

With the dusk around, people’s vehicles started to appear in the sky. As both of them were about to leave, suddenly one of their acquaintances staying nearby, was passing by their house, wherein he noticed that the insulating film of their cell had torn a bit. Seeing the imminent danger, he cautioned Van’s mother. She immediately recalled the code of the administration office in the mind and communicated the problem regarding fixing of the protective film of their cell. The office assured her that the work would be done before her return. As soon as this assurance was received, both —the mother and son, donning their lifesaving suits properly, and checking the oxygen masks, both of them took off in their flying capsules, talking to each other through the frequency modulation communication set; and covered the distance of 1200 miles in just six seconds to reach the destination.

They arrived at “The Last Metropolis”. Fortunately, there was no acid-rain happening then. Both of them, wearing their oxygen masks, came out of the capsule. Inside a gigantic glass casing of thousands of miles, there was an artificially created ancient earth’s small model, which was an exact replica of the erstwhile earth —replete with trees, grass, palms, flowers, fruits, leaves, waterfalls, mountains, rivers; yes, rivers also with toxic water; birds, butterflies, lions, cows, bulls, mammoth, dinosaurs, elephants, giraffes, countless other insects; basically entire spectrum of life-form was there. Reverberating with people of different sizes, cast, creed, colours and languages, who were roaming around in every part of this artificially created world. It did cast a spell binding effect, a pleasurable sight to the eyes, which had a mesmerizing effect on mind, body and the soul.

“Oh My God!” exclaimed the Van, “The earth was so beautiful! Why did our foolish ancestors destroy it? What have they left for us? Nothing, virtually nothing!” Van retorted.

Like mother and the son, there were many more people around, replete with similar reactions and exclamations.

“But sadly, now there is no crowd anywhere unlike previous era. Children are born in the Labs only. There are only a few people who place order for their children in lab because no one wants to waste time and effort to raise children, and take their responsibility. Moreover, the governments of the few surviving countries are generating just about enough citizens to meet their requirement; and of course, only that number of people whom they can nurture properly. That’s why the cities after cities are lying deserted. The fostering of people is the responsibility of the government. People keep themselves enclosed in their homes throughout the day because of the fear of death. Work can only be done at night, since one cannot get out of the house during the day time because of lethal sunlight. Most people are limited to their work areas and homes. The earthquake proof structures, which the man had proudly raised as seemingly indestructible landmark buildings have been obliterated to the ground by the earth’s seismic plates. Few left over remnants are now preserved as ancient heritage monuments. Now, the modern residence, called the salon, is completely free from sunlight. All you can see is concrete jungle all-round. No greenery or vegetation is left nor has any flora and fauna survived. Acid rains have annihilated everything. In the name of countries in the world, only a few are left. India is one of them as I have already mentioned. If at all anything positive left in this century, then it is that the wars are not happening any more. Because now, man has to continuously struggle with the nature just to keep him alive on earth. Then, with this perennial fight for survival where is the energy left to fight with each other? The earth has retaliated in its bursting fury to avenge the mindless treatment it faced at the hands of the man.”

Both Van and his mother roamed around the entire township, filling their lives with the nostalgic reminiscences of the bygone era. The unimaginable form of greenery left an indelible impression on their mind with a deep sense of gloominess of it not being so, compared to the present state of the earth now.

They walked towards their respective capsules. While Van’s mother was slightly away from her capsule, she felt difficulty in breathing. Perhaps the oxygen was leaking from her capsule, which normally was not expected, but this unfortunate incident was happening.

She told her son: “Listen Van, probably oxygen is leaking from my capsule. Do something urgently.”

“What can I do now? You should have checked it at the time of departure. Nevertheless, I shall inform the oxygen-supplying company. They will help you by finding your capsule’s location and carry out repairs. Till then, you keep donning your oxygen mask”, the son replied.

“Yes, I’ve worn the mask, but looks like it is not functioning properly”, Mother responded with choking breaths.

