Soul Seekers

A novel by LiFi Publications written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

No matter how far the soul-mates are, no matter what differences they have, no matter how cruel the course of destiny is; love finds bridges across the barriers, dissolves differences, and defies destiny. Miracles do happen in true love!

About the Book : What happens when two simple, unassuming people fall in love and embark on a struggle with their own emotions even while unaware of the plans destiny has for them? Can love survive against odds?

Soul Seekers is a love story that revolves around Pia, a pretty young thing with a haunting past. It stalks her as she ventures on a journey to Hyderabad, where love beckons to her. Two men enter her life, Atul and Yatin. Even as things seem to be shaping up, bizarre events force her to leave the city. Will love come calling her? Will the lovers triumph at the end?

Excerpts from the book – Soul Seekers

Beginning a life after so many nadirs was tough indeed. He had lost his mother, lost his foot, lost his love – in short he was going empty-handed to join a new job at a new place. He had never thought of teaching as a career for him. He had always wished to lead good firms as their financial consultant. But, this was what destiny had chosen for him!

Yatin had left all his belongings in Hyderabad and did not wish to go there to get them back. Therefore, he decided to get everything afresh. The only thing he had brought from there were some photographs of the wonderful days spent together with Pia and his other friends.

While he was packing his things, his father’s glance fell on a photo clicked by Mukesh. Yatin and Pia were dancing jovially in the shot, oblivious of the world.

Smiling at the photo, his father remarked, “I would be happy if you get someone like her as my daughter-in-law!”

Yatin glimpsed at the photo. Those were such happy moments! He took the photograph in his hands and kept gazing at it for hours. If only, he wondered. Yeah, had that accident not occurred; she would have been his. But he was no longer angry with himself or his lost foot. He had come to terms with it.

Amazon Link : Soul Seekers

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