पुस्तक समीक्षा/आत्मकथ्य – पूर्ण विनाशक (स्वयं की तलाश) – श्री आशीष कुमार

पूर्ण विनाशक (स्वयं की तलाश) – श्री आशीष कुमार 

Book: Purn Vinashak
Author: Ashish Kumar
Published by: Evincepub Publications
Publication Year: 2019
Formats: Amazon Kindle, Paperback
Genre: Philosophical, Spiritual, Mystery, Religious
Reviewed by: Ashish
Rating: 4/5 stars

Amazon Link – Purn Vinashak


एक दिन, जब मैं विलासिता का आनंद ले रहा था (आम तौर पर जिसे मैं पसंद नहीं करता हूँ), तो मुझे एहसास हुआ कि कहीं कुछ कमी है। उस समय मैं सोच रहा था कि अगर कोई रिश्तेदार या मित्र उस आनंद का भाग ना हो तो कोई भी विलासिता का आनंद कैसे ले सकता है। उस समय एक सेकंड का एक अंश मुझे एक युग की तरह लग रहा था। इसलिए मैंने दृढ़ विश्वास किया कि अकेले जीवन जीना खुद के लिए अपराध है। और यदि वह जीवन सबसे लम्बा हो, तो?

उस दिन मैंने इस पुस्तक को लिखने का निर्णय किया। मेरा सिर्फ एक ही विचार पूरी किताब में परिवर्तित हो गया है। मैंने ब्रह्मांड के सबसे कठिन विषयों पर अपने बारह साल के शोध, अनुभव, अन्वेषण, खोज, इच्छाओं और भावनाओं को इस पुस्तक में जोड़ दिया है। लेकिन सबसे अधिक, यह पुस्तक उस अनंत शक्ति के गुप्त मार्गदर्शन द्वारा लिखी गई है, जिसने मुझे सुझाव दिया, ध्यान और सपनों के चरणों में और यहाँ तक कि गहरी नींद में भी, इस पुस्तक में जोड़ने के लिए लेखों, और अवधारणाओं की स्पष्टता का।

कुछ वैज्ञानिकों के लिए आश्चर्यचकित करने वाले हैं, अन्य वैज्ञानिकों के लिए सहायक हो सकते हैं। मुझे ध्यान, सपनों और गहरी नींद की स्थिति में भगवान से सन्देश और निर्देश प्राप्त हुए हैं। केवल मुझे पता है कि मैंने इस पुस्तक में अपना पूरा जीवन डालने के लिए कितना दर्द सहन किया है। मेरे पास कोई संख्या उपलब्ध नहीं हैं जो मुझे बता सके कि मैंने सोये बिना कितनी रातें बिताई है यहाँ तक कि नींद ने मुझे कई बार चेतावनी दी कि या तो मेरा आनंद लो या दर्द से चूर चूर होने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ।

मुझे लगातार सिरदर्द का सामना करना पड़ा, जिसे मैं पिछले बारह वर्षों से सामना कर रहा था, अंत में इस पुस्तक के रूप में मेरे प्रयासों को न्याय संगत बनाने में सक्षम है। पिछले दस सालों से, मैं ‘कई’ स्थितियों से गुजर रहा था मैं मानसिक रूप से, शारीरिक रूप से, आर्थिक रूप से, सामाजिक रूप से, भावनात्मक रूप से, तार्किक रूप से, टूटा हुआ था। यह पुस्तक आपको रहस्यों की यात्रा पर ले जाएगी। आपको कुछ तथ्यों की व्याख्या मिलेगी जो आप अपने बचपन से सुन रहे हैं, और अचानक वे बदल जाएंगे।

मैंने हिंदू धर्म पर सभी संभावित उपलब्ध ग्रंथों को पढ़ा है जिनमें 4 वेद, 18 पुराण, 108 से अधिक उपनिषद, भगवद-गीता, रामायण, महाभारत, उप वेद, वास्तु-शास्त्र, ज्योतिष, हस्त रेखा, संगीत, आयुर्वेद, पौराणिक कथाओं, दर्शन, आगाम और कई अन्य। मैंने भौतिक प्रारूप और ई-किताबों में धर्म, दर्शन, विज्ञान इत्यादि के पिछले बारह वर्षों में 3000 से अधिक किताबों को पढ़ा हैं।

मैंने ज्ञान के लिए अपनी खोज को पूरा करने के लिए इंटरनेट पर अत्यधिक शोध किया है जिस पर यह पुस्तक आधारित है। तो इस पुस्तक को लिखने के लिए, मेरे प्राथमिक संसाधन हिंदू शास्त्र और इंटरनेट था। मैंने इस पुस्तक को एक रूप देने के लिए अपने दृष्टिकोण और चेतना के साथ एकत्र की गई जानकारी को एक कहानी में संकुचित कर दिया है। लेकिन कुछ हद तक केवल दिव्य स्रोत से प्राप्त निर्देश ही इस पुस्तक में हैं वो मुझे तब प्राप्त हुए जब मैं ध्यान या नींद की अवस्था में था।