“I’m feeling suffocated, Van! Come soon”, beseechingly implored the Mother.

“What to do, mother? What else can I do?”

“Van, we both can go in the same capsule, you take me with you too.” Mother restlessly pleaded with the son.

“No mother, don’t you know that these capsules are designed according to my weight?”

“Yes I know but …..!” The next words are lost in the fast bellows of her breath.

“If you know it, then should also know that some technical flaws may crop in my capsule if I carry load more than its designed capacity. If my oxygen leaks, then my life will be in danger. No mother, sorry I can’t risk my life for you. I have informed the company that they will do something soon. It is their responsibility, mother.”

“Do not you have any responsibility, Van?”

“Be practical, Mom, what can I do by standing here, except that I will also lose my own life?”

“Van, please don’t go, I’m dying.” She begged.

“I have been standing here for the last ten minutes because of you, I cannot stay here any longer, sorry Mom, I’ll have to move. I am not risking my life anymore.”

And…uttering these words he left emotionlessly! With no help from capsule company in sight, mother’s breath is starting to die down. The pain is unbearable! Death seems to be staring at her. If she tried to come out of the capsule, the prevalent toxic environment of the earth would kill her instantly. To aggravate her predicament, Acid rain also started in its full fury.

Her death looks imminent. Her entire lifespan flashed before her eyes like a film; especially, the part of Van’s birth. In this age and society, no one wants to waste even a moment on others; no woman would even imagine a possibility of giving birth to a child from her womb. Despite this, she risked her life to give birth to her child, Van, from her own womb. She always believed that her son would be different from the rest of children and have some attachment unlike lab-born children. In the lab, at the time of birth along with other things, it was not possible to instill love, compassion, sympathy or dosages of emotion in the chip made for the child. But, she believed that her son, at least, would understand the seriousness of the relationship of mother-and-a-child, a bit. But, cruelly, this did not happen. The blatant truth emerged before her that there was no emotional attachment left in him. Mother thought that if born out of her womb, the child would naturally have all-encompassing love and affection in him. But alas, that wasn’t to be! She was proved wrong. Though the scientists had predicted that the probability was remote, but still chances were there that the child could be born with love, compassion and caring-attitude. Just as the toxic rays of the sun kill earthly plants, animals – birds, animals and innumerable human-beings, in the same way, they dried up all the chemicals that would produce love and compassion in the human beings.

Now, she is just faintly counting her last few breaths…

I—the time— filled with remorse, have no option but to witness it ashamedly, painfully and helplessly…


Originally Written in Hindi by Nirdesh Nidhi

English Translation by Captain (IN) Pravin Raghuanshi, NM (Retd)


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English Literature – Articles – ☆ Parent’s shadow☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi poem “माता पिता के साये में “  published in today’s  ☆ संजय दृष्टि  – माता पिता के साये में  ☆ We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation. )


☆ Parent’s shadow ☆


After an early morning walk in the park, I sat under a tree near it’s trunk to do some exercise.  During one of the exercises, I looked up towards the sky. I was dazed to see the height of the trees.  About 70 to 80 feet tall trees with a dense canopy of leafy shade, with cool breeze around which accentuated the salubrious environment. A thought occurred that parents too are like trees only!  Always shielding with their ubiquitous presence overtly or covertly.

Though we see them as much as the trunk of the tree, and not their humongous towering presence always enveloping us.  We often consider their existence stumpy and dwarf.  But, to realise this huge comforting shadow, you’ll have to look up high, open your eyes wide-open.  In order to give us shade, we have to understand the unending struggle of the leaves constantly moving towards the sun to protect us from the biting sun.  Unfortunately, whenever the shadow is no more, we get to know the importance of it being on our head!

… realised how abhorrent we are that we cannot even keep our neck skyward long enough to admire these trees as our neck starts paining.

