English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 53 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 53 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 53) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 53 ☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

एक बार वक़्त से

लम्हा गिरा कहीं

वहाँ दास्ताँ मिली

मगर लम्हा कहीं नहीं


Once  a  moment  from  the

time  just  fell  somewhere

On searching got the stories

but never again that moment

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

कुछ दर्द  ऐसे  भी

मिले  जिंदगी  में,

जिन्होंने जान भी ले ली

और जिंदा भी छोड़ दिया!


Came across few pains

in the life, like that

which  took  the  life,

but left me alive too!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

दो  गज  से  ज़रा  ज़्यादा

जगह  देना  कब्र  में  मुझे…

किसी की याद में करवट बदले              

बिना मुझे नींद ही नहीं आती…


Give me little more than two

yards of space in the grave

Can’t sleep without rolling

in  someone’s  memory..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

तसल्ली  से  पढ़े  होते

तो समझ में आते हम,

ज़रूर कुछ पन्ने बिना

पढ़े ही पलट दिए होंगे…


If only you’d read me calmly

to understand me fully…

You must have flipped over

few pages without reading... !

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


हिन्दी साहित्य – कविता ☆ क़ीमत ☆ कर्नल अखिल साह

कर्नल अखिल साह

(कर्नल अखिल साह जी एक सम्मानित सेवानिवृत्त थल सेना अधिकारी हैं। आप  1978 में सम्मिलित रक्षा सेवा प्रवेश परीक्षा में प्रथम स्थान के साथ चयनित हुए। भारतीय सैन्य अकादमी, देहरादून में प्रशिक्षण के पश्चात आपने  इन्फेंट्री की असम रेजीमेंट में जून 1980 में कमिशन प्राप्त किया। सेवा के दौरान कश्मीर, पूर्वोत्तर क्षेत्र, श्रीलंका समेत अनेक स्थानों  में तैनात रहे। 2017 को सेवानिवृत्त हो गये। सैन्य सेवा में रहते हुए विधि में स्नातक व राजनीति शास्त्र में स्नाकोत्तर उपाधि विश्वविद्यालय में प्रथम स्थान के साथ प्राप्त किया । कर्नल साह एक लंबे समय से साहित्य की उच्च स्तरीय सेवा कर रहे हैं। यह हमारे सैन्य सेवाओं में सेवारत वीर सैनिकों के जीवन का दूसरा पहलू है। ऐसे वरिष्ठ सैन्य अधिकारी एवं साहित्यकार से परिचय कराने के लिए हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू एवं अंग्रेजी  में प्रवीण  कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी संपादक ई-अभिव्यक्ति (अंग्रेजी) का हार्दिक आभार।  हमारा प्रयास रहेगा कि उनकी रचनाओं और अनुवाद कार्यों को आपसे अनवरत साझा करते रहें। आज प्रस्तुत है कर्नल अखिल साह जी की  काश्मीर पर एक भावप्रवण कविता  ‘जन्नत- ए-कश्मीर‘

☆ क़ीमत ☆ कर्नल अखिल साह ☆


हम ज़िंदगी भर ज़मीनों की

क़ीमत पर  ही  इतराते  रहे,

हवा ने जब अपनी क़ीमत मांगी

तो ख़रीदी हुई जमींने बिक गईँ


Throughout life we trumpeted

Worth of the lands we owned

When air claimed its price

All the lands were pawned


© कर्नल अखिल साह

≈ ब्लॉग संपादक – श्री हेमन्त बावनकर/सम्पादक मंडल (हिन्दी) – श्री विवेक रंजन श्रीवास्तव ‘विनम्र’/श्री जय प्रकाश पाण्डेय  ≈

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 52 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 52 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 52) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc. in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 52 ☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

रात  है  ख़्वाब  बुनती,

दिन  हैं  कि  उधेड़ देते…

इसी उधेड़-बुन में तमाम,

ज़िंदगी  है  बीती  जाती…!