इस पुस्तक में आपको पता चलेगा कि नाम क्या कर सकते हैं। तो अगली बार “नाम में क्या है?” पूछने से पहले दो बार सोचें। कई जगहों पर मैंने एक शब्द के अर्थ की व्याख्या करने के लिए वाक्यों या शब्दों के समूह का उपयोग किया है। कुछ स्थानों पर कुछ शब्दों का एक अर्थ होता है, और दूसरी जगह पर पुस्तक के प्रवाह के अनुसार कुछ मामूली अंतर के साथ उसी शब्द का कुछ अलग अर्थ हो जाता है। कुछ शब्द बहुत ही साधारण हैं, जिनका अर्थ हर कोई जानता है, लेकिन मैंने फिर से उन लोगों के लिए उनका अर्थ दिया है जो हिन्दुत्व के विषय में ज्यादा जानकारी नहीं रखते हैं। मैंने शब्दों और अर्थों को आसान से आसान बनाने का प्रयास किया है। हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं में, समान नाम रखने वाले कई व्यक्तित्व हैं। इसलिए मैंने उनके अर्थों को उसी स्थान पर समझाया है, जिस स्थान पर इस पुस्तक में उनका उपयोग किया गया है, जैसे कि बाली वानर सुग्रीव के भाई हैं और लगभग समान नाम बलि पाताल लोक के राजा भी हैं। इसके अतरिक्त जंबुमली, सुसैन, आदि एक से अधिक व्यक्तित्व का नाम है। प्राण और चेतना जैसी उच्च अवधारणाओं के भी एक से अधिक अर्थ हैं। कभी-कभी मैंने विशिष्ट वाक्य के अनुसार किसी नाम का अर्थ इस्तेमाल किया, और अन्य अर्थों का उपयोग वहाँ किया है जहाँ यह एक अलग वाक्य में उपयोग किया गया हैं जिसमें उसका अर्थ पूरी तरह से अलग या उसके अर्थ का थोड़ा सा अलग संदर्भ है।

  • आशीष कुमार

Book Review:

Purn Vinashak, as the title suggests very clearly, is a novel that mixes many things together to create a completely different experience for the readers – thriller, mystery, adventure, spirituality, philosophy, and also religious elements. The novel fixates around a character named Surya Singha who is a travel guide and also a mysterious person as perceived by the characters around him – Ashish, Avinash and Puja. The novel is a mystery in itself as we, as the readers, are taken through different passages and paths only to understand that the character who is the fulcrum of the novel is none other but the brother of great King Ravana – Vibhishan himself.

Ashish, Avinash and Puja are people of the modern era and interested in researching about epics, religious texts and ancient scriptures. They are baffled when Surya Singha shocks them by revealing his true identity as a person who has lived many thousand years, has seen the great battle between Ram and Ravana, the great war of Mahabharata and also the two world wars. This revelation shocks Puja and others, especially Ashish who, thereafter, remains in awe throughout the novel.

‘Vibhishan Sir’ as other characters call him, reveals many secrets to these characters. Secrets and knowledge from Yoga, Spirituality, Karma, Ramayana and Mahabharata and many other ancient treasures that Ashish (and other characters) enjoy immensely.

Towards the conclusion, however, the novel takes a very different turn and a twist occurs that leaves Ashish shocked! This is something that the readers will find out themselves.

Purna Vinashak is written in Hindi and the author Ashish Kumar hasn’t left any spaces empty – content, language, plot, and theme – everything is properly maintained. However, at times, the novel’s narrative takes the shape of non-fiction as Vibhishan begins explaining things in details. That is something that only religious and spiritual readers will find exciting. Otherwise, the novel is exciting for the readers in general minus the Vibhishan’s extreme knowledge of things.

You can get a copy of the novel from Amazon and enjoy reading it right away!

Review by Sumit for Indian Book Critics

साभार: श्री आशीष कुमार 

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – The Frozen Evenings – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

The Frozen Evenings

The Frozen Evenings Poetry collection by Authorspress India, written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

There are evenings which just freeze. You sit on the banks of the river called life and simply observe within. You neither contemplate, nor worry about the weight of memories, nor procrastinate; you are just there in those instants. You undertake a journey within and let the thoughts just surface like a bubble and then vanish with the flow. “The Frozen Evenings” is a collection of fifty poems that written by Limca Book of Records Holder, Neelam Saxena Chandra, in such moments.

Excerpts from the book – The Frozen Evenings



Either the poetry

Should be so soothing

That you’d wish to spend

One cool evening under its shade,

Or it should be so beautiful

That you’d long

To pick a flower from its bed

And enjoy its fragrance,

Or it should be so romantic

That you’d run to be

In its embrace for long

Or it should suffocate you

Making you yearn

For every drop of life

Or it should arouse anger

Against the dogmas and rigidity

Making you wriggle in pain

Or it should sting you

Making you so blue

That its tint refuses

To leave you for long!

A poem is wonderful

Only when it can evoke

Those razor sharp reactions!