…. May God keep this shadowy protective cover for a long-long time on all … After bowing down to the trunk of the tree and offering obeisances, I returned home to the ever-soothing shadow of my mother…


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – Teacher’s Day Special – The Last Day – Shri Suraj Kumar Singh

Teacher’s Day Special

Shri Suraj Kumar Singh



It was the morning of 31st August. The black clouds that rained throughout the dawn retreated and gave way to the sunny weather and cotton-like clouds. Radio channels were playing devotional songs and bhajans. My father was sitting on his favourite chair with an expressionless face; which means I couldn’t figure out if he was happy or sad or stressed. It was going to be the last day of his school services as a teacher of Chemistry subject. Thirty nine years of selfless service towards future-building, society- reformation and nation-building was to end in a least dramatic way.

Some of his behaviours that morning were quite unusual for me. Every morning he used to watch news headlines on his favourite news channel but that day he stay put. Quiet and calm. I asked if I can switch on the television and switch that favourite news channel of his but he turned me down. I felt that an abrupt separation from a duty he performed for thirty nine years could be harder than I imagined. I still wanted to express my solidarity but I knew no way to do that for a man who has worked with so many people for so long. All my efforts went in vain. So I sat near him and played ‘I will be around’ by Spinners and ‘Take my breath away’ by Berlin on my phone. Seeing him smile few moments later was one of the best feeling ever.

Mum came from the kitchen and we all talked to each other. Time flied like a rocket and dad realised that he is getting late so he began to hustle up to reach the school on time. Since a great deal of time was already wasted, I offered to drop him. He happily agreed.

Later that evening I came to pick him up. I tried to make a phone call and inform him that I have arrived but he had switched his phone off. I waited outside the school gate for an hour but saw no soul coming out of the school’s premise. I felt eerie and thought that what if dad failed to control his emotions and broke down. He would need me in that case. Shall I go inside and check him myself. But I also realised that if he hasn’t then my presence might break him down. I decided to wait outside. Few minutes later dad called me and asked to come. I heard his voice and felt that his tone was pretty normal. That was a positive sign for me. I drove his car inside the school premise through the main gate. While parking I found my ex- Biology teacher Mr. Gupta knocking on the window. I immediately opened the gate and came out to greet him. He was very happy to see me and he asked me to follow him. I followed him into the staff room without questioning. I was surprised to see that the farewell ceremony was not over yet. I saw dad sitting beside the Vice Principal wearing a fabulous blue suit. I was also invited to say something and I had many things to say but couldn’t gather enough courage to speak before those who taught me years ago. Yes! I along with my classmates was given a farewell at the same school, by these same teachers years ago on finishing my twelfth board. In fact, we were the first 12th batch of Kendriya Vidyalaya Hinoo’s second shift. So I respectfully turned down the offer.

I must admit that I have seen many people retire from their offices but I had never seen that kind of respect and love being showered by the colleagues of a superannuating employee. To my amazement many junior fellows touched his feet and an informal guard of honour was also given by his junior, Mazumdar ji (the same person who gifted dad that costly suit and requested him to wear it during the ceremony) who is called and admired by everyone as ‘dada’. The presents and tributes given to dad that day by his students, colleagues and the school administration almost filled dad’s small car.

This is the kind of respect every teacher in the world should be given. It is disappointing to live with the fact that we live in a society where teachers are least respected. They face apathy and ill-treatment everyday and pretty often we come across news like teachers are being deprived of their pension or post-retirement benefits due to intentional delay or inefficiency of the pensioner’s welfare offices in various departments. This Teacher’s Day, let’s take a vow that no superannuated school teacher, government or private, shall remain impoverished due to society’s apathy as every teacher deserves to lead a dignified life.  Don’t forget your retired teachers when you achieve success. Go and meet them. Know the difficulties of their lives and ascertain their health. If possible, help them to stand on their own feet again. Remember, that they spent their entire life for you.


© Suraj Kumar Singh, Ranchi

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English Literature ☆ Moksha –the salvation ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


(We welcome Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji to e-abhivyakti. We are also thankful to Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj ji who has given us an opportunity to share an excellent literary work of Capt. Pravin Raghuvanshi ji. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. We request Capt. Pravin ji to share his inspirational  journey of life with our readers. Today, we present the translation of an article of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj ji “Moksha – the salvation”.)

According to Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj – “‘संजय उवाच’  को अनेक मित्र अपने-अपने तरीके से समर्थन देते हैं। मित्र कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी ने रविवार  के उवाच का अँग्रेजी में उत्कृष्ट अनुवाद किया है। मित्रों के साथ साझा कर रहा हूँ।”


☆ Moksha –the salvation ☆


*Moksha* –the salvation, an illusive word, which as a wish is embedded in every human being in the world.  With growing age, it becomes increasingly overpowering.  While forgetting the rare achievement of being born in human body on the paradise-like-earth, the creature often indulges in myriad ways of seeking salvation in different cults, attires, praying systems, ethos and so on.  This chain of discovery creates an everlasting illusive disorientation.

I’ll narrate you an incident.  In the quest of highway to salvation, in perennial confused state, I was going on a city road. Had to stop as the sound of a crying dog ​​in the atmosphere was disturbingly echoing around, but the dog was not to be visible anywhere.  Suddenly, a hard object collided with my foot.  Distressed with pain, I saw, it was a ball.  Children were playing cricket across the street.  After hitting my foot, it rolled over and stopped next to an open manhole of a drainage.

A young child of eight or ten years came running and picked up the ball.  He too heard the wailings of the crying dog.  He peeped in the manhole and saw a puppy lying inside, which was desperately crying for help.  Without wasting time, in a jiffy, he put the ball in his pocket, and jumped into the drainage.

Took out the puppy, as he got wet in knee-deep slushy water. He put the puppy on ground, who kept on wagging his tail vigorously with gratitude, and started rolling in the child’s feet.

Before I could converse with the child, suddenly one of his group members called, “Hey Moksha, where have you stopped?  Get the ball quickly.”  The child ran back to his way…

The eternal confusion was sorted.  The path of liberation was found as the illusive fog got dispelled off…

Respect the salvation of the earth; Bliss of the heavenly Mokshadham will welcome you with open arms.


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – ☆ Reading – The best 15 minutes you’ll even invest ☆ – Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

☆ Reading – The best 15 minutes you’ll even invest ☆ 

 On the basis of two comparative statistics the following valuable information was made available.
The average human reads less than two books per year – one and a half to be exact – with almost two-thirds of those going unfinished. On the whole, at present humans have lost the habit of reading good books
There is a notable exception, however. Chief Executives of Fortune 500 companies read on an average, roughly four books per week. This is equivalent to about 200 times the average for the rest of the world, and it is guaranteed that vast majority of the books read by the so called Chief Executives are good, meaty stuff that causes them to think about their business and/or their life in a very healthy way.
Needless to say, you should start reading four books a week and there is a direct and positive correlation between the amount of good reading an individual does and their influence and income. Unquestioningly, the most life-changing habit you can develop is to systematically read good books.
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones coined the phrase that “Leaders are always Readers”. Brian Tracy has seen it happen many times where an individual went from zero to 30 minutes a day of good reading and saw their income double. If you do not currently make positive reading a regular part of your life, DO SO IMMEDIATELY. Along with changing who you spend your time with, it is absolutely the most powerful way to change your life for the better.
You have to work, spend time with your family and engage in all great activities that you engage in, and you should. You don’t need to become a full time student or some kind of hermit bookworm crazy person. All you need is 15 minutes a day, preferably right in the beginning or right at the end of that day. Watching TV, surfing the internet, eating lunch, just zoning out, the list goes on and on. Just take just 15 minutes out of those kinds of activities each day and invest it in a good book.

©  Jay Prakash Pandey

416 – H, Jay Nagar, Near IBM Office, Jabalpur – 482002 Mobile – 9977318765


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