English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Aylan ☆ – Hemant Bawankar

Hemant Bawankar


(This poem is dedicated to a three-year-old Syrian boy ‘Aylan’ who represents all children who left this world under shadows of war. The dead body of ‘Aylan’ was found unattended on the beach of Turkey in the month of September 2015. The world will forget him one day, but, one cannot forget the questions that he left behind him. The Hindi and German Version of this poem is also available. )


☆ Aylan  ☆


The calm

sea shore

and he

calm, serene, innocent


rolled inverted,


No…. no…

forcibly laid down

by the sea.

He does not know

how he reached on

the deserted beach.


How he missed

fingers of daddy.

Leaving the world

and everyone

in deep sorrow.


He left his homeland

with parents

to see and experience

the new world,

golden world

in the shadow of parents

to play

with new friends

in a new country

in new surroundings

with new friends

with elder brother


he will not hear

any gunshots

anyone’s screams.


He will be able to hear

only and only

birds’ chirping sounds

children’s laughter.


Whether they are

of any colour,

of any religion.


he does not know


does not want to know

that –

What is a country?

What are the borders of the country?

What is a citizen?

What is citizenship?

What is a refuge?

What is a refugee?

What is terrorism?

What is a terrorist?


He just knows it


the earth is one

the sun is one


the moon is also one


these all are together

for the entire world.

There are so many human beings


the humanity is one.


He does not know

why his father was taking them

to another world

in the dark

across the sea.



he will not hear

any gunshots

any cries.



the sea did not like it.

The sea was angry

and began to throw them



very high

in the dark

he was very afraid of the water


did not see anything in the dark.

He did not see his home,

even mom,

brother and dad too.



he was the youngest


lighter than all.



high-rise waves of the sea

quietly put him to sleep

on the beach


………. now dad will be here soon!


© Hemant Bawankar, Pune

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 6 – Pandu’s curse ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is Executive Director (Systems) Mahametro, Pune. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Pandu’s curse”. This poem is from her book “Tales of Eon)


☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 6


☆ Pandu’s curse☆


King Pandu, out to hunt

Unable to bear child frustrated

Heard some din in the surrounding

An arrow in his bow mounted


Rishi Kindama and his charming wife

Transformed into an antelope and a doe

Invoking magical powers

Were in the open, making love


Pandu’s arrow, struck the antelope

Upon the antelope, death hovered

Pandu watched helplessly the repercussions

While the afflicted Rishi cursed


Pandu was banned from touching a woman

Having hindered brutally a couple in mating

He was to die then and there

If he ever engaged in love-making


A man who cannot father a child

To be a king is deemed unfit

Left Hastinapur for good and forever

To lead the life of a hermit!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)


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हिंदी साहित्य – कविता / Poetry – ☆ विजय अवतरित सज्जनता ☆ – कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

(हम कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी द्वारा ई-अभिव्यक्ति के साथ उनकी साहित्यिक और कला कृतियों को साझा करने के लिए उनके बेहद आभारी हैं। आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के पूर्व छात्र कैप्टन प्रवीण जी ने विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर देश की सेवा की है। वर्तमान में सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ के सलाहकार के रूप में कार्यरत हैं साथ ही विभिन्न राष्ट्र स्तरीय परियोजनाओं में शामिल हैं।)


आज हम डॉ इन्दु प्रकाश पाण्डेय जी के सम्मान में कैप्टन प्रवीण जी के मित्र श्री सुमीत आनंद जी द्वारा रचित अङ्ग्रेज़ी कविता “The gentleman down the street” का हिन्दी भावानुवाद “विजय अवतरित सज्जनता…” प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं।


संक्षिप्त परिचय: 

डॉ इन्दु प्रकाश पाण्डेय जी का जन्म 4 अगस्त, 1924 को हुआ था। आप  हिन्दी के समकालीन वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार हैं। आप जर्मनी के फ्रैंकफुर्त शहर  में स्थित जॉन वौल्‍फ़गॉग गोएटे विश्‍वविद्यालय के भारतीय भाषा विभाग से 1989 में अवकाश प्राप्‍त प्राध्‍यापक हैं। 

श्री सुमीत आनंद जी के ही शब्दों में

4 अगस्त 2019 को फ्रैंकफोर्ट (जर्मनी) में आदरणीय डॉ इन्दु इंदु प्रकाश पाण्डेय जी के 95 वें जन्मोत्सव पर उनके स्वस्थ, सक्रिय और सार्थक जीवन के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ देते हुए मैंने  “The gentleman down the street” शीर्षक से पाण्डेय जी के व्यक्तित्व की प्रच्छन्न विशेषताओं को उजागर करते हुए एक कविता लिखी थी. मेरे अनन्य मित्र और हिंदी, अंग्रेज़ी, संस्कृत और उर्दू के मर्मज्ञ विद्वान् कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी ने मेरे अनुरोध करने पर इस कविता का हिंदी में अनुवाद किया है.