Amazon Link : The Frozen Evenings

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Casket of Stories – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Casket of Stories

A short stories collection by Omji Publishing House, written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Everyone lives. But life becomes a pleasant journey if you come across something that is called love. Love is not only about romance. It is something more than that. The feeling of love and affection can arise from your child, from your parents, from your colleagues and from your friends. Only if life were easy! Life is the most complicated thing one ever comes across. Life is all about relationships, which never follow a mathematical or geometrical pattern. Sometimes, the one who you felt loved you, turns out to be a traitor. And love may come from the most unexpected corner. It is these twists and turns that make the twenty-one stories in this book.

Excerpts from the book –Casket of Stories

Three days later, Raju and his parents turned up at the clinic. But, my eyes were searching Rajni. I wondered why she had not come. In fact, it was due to her that I had opened an NGO to take care of kids like her. Children who suffered since their parents could not afford the medicines and insulin. Especially, the girls who suffered since the poor would rather let their daughters die than spent so much money on them. My web page had her photo at the top. I had tied-up with many Doctors whom I had met at London for funding. I was eagerly looking forward for my project.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a phone call on my mobile. At London, Dr Julia had shown a lot of interest in getting a project funded for the girl children diagnosed with juvenile diabetes in India. Back to my native place, I had made full project details and mailed her. She had called up to confirm the sponsorship.

Happily, I glanced at Raju. He looked quite energetic. I was jubilant to see his progress. After his examination, his father asked me to give them Rajni’s quota of medicines. He defended himself, “Rajni is studying hard for exams and hence she could not come with us to see you. She has sent lots of love to you. You know, Doctor Sahib, she prays for you daily. May you always prosper. Can you please hand over her medicines? We will surely get her next time.”

I was about to oblige. But tears struggling to come out of Radha’s eyes made me ponder. I said sternly, “No, I will give you only when she comes here.”

Radha’s tears finally scuffled out and she burbled, “Rajni is dead!”

Amazon Link : Casket of Stories

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Skylines – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra


A stories collection by Authorspress India, written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

A woman is like a palette of colours. Just like the colours, she too displays a different tint and shade at different points of time. The colours you perceive are the ones you make her show. If you love her, she will adore you; if you give her wings she will soar but if you hurt her, she may take time but will one day bounce back in retaliation.

‘Skylines’ is a collection of fourteen different stories which revolve around women – the buoyant teens, the chirpy youth or the matured ladies. Different encounters and circumstances in life make them either very tender, fragile or reactionaries and bigots. Do read on to understand these colours of life…

Excerpts from the book –Skylines


As Edward Becker raised his hands to bowl the last ball of the innings, different thoughts raced in his mind. It was his first international match. His captain had reposed complete faith upon him and he had been assigned the crucial task of bowling the last over in this critical match. He was feeling a bit insecure and unsteady. Would he be able to deliver? What if he fails? It was a ‘do or die’ situation.

Just then, Diya’s face flashed in his mind. She was bubbling with joy and chirpy as ever.  Her face beamed as she said, “Edward, I know it. You have it in you and you can do it.”

He closed his eyes for a split second. He suddenly felt an inrush of energy. Yes, he could do it. Had he not already taken five wickets since the starting of the match? He spun his ball with renewed enthusiasm and vigour. This ball could make or break the game. The rival team was just three runs short of victory.

The ball went briskly to the batsman and he had no chance. The ball touched the edge of his bat and landed in the hands of Edward once again. He jumped, he danced, he shrieked. He was extremely overjoyed. The captain and all his other teammates hugged him and threw him in the air. He felt that he was at the top.

Edward was getting married to Diya in the evening and he wanted to share this moment with his sweetheart.

While the champagne bottle was opened for him by his teammates, Edward was again taken down the memory lane. He had pursued English Literature earlier, not because it interested him but since he could not think of something better to do. In almost similar way, he had applied for this post of Assistant Editor in the famous social magazine ‘Buzz’ because he could not think of anything better. He did not have any craving to work as an editor. He had reached the venue of the interview without any expectations or goal. After all, one had to do something in life.

When he reached the venue, he was informed that the interview had been postponed by two hours. He was sitting lazily when the scent of a perfume filled his nostrils. A beautiful girl had entered and sat next to him. All eyes were on her. She looked stunning in her red tunic top and denim. But what bemused him the most were her eyes which had a naughty look in them. He felt electric sparks flying. To start the conversation, he asked her her name. With a glimmer in her eyes she replied, “Diya”.

“Your name sounds interesting. What does it mean? Is it an Indian name?” he asked. He had heard the name ‘Diya’ for the first time and it sounded not only different, but also intriguing.

She scrutinized his tall and narrow body frame before replying, “Diya means a candle in Hindi; a candle which lightens the world while it itself burns.”

“Too philosophical for me!” he said.

Amazon Link : Skylines

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Layers of flickering lights – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Layers of flickering lights

A poetry collection by Authorspress India, written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Poetry collection of 101 wonderful poems which try to describe the voyage to the ultimate equilibrium between the mind and heart through poetry.

Excerpts from the book –Layers of flickering lights


Puff! Puff! Puff!

Blew the wind.

It was not only


but ruthless too…

destroying everything

that came its way.

A little leaf

had just sprouted

and it was also

full of hope…

it made everything optimistic

that came its way.

The vindictive wind

learnt about

the buoyant leaf

and began

gusting and raging

around it,

surrounding it with

fury and frenzy.

It intimidated it,

It unsettled it,

It threatened it.

And yet,

the leaf

kept smiling,


Seeing the audacity

of the leaf,

the wind

finally blustered

so raucously

that the leaf

could no longer survive

and it gave up,

ah! so bravely.

Optimism and hope

does lose at times,

but then the fact

that it

persisted and flourished

brings a smile

on the lips

of all positive seekers.

Amazon Link : Layers of flickering lights

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Detail Geography of Space – Mr. Ashish Kumar

Detail Geography of Space

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual/scientific  writing.  I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed – an entire chapter as an excerpts will change your thinking.) 

Blurb : Scientists doesn’t have answers to some all time mysteries of science like; why quantum particles shows dual nature and uncertainty? How black hole created in space? Why we can only feel presence of dark matter and dark energy but unable to locate them in universe? Why amount of matter and anti matter differs in our universe? Is time travel possible?  What is Higg Boson, their composition and how they give masses to other particles?  Can teleportation is possible? Can life at other planets possible? And many more unsolved problems of physics are solved only by a simple old Hindu philosophy called ‘Sankhya Philosophy’ or ‘Philosophy of evaluation of elements’. Yes a Philosophy which is based on three properties of nature called Sattwa (goodness), Rajas (Activity) and Tamas (Inertia) are reason behind all unexplained scenarios of science. s quest of unify theory of anything finally solved?

Excerpts from the book:  A Chapter from ‘Detail Geography of Space’


Quantum mechanics does not assign definite values. Instead, it makes a prediction using a probability distribution.

In science world, we want everything perfect and accurate like accurate position, accurate momentum, definite energy, definite time of occurrence etc., but in quantum mechanics, we do not pinpoint the exact values of a particle’s position and momentum or its energy and time, rather it provides only a range of probabilities in which the particles might be given its momentum and momentum probability.

This uncertainty is called rules of uncertainty for quantum particles or particles which we can’t observe directly.

As we have discussed in details that according to Sankhya philosophy, we can’t tell the exact composition of three modes of nature in any matter or particle. We can only guess or make a probability of outcomes.

We can make more accurate guess on the species with large existence or objects which can perceive accuracy, but we can’t make exact prediction about atomic or quantum particles.

Now try to solve this uncertainty principle from Sankhya’s point of view.

Uncertainty principle: The position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision.

Important steps to understand the uncertainty principle are wave–particle duality. As we proceed downward in size to atomic dimensions, it is no longer valid to consider a particle like a hard sphere, because the smaller the dimension, the more wave-like it becomes.

It is clear from Sankhya’s philosophy that composition of modes of nature in every element is continuously in the process to convert from one mode to other. In large species like human being, composition is large and complex but keeps changing every time in our body and mind. We can’t perceive changes in a short time span in large species because it contains huge amount of modes components, and it will take time to completely change resultant of modes as explained in part Sankhya’s philosophy: abstract to generalised.

But as we go to atomic dimensions, there the total composition of three modes of nature is actually in very less amount. So a small change of one mode results into change in total composition of modes so that we can perceive changes. This rapid change shows wave-like pattern.

For example, if a particle is in the stage of Sattwa, it will change to Tamas and Rajas very fast because in these cases, Rajas has very less amount of mode in matter to change from Sattwa to Tamas, which Rajas can change very fast.

Now again we try to understand uncertainty principle from above explanation:

According to uncertainty principle, the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision.

Or ∆X∆P ≥Ћ/2

Where ∆ indicates standard deviation, a measure of spread or uncertainty; X and P are particle’s position and liner momentum, respectively.

We know that Sattwa is responsible for existence or position of anything in space, so we can say that in the above equation

Sattwa = f (X) – position of particle in space.

Similarly, Rajas is responsible for motion so we can say that

Rajas = f (v) – velocity of particle and

Tamas signifies heaviness or stability,

So, Tamas = f (m) – mass of particle.

We know that linear momentum of any particle is

P = m × v = mass × velocity.

So, we can write in Sankhya

P = Tamas × Rajas.

Or, uncertainty equation like

∆ Sattwa ∆ (Tamas × Rajas) ≥Ћ/2.

It is clear from the above equation that in atomic particles, one mode of nature changes into other so fast that we cannot tell the exact composition of three modes accurately.

More clearly, suppose a quantum particle is in Sattwa dominating mode at any given time. As we try to measure its position (Sattwa show existence in space), it converted into Tamas mode by Rajas (Rajas play as a role of convertor). Now, if we try to measure the momentum of this particle or we can say that it’s Tamas and Rajas mode (Consider now particle is in Tamas dominating mode), it will converted again to Sattwa. And again if we try to measure the position, it will again convert into Tamas or whole Rajas because we know in quantum particles, change of mode is so fast that we can’t predict them.

