योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Beginners Group – Sitting Posture – Video #2 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Beginners Group – Sitting Posture ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


Yoga asanas are specific body positions which open the energy channels and psychic centres. Asanas are classified into three groups: beginners, intermediate and advanced.

The beginners group should be performed by those who have never practised yoga before. This group consists of elementary techniques designed to prepare the body and mind for major and meditation asanas.

These practices are no way inferior to the advanced asanas and are very useful in improving physical health.

Included in this group are the pawanmuktasana series, eye exercises, relaxation, pre-meditation and meditation poses, asanas performed from vajrasana, standing asanas, surya and Chandra namaskara.

In Sanskrit these practices are referred to as ‘sukshma vyayama’, which means subtle exercise. The word ‘pawan’ means wind or prana; ‘mukta’ means release and ‘asana’ means pose. Therefore. Pawanmuktasana means a group of asanas that remove any blockages preventing the free flow of energy in the body and mind.

Pawanmuktasana is divided into three distinctive groups of asanas: the anti-rheumatic group, the digestive/ abdominal group and the shakti bandha group to release blocks.

All three groups supplement each other, stimulating and encouraging a free flow of energy throughout the body. Practitioners are advised to perfect each group before attempting the major asanas.

Excerpted from ASANA PRANAYAMA MUDRA बंधा –  Swami Satyananda Saraswati


I Don’t See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/dtv/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Yoga Asanas: Standing Postures – Video #1 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Yoga Asanas: Standing Postures ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


In this video, we have demonstrated yoga asanas in the standing posture including Tadasana, Tiryak Tadasana, Trikonasana, Virbhadrasana, Parsakonasana, Padottanasana, Utkatasana, Parshvotannasana, Padangushtasana, Padahastasana, Uttanasana, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Mukta Hastasana, Vrikshasana and Natrajasana.

Caution:  This is only a demonstration to facilitate practice of the asanas. It must be supplemented by a thorough study of each of the asanas. Careful attention must be paid to the contra indications in respect of each one of the asanas. It is advisable to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.


I Don’t See the Branches, I See the Leaves by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)

Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/dtv/

Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga: A Complete Session/ हास्य-योग: एक संपूर्ण सत्र – Video #22 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Laughter Yoga: A Complete Session/ हास्य-योग: एक संपूर्ण सत्र☆ 

Video Link >>>>


हास्य-योग करने की शुद्ध विधि इस विडियो में सुन्दर व सरल ढंग से समझायी गयी है. इसे देखकर आप सही ढंग से हास्य-योग करना सीख सकते हैं और सिखा सकते हैं. हास्य-योग के चार चरणों को इस विडियो में समझाया गया है. ये चार चरण हैं:

१. ताली बजाना
२. गहरी सांस
३. बच्चों की तरह मस्ती
४. हास्य व्यायाम

This video explains in a simple and beautiful manner how to do Laughter Yoga in the correct manner. After watching this video, you can learn and teach the four basic steps of Laughter Yoga.

The four steps of Laughter Yoga are:

1. Clapping and chanting
2. Deep breathing
3. Child like playfulness
4. Laughter Exercises

हास्य-योग बिना किसी कारण हंसी और प्राणायाम का मिश्रण है. कोई भी बिना चुटकुलों के, यहाँ सिर्फ हास्य व्यायामों के माध्यम से देर तक लगातार हंस सकते हैं. बच्चों की तरह मस्ती और नज़रें मिलने से हंसी वास्तविक हंसी में परिवर्तित हो जाती है और एक-दूसरे की देखा-देखी सब खुलकर हंसने लगते हैं.

Laughter Yoga is a unique concept of prolonged voluntary laughter created by an Indian physician Dr Madan Kataria in the year 1995 in Mumbai. We begin laughter as an exercise and it soon becomes contagious by eye contact and childlike playfulness.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga: Gibberish Joke Laughter – Video #21 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Laughter Yoga: Gibberish Joke Laughter ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


Gibberish is a language that has no words, only sounds. It is the language that the kids speak when they are born. Gibberish meditation clears the clutter from the mind.

Laughter yoga is a unique technique by which anyone can laugh without the use of jokes, comedy or humour. We permit one joke occasionally in laughter sessions – Gibberish joke. It is the best joke in the world. After hearing it, everyone pretends to laugh like mad – rolling on the floor laughter (ROFL)!

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga:Diwali Milan: दिवाली मिलन  – Video #20 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  Laughter Yoga:Diwali Milan: दिवाली मिलन  ☆ 

Video Link >>>>



This is a glimpse of #Diwali celebration at the #yoga class of RadhikaJagat Bisht, founder LifeSkills, in #Indore. Laughter yoga has been an integral part of their curriculum for the last 10 years.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ From Tashkent to Rishikesh for the Love of Laughter Yoga – Video #19 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆  From Tashkent to Rishikesh for the Love of Laughter Yoga  ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


A small group of laughter lovers flew down from Tashkent to Rishikesh, known as the world capital of yoga, to learn the basics of Laughter Yoga. All of them had a background of yoga but had come to India with an eagerness to master the happiest workout in the world – Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht and Jagat Singh Bisht, Founders: LifeSkills, conducted a 2-day certified laughter yoga leader training programme for them covering theoretical and practical aspects of Laughter Yoga including the inner spirit of laughter, laughter meditation and guided relaxation.

The programme was well appreciated by all the participants.

These new laughter exercises were created by the participants during the course of their training programme.

Our special thanks to Ivan Skofenko for arranging the beautiful programme and putting things in place.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Laughter Yoga at Nestle – Video #18 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga at Nestle☆ 

Video Link >>>>

Nestle India arranged Laughter Yoga sessions for the staff working at their factory in Samalkha, Haryana with a view to enhance employee wellness and build a more cheerful work environment.

They were fascinated by the world’s happiest workout and marveled at the concept of laughter for no reason without using jokes, comedy or humour.

Indore based laughter professor Jagat Singh Bisht conducted three laughter sessions of two hours each covering their entire office staff (approximately one hundred) and the heads of departments including the factory manager. The staff felt the positive effects on their bodies and mind immediately after the first session. The profound impact of Calcutta laughter, hearty laughter and lion laughter was obvious to them. They felt fully relaxed and were full of joy after the session. They could also appreciate the benefits of laughter yoga towards improving efficiency, reducing workplace stress, team building, developing leadership skills and opening up communication skills.

Looking to the huge positive impact of the laughter sessions, it is proposed to conduct more intensive and extensive laughter yoga and meditation sessions for their workmen (approximately four hundred) in the near future to bring physical, mental and social well being and create a more positive work environment with the magic mantra of ‘very good very good yay’ all the way!

It may be recalled that earlier Nestle had invited laughter professors Radhika Bisht and Jagat Singh Bisht to conduct a laughter yoga session during their safety, health and environmental sustainability (SHE) workshop for zone Asia-Oceania-Africa (AOA) at Marriott Resort & Spa, Goa. The response to the session was overwhelming and the chants of ‘very good very good yay’ echoed all through the workshop. The audience included the executive vice president from Nestle headquarters at Vevey, Switzerland and market corporate safety managers from 20 countries including Australia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Turkey, along with factory safety heads from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

Nestle is a well known and respected name worldwide for ‘Good Food, Good Life’. The new programme undertaken by Nestle India with the ultimate objective to spread good health, joy and happiness among its employees is a noble initiative indeed.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ The benefits of Laughter: A Scientific View – Video #17 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ The benefits of Laughter: A Scientific View☆ 

Video Link >>>>


The benefits of Laughter are amazing. It decreases the negative effects of stress on your body which is the root cause of all illness. Laughter deals with physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously. It also strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, controls blood sugar and keeps your heart healthy. It is a powerful antidote against depression – the number one sickness today.

Laughing promotes a healthy heart. In a good bout of laughter, there is a dilation of blood vessels all over the body. We’ve all seen or experienced this as a flushed appearance and feeling of warmth. Pulse rate and blood pressure rise as the circulatory system is stimulated before settling down, below the original levels. In a nutshell, laughter helps tone the circulatory system of the body.

Diabetes is emerging as a major health hazard worldwide. Japanese scientist Murakami’s experiment to ascertain the effect of laughter on the blood sugar levels has affirmed that laughter has a lowering impact on blood sugar. Murakami indentified 23 genes that can be activated with laughter. In addition, it also reduces the stress hormone cortisol responsible for increase in sugar levels and stabilizes the immune system, which if weakened, can affect the production of insulin in the pancreas.

Laughter has a profound positive impact on allergies, with many practitioners reporting complete disappearance of all symptoms of asthma, skin and other allergies. Though not an intervention for countering physical causes of allergies; Laughter Yoga is a definite tool to remedy stress. It helps to reduce the risk factors by boosting the immune system, encouraging deep breathing and flushing the lungs of stale air and generating a feeling of wellness.

Depression is often associated with physical pain, feelings of despair, loss of appetite, immobility, insomnia and other cardiovascular problems. Practicing Laughter Yoga regularly helps to resolve most of these ailments as it is one of the fastest ways of boosting heart rate, reducing blood pressure, providing an excellent cardio workout and alleviating pain. Extended hearty laughter is a body exercise with powerful body-mind healing effects.

Scientific studies have proved that a few days of laughter exercises and deep breathing lowers blood pressure thus reducing the risk of a heart attack. Having too much cholesterol in the blood can lead to the hardening and narrowing of the arteries in the major vascular systems. A daily dose of laughter opens the arteries and allows the blood to flow freely to all parts of the body thus preventing a cardiac failure.

Stress is the number one killer today, and most illnesses are stress related. Laughter Yoga is an instant stress buster which takes care of physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously. It has been scientifically proven that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine and enhances positive emotions.


Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Just LAUGH With Us – Video #16 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Just LAUGH With Us ☆ 

Video Link >>>>



“Just Laugh With Us”
is a “Do It Along” video
where you have to
just laugh with us.
for health, happiness and peace.

Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ Adding Value To Laughter Yoga Session – Video #15 ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Adding Value To Laughter Yoga Session ☆ 

Video Link >>>>


‘Follow the Leader’ is an exercise that can be added to a session of Laughter Yoga to make it more interesting and encourage participation.

One by one, the participants come forward and become leaders for a short while. They enact an exercise which the others follow. No verbal instructions are given. You just have to follow the leader.

It should be emphasized that simple gestures and movements are to be initiated, followed by laughter and no brisk or difficult moves introduced so that all have fun.

(We are grateful to Shri Ram Kishan ji for providing us the video clip from the Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training.)


Our Fundamentals:

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga
We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and training.
Email: [email protected]

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

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