Night keeps weaving dreams,

and the days untwine them

In this turmoil only, whole

Life  keeps  on  passing..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

आस्मां छुपे  हैं  कई मुझ में,

मैं कायनात का इक जरिया हूँ,

मैं दरिया  की  एक बूँद नहीं,

एक  बूँद  में  पूरा दरिया हूँ..!


Many skies are hidden in me,

I’m the  tool of  the  universe

I’m not just a drop of the river

But the whole river in a drop!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

हो सकता  है  कि  लोग मुझे

शायद कमज़ोर समझते  हों,

क्योंकि मेरे पास ताक़त नहीं है

किसी  का  दिल  तोड़ने  की…


May be people consider me

as  weak  hearted  since

I don’t  have the  strength

to break someone’s heart!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

तोड़ दे अपनी ये बेगानी खामोशी

कुछ  तो  दिलों  की बात  होने दे

जैसी होती है अक्सर खयालों में

वैसी ही  एक मुलाकात तो होने दे


Break your strange silence

Just have some hearty talks

Let’s meet up in reality as we

often meet  in  the thoughts..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 51 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 51 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 51) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 51 ☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

इस सफ़र में नींद

ऐसी खो गई…

हम तो न सोये,

रात थक कर सो गई..!


During this journey, the sleep

was  lost in  such  a way

That I could  not  sleep,

but the tired night slept off!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

ले चल ऐ ज़िंदगी फिर से

बचपन की उन गलियों में

जहाँ ना कोई ज़रूरी था

ना ही कोई जरूरत थी….


O’life! Take me once again

In those streets of childhood

Where no one was needed

And, there used to be no need!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

मैं इतनी छोटी

कहानी भी न था,

तुम्हें ही जल्दी थी

किताब बदलने की…


I  was  not  even

such a short story,

You were only in hurry

to change the book…!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

कभी रंगों से इक नज़्म लिखो

कभी अल्फाज़ों से तस्वीर गढ़ो

कभी खामोशी की आवाज़ सुनो

कभी चुप्पी की इबारत भी पढ़ो


Sometime write a

poem with colours

Try ever making a 

picture with the words

Sometime listen to

the voice of reticence

Once in a while read

the narrative of silence..!


❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 50 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 50 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 50) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 50 ☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

आते-जाते हैं तमाम

रंग  मेरे  चेहरे  पर,

लोग  लेते  हैं  मजा

ज़िक्र तुम्हारा कर के…


Keep coming  and going

Myriad hues on my face,

People teasingly enjoy by

Mentioning  your  name…!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

मंज़िल तो मिल ही जाएगी

भटक कर ही सही

गुमराह तो वो हैं

जो घर से निकले ही नहीं….


You’ll get to the destination

may be, by wandering itself

Misguided are those, who

never venture out of house….!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

मुझ पर तुम्हारा प्यार

यूँ ही उधार रहने दो,

बड़ा ख़ूब है ये कर्ज़,

मुझे कर्ज़दार रहने दो..


Just simply let your love be

a perennial  loan  on  me…

This loan is so very special

Let me be a borrower only..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃


प्यासी आत्मायें हैं,

जो रिश्ते…

पी जाया करती हैं…


Reticences …

are nothing but

The thirsty souls

devouring the relationships…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 49 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 49 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 49) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 49☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

फ़र्क़ चेहरे की हँसी पर

सिर्फ इतना सा पाते हैं

पहले  खुद आती  थी

अब  लाना पड़ता  है..!


Difference in smile on the

 face is just that much only,

Earlier it’d come on its own

Now it has to be brought..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

मिज़ाज अपना कुछ

ऐसा बना लिया हमने,

किसी ने कुछ भी कहा

बस मुस्कुरा दिया हमने…


I’ve made my temperament

such  that,  even  if

Someone says anything,

I simply give a smile…!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

न जाने किस मोड़ पे ले आई

हमें तेरी ये बेकाबू तलब,

सर पे चिलचिलाती धूप

और राह में इक साया भी नहीं!


Don’t know where this unruly

craving for you has brought me,

Scorching sun up in the sky

And, not a shade in the path..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

ठुकराया था हमने भी

बहुतों को तेरी खातिर..