In more Sankhya terms, we can’t tell composition of modes of nature in any quantum particle with accuracy at any given time.

Till now, we have discussed uncertainty for quantum particles or particles which we can’t see directly. However, does it work on all level? As we told above, we can’t tell about compositions of three modes exactly but can make closer guess in big object with more accuracy than quantum particles. But then, what about our stars and galaxies?

To think about the prospective of macro level, we have to understand the relativity in general. Space and time are relative quantity.

Example 9.1: Suppose, we have one box of 1×1×1 feet three dimensions. In this box, I have placed an ant so the space inside the box is very large for the ant, but very less for us. So with the case with other large objects, means space is relative (Figure 9:1).

Figure 9:1

Again, we know that time looks long when we have to wait for someone and very small when we spend with someone we love. Therefore, time is also relative. Means space and time both are relative and depends upon the form of reference through which we are observing.

Now back to the uncertainty problem, we have proved that uncertainty works very well for the quantum particles but not for us when we are observing from the reference of us. However, when we saw our life from large reference, is it possible to tell about what might happen with our life in future accurately?

Or more correctly, will we be able to tell with accuracy that we will be doing at what time in future?

No! we can’t answer it with accuracy because in any species small or large, from small reference to large, we can’t tell exact composition of three modes of nature. We can go as close as possible as science progresses.


© Ashish Kumar

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Soul Seekers – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Soul Seekers

A novel by LiFi Publications written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

No matter how far the soul-mates are, no matter what differences they have, no matter how cruel the course of destiny is; love finds bridges across the barriers, dissolves differences, and defies destiny. Miracles do happen in true love!

About the Book : What happens when two simple, unassuming people fall in love and embark on a struggle with their own emotions even while unaware of the plans destiny has for them? Can love survive against odds?

Soul Seekers is a love story that revolves around Pia, a pretty young thing with a haunting past. It stalks her as she ventures on a journey to Hyderabad, where love beckons to her. Two men enter her life, Atul and Yatin. Even as things seem to be shaping up, bizarre events force her to leave the city. Will love come calling her? Will the lovers triumph at the end?

Excerpts from the book – Soul Seekers

Beginning a life after so many nadirs was tough indeed. He had lost his mother, lost his foot, lost his love – in short he was going empty-handed to join a new job at a new place. He had never thought of teaching as a career for him. He had always wished to lead good firms as their financial consultant. But, this was what destiny had chosen for him!

Yatin had left all his belongings in Hyderabad and did not wish to go there to get them back. Therefore, he decided to get everything afresh. The only thing he had brought from there were some photographs of the wonderful days spent together with Pia and his other friends.

While he was packing his things, his father’s glance fell on a photo clicked by Mukesh. Yatin and Pia were dancing jovially in the shot, oblivious of the world.

Smiling at the photo, his father remarked, “I would be happy if you get someone like her as my daughter-in-law!”

Yatin glimpsed at the photo. Those were such happy moments! He took the photograph in his hands and kept gazing at it for hours. If only, he wondered. Yeah, had that accident not occurred; she would have been his. But he was no longer angry with himself or his lost foot. He had come to terms with it.

Amazon Link : Soul Seekers

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Can I have this chance – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Can I have this chance

A novel by Authors Press written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra. 

(This is a story about courage, justice, love, sacrifices, a quest for the truth, and crucial choices, all revolving around the life of a simple woman from India, but with a fire in her eyes to prove herself.)

About the Book :  “Avantika, a fiery young journalist, is about to board a flight to New York to pay a visit to the Editor of The New York Times, to consider a job offer she received as a result of her hard work and determination as a crime journalist in India. Little does she know that this one brief trip will change her life forever. Minutes before boarding her flight, she receives a proposal, which leads her to a very imperative decision – career against love. She tries postponing the impending decision, to enjoy her short voyage. Suddenly, in the midst of her turbulent thoughts, she notices a man walking up the aisle of the aeroplane, a gun in hand. Before she manages to digest this news and the fact that the plane is far away from civilisation, hovering somewhere above the Atlantic; with a jolt, she realises that the hijacker is a man she recognises- a man from her past! From the villages of North India, to the posh highways of New York, this is a story about courage, justice, love, sacrifices, a quest for the truth, and crucial choices, all revolving around the life of a simple woman from India, but with a fire in her eyes to prove herself. Read on, to find out more.”

Excerpts from the book – Can I have this chance

Sunil looked at her adoringly. Could he really bid farewell to a gal who had been not only his companion at work but also in his every personal turmoil? It was indeed impossible for him. This was his last chance and he wanted to have it. He had hoped till the last moment that she would come and say, “Hey, Sunil! I have cancelled my journey and I am not going to the US of A anymore. I wish to be here, with you. And…and I agree to your proposal.”

Sunil had been in love with Avantika right since the time she had joined his newspaper ‘MAGMA’ as a journalist, specialising in the crime section. In fact, it was he who had chosen her for the job despite opposition from all his senior colleagues. He had somehow felt the lava and the desire to do something hidden deep inside her. This, combined with her intelligence had made him choose her from among a flock of candidates who had come for the interview – some much more experienced and qualified than her. In fact, she had just barged into his room from nowhere and was not even a candidate registered with them.

Sunil had never been proved wrong. Avantika had substantiated each day that his choice had been THE right choice. MAGMA had been begun with the intent of exposing the corrupt wolves in society without any bias. And Avantika had been performing amazingly well –  revealing and uncovering the so-called respectable front runners  of society. MAGMA had, in fact, begun an amazing revolution in the country which had set off chain reactions. The surrender of Bajju bhaiya had been one of the most astonishing incidents which had led the nation into thinking mode. Of course, it was Avantika who had handled the case.

However, it was not only on professional front that Sunil would be missing Avantika. Their relationship had blossomed from colleagues to close friends soon enough. Their close proximity and understanding of each other had made Sunil fall in love with her. He respected her, he admired her, he was in awe of her and he also adored her. It was not the sort of love which only craves for physical oneness – but the one which yearns for oneness of the soul. He had indicated the same to Avantika sometimes indirectly and at other times, directly; however, she had always laughed at his proposals.

Amazon Link : Can I have this chance

Amazon Link for Hindi translation: ज़िंदगी इत्तेफ़ाक है

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – The Ruiner – Mr. Ashish Kumar

The Ruiner

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual writing.  I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed – an entire chapter as an excerpts will change your thinking.) 

Blurb : Two boys and two girls of the current era are in the quest of mythological history of Hindu scriptures. Their aim and hobbies are different. Even their professions are different. They have come together to explore the fascinating story of the world. Yes, they have come together to walk on the footprints of Lord Rama and Lakshman in Sri Lanka. There they meet their guide, a person who explains and also makes them visit places of Ramayana like they all are part of that era. They also got the answers to some facts which no one knew before, such as: Ravana knew clone science and created 1 lakh clones of his sons and 1.25 lakhs clones of his grandsons. Where are they now? Ravana knew the science to use moon energy to prepare food. How? How were Gods able to transport themselves from one location to another? How Ravana created the link between this realm to heaven? What is the science behind Indrajaal, Mohini Astra, Lakshmana Rekha etc? Why did Goddess Sita demand golden deer? Why didn’t Lord Hanuman kill Bali? What is Sita’s Gita? How did Lanka get its name, Sri Lanka? What is the significance of Dakshinamukhi and Panchmukhi Hanuman? Why is moon revolving around the earth with overlapped of one paksha of 15 days? How could Kaalnemi fly faster than Lord Hanuman? What is the science behind Weapons Shakti, Brahmastra? What is the Science behind Sanjeevani medicine? How can Puspak Viman fly at a different speed? Is reason behind Mahabharata war Lord Krishna? Can we stop aging by manipulating our DNA? How do Karmas work? Do curses and boons affect our karma? Prana, consciousness, and soul are the same or different? What is the science behind Amavasya? Who is the goddess of moon phase? What is the Science behind sacrifices? Is any other formula more powerful than E=mc2 ? If yes, what is that? Is inter-caste marriage responsible for crime and corruption in our society? How do emotions impact our mind and body? Want to know more? Go and grab your copy today!

Excerpts from the book:  A Chapter from ‘The Ruiner’

Once I had asked Lord Hanuman that why our mind is not stable and vibrates here and there?”

Lord Hanuman replied,“My dear, our mind is bound from four main emotions, and these are kaam or desire of lust, Krodh or anger, Lobha or greed and Moha or attachments of me and mine. Every human mind lives on these four emotions. Some have one more than the other emotion, other humans have another more, and so on. Like a person have more Krodh and Lobha or less Moha and kaam, etc. Also the quantity o, or more general essence of these emotions keep changing rapidly. You can note that sometimes you feel more kaam, less Moha, or more Krodh, and more Moha and less Lobha and kaam. Many such combinations are possible.”

Then I asked from Lord Hanuman,“Oh! My Lord, so what is the way for household to make mind stable at one point?”

Lord Hanuman replied, “You can think like that total percentage of all four emotions will be 100 % in each human being which includes different percentage of four emotions in each human being. Now there are two ways—one for Sanyasi’s (Ascetic), and that is to convert percentage of all four emotions means Kaam, Krodh, Lobha and Moha into detachment and reduce the total percentage of all four emotions. When total 100% will convert into detachment, Sanyasi  gets enlightenment from his mind.

Second household method is to take all emotions in equal percentage inside mind. You can say like 25% kaam, 25% Krodh, 25% Lobha, 25% Moha. It will make household mind balance towards three aims of life called kaam—very deep desire of luxuries sex etc., Arth—basic requirements to survive according to once position in family and society, and Dharma—rightful action according to clan, society, background etc.and then general progress naturally towards fourth aim of life called moksha—Salvation. So by practice of mediation and following dharma defined for individual, he or she can balance his or her four main emotions (other emotions are sub-categories of these four) and then progress in right direction even as a household.”

Then I asked, “My Lord why we see our surrounding differently? Like one is looking good for one, and same thing is bad for others?”

Lord Hanuman said, “Every person can only see his own universe, which was the outcome of his current ripping karmas fruits, that universe of his is created with his bondage and goes away with his liberation. Although it remains for others who are in same type of bondage, because those same types karmas are still unripe.”

Also good and bad are relative terms. The thing which is good for me is bad for you. The same thing is also good at one part of our life and bad at another part. Like in childhood every kid likes to eat sweets. For kids it is good, but when that kid grows old and lots of diseases enter inside his body, then the same sweets become bad for him. My dear, it is the same consciousness which gives us an awareness of pleasure at one time and pain at other. What else you want to know?”

Then I asked, “My Lord you are the sun of Vayu—air, and have full command over vayu. You are even the vayu in the form of Prana inside our body. So who is the best teacher to teach about Pranavayu other than you in three worlds?

Lord Hanuman smiled and said, “Okay, I am going to tell you secrets of Pranavayu which is unreachable to even Devtas.”

Then Lord Hanuman said to me, “Due to Prana, this universe is active and this Prana exists in every manifestation life.

Different elements of worlds are nothing but vibrations of Prana at varying frequencies. You must be aware of different types of Prana in body.”

I said,“Yes Lord I know about ten Pranas inside our body, in which five are most important—prana, udana, vyana, samana and apana.”

Lord Hanuman ji said, “Yes when a man dies, the thought held in the mind enters into prana. prana and udana join together the soul and take it to the desire world. udana resides in the Nadi passing through the center of the spine.

If udana is in the higher part of spinal Nadi then person go to heaven or upper worlds, if lower, then to lower worlds and if in between, then got almost similar human life as current.

I have told you about four main emotions, but there are nine Rasas or emotions which can easily identify humans. Now I’ll tell you how emotions are generated inside the mind. When prana interact with the Ayurvedic dosa (Vata, Kapha and Pitta) in the body, the Rasas are experienced in our mind. It is like prana make active to some passive patterns. At that point ‘I’—the ego has to decide if it accepts the Rasa (emotion) that is experienced. If ego, after consulting the intellect (Bhuddhi), does not support a Rasa, then it will changed by act of will power. If the ego supports a Rasa, then even the intellect can do nothing and may be forced by the ego to support Rasa. When the ego support Rasa, it refers to the type of emotion from nine is of basic essence of that particular ego, which will be created due to four daily necessities of humans, which are Sex, Sleep, Food and Self-preservation. The different combinations of these four make different types of ego categories which can be didvied into nine types of emotions.

The aim of all yogas is to make our intelligence so strong that ego will not overcome its decision to reject all emotions inside mind, so that the mind becomes stable in any emotion and can concentrate on single point.

I asked, “Lord, it means all emotions generate from different parts of body?”

Lord Hanuman replied, “I’ll give you a simple example of how Singhara Rasa or emotion of Love is generated.

Flow of pranavayu comes down from heart region to down navel and mixes with water dominant Pitta dosa. Mind it, Pitta is a combination of water and fire elements, so there are three possibilities—one when water is more than fire, like in this case which is responsible to generate love emotion, or fire is more than water, which is responsible to generate anger emotion or both fire and water are equal, generate calm emotion. When this prana mix with water dominating Pitta dosa, then this flow moves towards Manomaya kosha and generate Dynamic sensation in ‘I’—the ego, and move towards upwards direction (near heart), this movement arranges the particles of mind in very simple and known patterns, and generate sensation in body. This sensation is called Love. Now understand?”

I fell at the feet of Lord Hanuman and requested him to tell me about the soul. Then he said,“Atma or soul is ever conscious. It has some opposite properties:

  • Atma—Soul is form of akasa (Space) because of zero visible structure in space. But also atma is form of Non-akasa because it is present everywhere.
  • It is not an object because no one can describe it, but it is object because it exists.
  • Atma is conscious because it is light. But it is unconscious because no one can see it from senses.
  • Atma is faster than fastest speed because it is present everywhere, but Atma is unmovable because it doesn’t have motion.
  • Atma doesn’t require any support to exist, so it looks like it does not exist. But atma is truth, so it exists.

My friend the only thing to know in three worlds is atma and nothing else, but we all know it.

Now I’ll tell you what is manna (Mind) Knowledge of sense objects is called manna, resolution and alternative is the nature of manna. This is that, I am this, all these objects belong to me—this desire is actually manna because we desire either resolution or alteration for some objects or concepts.

Sacrifice of all the objects for which manna desire is a way to liberate or Enlightenment.

Now I’ll tell you evolution of mind and senses from Consciousness.

When Consciousness is bound from Time–Space and causation, it receives alternate form and this is called chitta.

When chitta is thought from desire of me and mine, it called ego.

When ego is decision-making and defect, then called Bhuddhi—Intelligence.

When intelligence starts taking resolution, it become manna.

When manna takes a deep dip into options, it takes form of senses.

Take an example: Consciousness is only awareness inside us so Consciousness deciced that we do some thing or not, then other parts of mind like chitta, manna etc do their duties to fullfil the decision of Consciousness as a team.