प्रसंगवश बताना चाहूँगा कि कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी ने हिंदी की कालजयी रचनाओं का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद करने का बीड़ा उठाया है.

मुझे विश्वास है कि पाण्डेय जी के असंख्य हिंदी पाठक, प्रशंसक, इष्ट-मित्र और विद्यार्थी इसे पढ़कर एक बार फिर से उनके लिए शुभकामनाएँ अर्पित करेंगे.

      – सुमीत आनंद


☆ विजय अवतरित सज्जनता… ☆


बस जैसे ही मैंने सोचा

कि अब शिष्टता मर चुकी है

वाक्पटुता भी मृतप्राय है

मौलिक भद्रता मरणासन्न है

तभी जीवन में सज्जनता स्वरूप

आपका आगमन हुआ…


आपका अपनी

जीवन की अनूठी कहानियों का,

अपने दीर्घ अनुभवों के

खज़ाने का द्वार मेरे लिए खोलना

और मुझे सिखाना

जीवन के छोटे-बड़े आनंद

का नित्य लुत्फ उठाना…



एक ज्योतिपुंज होना

प्रेमभाव से परिपूरित होना

और हम सभी को

इन्हीं ईश्वरीय भावों से ओतप्रोत करना…

जीवन को सम्पूर्णता से प्रेम करना

फिर भी हमेशा निर्लिप्त भाव में रहना


एक श्वेत कपोत की भांति अल्हड़, मस्त और पवित्र…

प्रत्येक दिन एक अपरिमित

उन्मुक्तता के साथ जीना

जीवन के तूफानों का

एक मुस्कान के साथ

एक फ़क़ीराना अंदाज़ में,

शांत व साहसी भाव से

निरंतर सामना करना…


जबसे जीवन में सज्जनता स्वरूप

आपका प्रादुर्भाव हुआ…

हर गुज़रता पल

हर गुज़रता वर्ष

ये अहसास दिलाता रहा कि

आपका शाश्वत सामीप्य

हमे प्रेम-विभोर कर रहा है…

निरंतर आशीष दे रहा है…


हिंदी अनुवादः प्रवीण रघुवंशी 


The  Original  poem – ☆  The gentleman down the street ☆


Just when I thought

Chivalry is dead

Eloquence is dead

The basic goodness, is dead

Along came you

The gentleman down the street.

Opening your chest of treasure

Of all the life´s stories

Of all your experiences

And teaching me

To rejoice life´s little pleasures.

Carrying so much light and love

And infecting all with the same

Loving life to the fullest

Yet be so detached

Carefree and pure as a dove.

Living each day with a careless abandon

Braving through life´s storms

With a smile

With an audacity

alongside your brave but calm compassion.

With each passing year

Realising that you are there

To love us to bless us

You remain ever so dear

The gentleman down my street


 – Sumeet Aanand

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 5 – Ambika’s infuriation ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is Executive Director (Systems) Mahametro, Pune. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Ambika’s infuriation”. This poem is from her book “Tales of Eon)


☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 5


☆ Ambika’s infuriation ☆

(When asked by Satyavati to bear a child with her son, Sage Vyas)


What am I taken to be, great Bhishma!

Taken away from my father by force
O Bhishma I was forced to wed
Not you, the one who brought me here
But Vichitravirya, as you then said.

Disturbed and humiliated was I
But I made no protest, nor dissent
Accepted what fate decreed and so,
Were seven best years of my youth spent!

Have you now heard this, mighty Bhishma,
What mother Satyavati asks of me?
She wishes me to consort with Sage Vyas

Bhishma! What now, I ask of thee?

Sage Vyas is here now, mighty Bhishma
And his awful odour fills the room
O! So terrible and dark his visage is
How do I take his seed in my womb?

The clan may prosper or come to end
No! I just can’t bear a son by him…
Oh! No one listens to me…and so…
My eyes shall remain closed to him…

What am I? I ask you Bhishma!
What did I do for this disgrace…
I have no choice, I give in Bhishma,
It is my end, I hide my face!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Creativity ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi poem ” सृजन ” published in today’s  ?✍ संजय दृष्टि  – सृजन ✍?.  We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji for this beautiful translation. )

Initially, we thought to begin a weekly column of Capt. Pravin Raghuwanshi ji’s English Translations. Later on, we found that we will not be able to give justice by limiting his vivid literary work in periodical columns. So, we will try to publish his work whenever we will have an opportunity to do so.  We are extremely thankful to Capt Pravin ji for giving this liberty to e-abhivyakti.


?✍ Creativity ✍?


Some stood fast with the power of money,

Others through the power of their contacts,

Time cemented this transactional barter for eternity,

While the utter crazy pauper like me held on to creativity…


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 4 – Amba’s wrath ☆

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is Executive Director (Systems) Mahametro, Pune. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Amba’s wrath”. This poem is from her book “Tales of Eon)


☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 4


☆ Amba’s wrath ☆

(Denied justice from Bheeshma, a sufferer of fate, Amba seeks justice from God)


O life! You have made me a chattel

Loved, lost, owned and dismissed.

And on one leg I stand here on the Himalayas

O God! Before you, to ask for justice.


King Shalva I loved, gave away my heart

And accepted I was by pleasure and grace

And yet, taken away from my swayamwar I was

Bheeshma, by virtue of force, caused my disgrace.


Owned by Bheeshma, to Vichitrveerya presented

A conquered property I became, exchanging hands

When informed that it was King Shalva I loved

Kind enough they were to understand


Went I, to King Shalva, with love in my heart

And…oh! rejected, refused and denied I was

Said he, that he could not have someone as wife

Some other man’s possession who was…


With a despondency, I returned

And asked Vichitraveerya to take me as his wife

Declined again, I asked Bheeshma for justice

He was the one, who had changed course of  my life


He was the one who had snatched me away

He was the one in whose chariot I sat

Rightfully, I asked him to marry me

And it was then I realized, I had become a doormat


Bheeshma rebuffed me, reminded me of his pledge;

Wandered I from place to place, to get even.

Parshurama did help, fought for me-

Unfortunately, against Bheeshma, no one could have won


O God! Death of Bheeshma is what I seek

As a revenge for what I had to endure and face

O God! Give me justice, for I know I did not falter

O God! Most humbly, before you, I present my case


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 3 – Celestial Ganga☆

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is Executive Director (Systems) Mahametro, Pune. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Celestial Ganga”. This poem is from her book “Tales of Eon)


☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 3


☆ Celestial Ganga ☆


Oh what a beauty!

Thought Shantanu, as he at Ganga glanced

Fell in love in first glimpse

And for her hands for marriage, he asked.


By Shantanu’s father already blessed

Ganga had nothing to fear

“Oh yes!” she smiled and replied,

“Provided you never question me dear!”


The king’s lawful queen she became

And soon, her first son was born

As he witnessed her go and drown him

Between his love and promise was Shantanu torn


Child after child thrown in river

King Shantanu felt that he had had a lot

When to drown the eighth child Ganga went

He felt that he could thus continue to suffer not


“O pretty queen, do stop your ghastly acts;

Pray leave this child,” he muttered

“Your promise is broken oh dear King!

I shall leave you now!” she uttered.


“The children killed by me were none

But Gods known as Vasus who were cursed

Seven of them could forsake life and misery

Though the eighth shall have to be nursed.”


Saying so, Ganga quickly disappeared

With Devratta safely cushioned under her arms

To be raised and trained as perfect warrior

Under the patronage of Parshurama!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Black Hole…. ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  for sharing his literary and art works with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national level projects. We present a translation of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi poem ” ब्लेक होल ” published in today’s  साप्ताहिक स्तम्भ – ☆ संजय उवाच – #8 – ब्लेक होल ☆ . We extend our heartiest thanks for this beautiful translation. )


☆ Black Hole…. ☆


How do you manage

to absorb

so many hardships

so much of sadness

within yourself,

Science says:

Decay of substance

Happens from more to less

Dense to sparse…

Misery of world

Comes and gets

consumed in me,

My inside is getting

used to of it

Entire emptiness of mine

is gradually turning

into the ‘Black hole!’


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 2 – Dushyanta’s Regret ☆

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is Executive Director (Systems) Mahametro, Pune. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Dushyanta’s Regret”. This poem is from her book “Tales of Eon)


☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 2

☆ Dushyanta’s Regret ☆

(Dushyanta speaks when he is told by Gods that Shakuntala is indeed his wife and Bharat is indeed his son)


O dearest Shakuntala,

How could I forget you-

O beautiful damsel?

Regret flows through my eyes

As I remember

I called you lowly, wicked and without virtues.

Shame envelopes me

As I recall the moments

When I  refused to accept Bharat,

Our lovely son!


O dearest Shakuntala

Holy was our union

Already sanctified by heavens above;

And Bharat, the most handsome son

Any man could have.

Proud I am having you as my wife

And possessing Bharat as my son

And I bow in front of Sage Kanwa

Who patronised you!


O dearest Shakuntala

Ready I am to repent and accept any penalty

That you may impart me.

Forgiveness I what I ask of thee,

Reprimand me or punish me,

But restore honour

To this mighty kingdom

And my soul

And accept to be

My wife.


Oh virtuous, chaste and beautiful lady,

See! even the heavens desire

That you be my wife, the queen!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Life goes on…. ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  for sharing his literary and art works with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national level projects. We present an emotional poem of Capt. Raghuvanshi ji “Life goes on….”.)


Life goes on….


No one ever leaves

before his time comes

When will that happen?

No one even knows…


There’s no bigger catastrophe than the

Heartache ceaselessly oozing out through eyes…


I sure’ve reaped gains by

my carefree senselessness,

As, now doesn’t even exist

a complaint with the life…


Though, the eternal quest

still on deep inside me

But never-ever bothered to

explore my fathomless heart


There used to live a

bounteous person inside

However hard I searched

but never found him again…


Life now is such an intense

perpetual concatenate maze

That doesn’t even have

foreseeable unpuzzled end!


But life goes on…


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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