तुझसे फासला भी शायद

उनकी बद्दुआओं का असर है


I too had rejected many

of  them  for  your sake, 

Distance from you, perhaps,

is the effect of their curse!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 48 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 48 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 48) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 48☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

हुजूर, दोस्ती में कहाँ

कोई उसूल होता  है

जो  जैसा  है  वैसे

ही  कुबूल  होता  है..!


When does friendship

 follow any principle

Friends  are  always

accepted as they are!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

कब धूप चली, कब शाम ढली

किस  को  ख़बर  है…

इक उम्र से मैं अपने ही

साये  में  खड़ा  हूँ…


Who knows if it was sunshine

or when would Sun set in,

I’ve just been standing in my

own  shadow  since  ages..!

  ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

खाक उड़ती है रात भर मुझ में

कौन फिरता है दर-ब-दर मुझ में,

मुझको खुद में जगह नहीं मिलती,

तू  है मौजूद इस  कदर  मुझ में…!


Dust blows into me 

through out the night

Who is that always

wanders around in me…


I do not find a place

for myself in me…

You are filled in me

to  such  an  extent…!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

फिर मेरे हिस्से में आएगा

समझौता  कोई…

आज फिर कोई कह रहा था

समझदार  हो  तुम…


Yet again a compromise

will be coming in  my share…

Today again someone was

saying you are intelligent…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 47 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 47 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 47) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 47☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

अब जुदाई के सफ़र को

मेरे आसान करो…

तुम मुझे ख़्वाब में आ कर

परेशान  ना  किया करो…


Now make my journey of

separation easy…

Do not disturb me by

coming in the dreams..

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

अकेले हम ही शामिल

नहीं  है  इस  जुर्म  में,

नजरें जब भी मिलती थी

मुस्कुराये तो तुम भी थे…


I  alone  was  not

involved in this crime,

Whenever our eyes met,

you too equally smiled!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

खुदा के घर से चंद

फरिश्ते फरार हो गये,

कुछ  पकड़े  गये,

कुछ हमारे यार हो गये..


A  few  angels escaped

 from the God’s abode,

While some were caught,

Others became my friends

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

तुम मुझसे दोस्ती का

मोल ना पूछना कभी

तुम्हें किसने कहा कि

पेड़  छाँव  बेचते  हैं…


Never ask me about the

price of the friendship

Who has told you that

trees sell the shades..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘नि:शब्द’… श्री संजय भरद्वाज (भावानुवाद) – ‘Silent…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi Poem “ निःशब्द ”.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author  Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज 

☆ संजय दृष्टि  ☆ नि:शब्द  ☆

एक तुम हो

जो अपने प्रति

नि:शब्द रही जीवनभर,

एक मैं हूँ

जो तुम्हारे प्रति

नि:शब्द रहा जीवनभर।

©  संजय भारद्वाज

(कवितासंग्रह ‘वह ‘)

☆  Silent… ☆

One, that is you

Who remained

voiceless throughout the

lifetime for yourself,

Here I’m who remained

lifelong tongue-tied

towards you…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 46 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 46 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 46) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 46☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

सुई की फितरत तो बस

सिर्फ चुभने  की  ही  थी

क्या साथ मिला धागे का,

बस फितरत ही बदल गई!


The nature of needle

was  just  to  prick…

In the company of thread

Its attribute got changed!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

जैसा भी  हूँ  खुद  के

लिये  बेमिसाल  हूँ  मैं…

किसी को भी हक नहीं

दिया कि मेरी परख करे…!


Whatever I  am, I  am

unmatched for myself…

Haven’t  given  anyone

the right to judge me..!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

इश्क़  करने  से  पहले

आ बैठ फैसला कर लें…

सुकूँ किसके हिस्से होगा,

बेक़रारी किसके हिस्से…!


Before  falling  in  the  love,

Let’s sit together and decide

Who’ll be entitled to solace

who’ll share restlessness!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

फिर  मुझे  कुछ  ऐसे

भी  आज़माया गया

पंख  काटे  गए  और

आसमाँ में उड़ाया गया…


Then I was also

tried  like  this…

With wings chopped,

made to fly in the sky

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !
