The Frozen Evenings

The Frozen Evenings Poetry collection by Authorspress India, written by Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

There are evenings which just freeze. You sit on the banks of the river called life and simply observe within. You neither contemplate, nor worry about the weight of memories, nor procrastinate; you are just there in those instants. You undertake a journey within and let the thoughts just surface like a bubble and then vanish with the flow. “The Frozen Evenings” is a collection of fifty poems that written by Limca Book of Records Holder, Neelam Saxena Chandra, in such moments.

Excerpts from the book – The Frozen Evenings



Either the poetry

Should be so soothing

That you’d wish to spend

One cool evening under its shade,

Or it should be so beautiful

That you’d long

To pick a flower from its bed

And enjoy its fragrance,

Or it should be so romantic

That you’d run to be

In its embrace for long

Or it should suffocate you

Making you yearn

For every drop of life

Or it should arouse anger

Against the dogmas and rigidity

Making you wriggle in pain

Or it should sting you

Making you so blue

That its tint refuses

To leave you for long!

A poem is wonderful

Only when it can evoke

Those razor sharp reactions!

Amazon Link : The Frozen Evenings

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