Hanuman ji further said,“dear now I’ll tell you more about Prana, manna, senses, etc. All the physical works in which body energy is used like running, talking, etc. are done when pranavayu and apanavayu of body unite.

When a person sleeps, all the senses absorb in the prana, even manna, so we can contemplate while sleeping.

The subtle part of solid food which we eat goes upside in body with pranavayu after getting filtered by Jathar Agni at Manipura Chakra. This subtle part is manna. So if we eat Sattvic food, the subtle part of that Sattvic food makes Sattvicmanna, and we will take decisions which will be right for us. But if we eat more Rajsvic or Tamsic food, our manna will become more Rajsvic or Tamasic.

Similarly, the subtle part of consumed water collects and comes up—that is prana in pure form inside our body, and subtle part of clarified butter—greasing that we eat, collects and comes up to make voice of a person.  So if we eat clarified butter made of cow milk, it is Sattvic and makes our voice pleasant and good to hear for all. But in case of Rajsvic or Tamsic it can harm ourselves and others.

The power of food we eat has sixteen Kalas or art or phases, so manna also has sixteen Kalas or phases.

Indriyas or senses work with the combination of prana. If we remove prana from Indriyas then there will be no impact on chitta in any case. Keep in mind that anything where change is happening in micro cosmos or macro cosmos, is because of movement of Prana in one or other form. Without Prana there is no motion or movement or change so life is not possible.

Do you know that apanavayu is carrier for food? vayanvayu is nothing but a combination of prana and apana and this vayanavayu is actually responsible for our speech. This is the reason when person speak he don’t do work of prana and apana. I told you speech is made from greasing. Also vayana is our speech so we can say that greasing of our body is responsible for vayana. Again prana is made from subtle part of liquid we drink and vayana from greasing of body, and also vayana is combination of prana and apana. So it means apana is what left if we remove greasiness from subtle liquid of inside body. It is very deep science.

Now what will happen if we churn milk? It separates or generates butter and what left is butter milk. Now according to Ayurveda this butter milk is best possible thing to purify our body apanavayu which is actually responsible for all our stomach problems if misbalanced. So now clear that if you drink milk of cow it will create Sattvic prana inside your body and if you eat butter made of those cow milk, it will be good for purify vayana vayu and leftover of churning cow milk, means butter milk is best to make apanavayu work on its best inside our body. Now link between some important vayus is clear? Now I’ll tell you some more things.

Breath is unit of prana inside our bodies.

If anyone can do mastery over the flow and directions of vayu inside the body he can do anything. There are some yoga techniques for it. Even man can decide during sex if his semen goes to female body that child will be born or not. Means if he want to make his wife pregnant, then he has to make sequences of vayus in lower abdomen. kandrpavayu (special form of apanavayu which is works as carrier of semen) remains below and prana above which is general case for common human.

But if he does not want to make his wife pregnant, he has to locate pranavayu below kandrpavayu. But we don’t have to do this because sex is allowed only between husband and wife to generate children.

The knowledge of prana, soul, manna, etc. is very deep and I can’t tell you whole, but remember that when your chitta, ego, intelligence, manna, senses are filled with the name of Lord Rama, then you don’t need to understand these complex topics. Just surrender yourself to Lord Rama.”

© Ashish Kumar

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English Literature – Book-Review/Abstract – Tales from Venus – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Tales from Venus

Short story collection written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra by LiFi Publications

 “Tales from Venus” recently traveled to Sharjah International Book Fair.

About the Book : “A woman is a palette of hues and has various shades to her persona. She desires nothing, but love. If she feels loved, she shines, opens her wings and touches the sky; radiating the whole world. If she does not, she cribs for some time, may get angry too; but then finds her own horizons in the space provided. She does not stop anywhere. She is always adapting to the situations and then also modifying herself accordingly and learning to grow in the worst of situations. Tales from Venus makes you aware of the various colours of a woman right from teens till she matures. There are tales that tickle your bones, tales that make you feel emotional, tales of courage, tales of treachery, tales that thrill you and tales that make you happy. Ultimately, you are bound to remain glued to the book because of the surprise element offered by each story.”

Excerpts from the book – Tales from Venus   

Papa, I am in Love

“Papa, I think I am in love. I had never thought that this miracle will happen to me. Now that it has happened, I am so happy!”

“Wow! That is wonderful! So very wonderful! And who is the lucky chap?”

“Papa, he will come to meet you in an hour by 5 p.m. I want you to see him and accept him totally. I know that you will like him.”

“What if I don’t? Do I have the option of liking him or not liking him? Or is it compulsory for me to like him?”

“Of course, you have the option of not liking him. But, I am sure that you will like him. He is so good. He is someone whom everyone marvels at. Papa, he is awesome!”

“Are you talking about your boyfriend or some material in a show room?”

“Papa, you are too funny. You always talk nonsense. Obviously, I am talking about Sandy. I love Sandy with all my heart, my soul and my spirit. It is so nice a feeling to be in love. I am enjoying being in love.”

“Yeah, I can see that. Since when are you in love with this Sandy?”

“Papa, he proposed to me yesterday. And I am in love with him since then.”

Amazon Link: Tales from Venus

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