The Ruiner

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual writing.  I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed – an entire chapter as an excerpts will change your thinking.) 

Blurb : Two boys and two girls of the current era are in the quest of mythological history of Hindu scriptures. Their aim and hobbies are different. Even their professions are different. They have come together to explore the fascinating story of the world. Yes, they have come together to walk on the footprints of Lord Rama and Lakshman in Sri Lanka. There they meet their guide, a person who explains and also makes them visit places of Ramayana like they all are part of that era. They also got the answers to some facts which no one knew before, such as: Ravana knew clone science and created 1 lakh clones of his sons and 1.25 lakhs clones of his grandsons. Where are they now? Ravana knew the science to use moon energy to prepare food. How? How were Gods able to transport themselves from one location to another? How Ravana created the link between this realm to heaven? What is the science behind Indrajaal, Mohini Astra, Lakshmana Rekha etc? Why did Goddess Sita demand golden deer? Why didn’t Lord Hanuman kill Bali? What is Sita’s Gita? How did Lanka get its name, Sri Lanka? What is the significance of Dakshinamukhi and Panchmukhi Hanuman? Why is moon revolving around the earth with overlapped of one paksha of 15 days? How could Kaalnemi fly faster than Lord Hanuman? What is the science behind Weapons Shakti, Brahmastra? What is the Science behind Sanjeevani medicine? How can Puspak Viman fly at a different speed? Is reason behind Mahabharata war Lord Krishna? Can we stop aging by manipulating our DNA? How do Karmas work? Do curses and boons affect our karma? Prana, consciousness, and soul are the same or different? What is the science behind Amavasya? Who is the goddess of moon phase? What is the Science behind sacrifices? Is any other formula more powerful than E=mc2 ? If yes, what is that? Is inter-caste marriage responsible for crime and corruption in our society? How do emotions impact our mind and body? Want to know more? Go and grab your copy today!

Excerpts from the book:  A Chapter from ‘The Ruiner’

Once I had asked Lord Hanuman that why our mind is not stable and vibrates here and there?”

Lord Hanuman replied,“My dear, our mind is bound from four main emotions, and these are kaam or desire of lust, Krodh or anger, Lobha or greed and Moha or attachments of me and mine. Every human mind lives on these four emotions. Some have one more than the other emotion, other humans have another more, and so on. Like a person have more Krodh and Lobha or less Moha and kaam, etc. Also the quantity o, or more general essence of these emotions keep changing rapidly. You can note that sometimes you feel more kaam, less Moha, or more Krodh, and more Moha and less Lobha and kaam. Many such combinations are possible.”

Then I asked from Lord Hanuman,“Oh! My Lord, so what is the way for household to make mind stable at one point?”

Lord Hanuman replied, “You can think like that total percentage of all four emotions will be 100 % in each human being which includes different percentage of four emotions in each human being. Now there are two ways—one for Sanyasi’s (Ascetic), and that is to convert percentage of all four emotions means Kaam, Krodh, Lobha and Moha into detachment and reduce the total percentage of all four emotions. When total 100% will convert into detachment, Sanyasi  gets enlightenment from his mind.

Second household method is to take all emotions in equal percentage inside mind. You can say like 25% kaam, 25% Krodh, 25% Lobha, 25% Moha. It will make household mind balance towards three aims of life called kaam—very deep desire of luxuries sex etc., Arth—basic requirements to survive according to once position in family and society, and Dharma—rightful action according to clan, society, background etc.and then general progress naturally towards fourth aim of life called moksha—Salvation. So by practice of mediation and following dharma defined for individual, he or she can balance his or her four main emotions (other emotions are sub-categories of these four) and then progress in right direction even as a household.”

Then I asked, “My Lord why we see our surrounding differently? Like one is looking good for one, and same thing is bad for others?”

Lord Hanuman said, “Every person can only see his own universe, which was the outcome of his current ripping karmas fruits, that universe of his is created with his bondage and goes away with his liberation. Although it remains for others who are in same type of bondage, because those same types karmas are still unripe.”

Also good and bad are relative terms. The thing which is good for me is bad for you. The same thing is also good at one part of our life and bad at another part. Like in childhood every kid likes to eat sweets. For kids it is good, but when that kid grows old and lots of diseases enter inside his body, then the same sweets become bad for him. My dear, it is the same consciousness which gives us an awareness of pleasure at one time and pain at other. What else you want to know?”

Then I asked, “My Lord you are the sun of Vayu—air, and have full command over vayu. You are even the vayu in the form of Prana inside our body. So who is the best teacher to teach about Pranavayu other than you in three worlds?

Lord Hanuman smiled and said, “Okay, I am going to tell you secrets of Pranavayu which is unreachable to even Devtas.”

Then Lord Hanuman said to me, “Due to Prana, this universe is active and this Prana exists in every manifestation life.

Different elements of worlds are nothing but vibrations of Prana at varying frequencies. You must be aware of different types of Prana in body.”

I said,“Yes Lord I know about ten Pranas inside our body, in which five are most important—prana, udana, vyana, samana and apana.”

Lord Hanuman ji said, “Yes when a man dies, the thought held in the mind enters into prana. prana and udana join together the soul and take it to the desire world. udana resides in the Nadi passing through the center of the spine.

If udana is in the higher part of spinal Nadi then person go to heaven or upper worlds, if lower, then to lower worlds and if in between, then got almost similar human life as current.

I have told you about four main emotions, but there are nine Rasas or emotions which can easily identify humans. Now I’ll tell you how emotions are generated inside the mind. When prana interact with the Ayurvedic dosa (Vata, Kapha and Pitta) in the body, the Rasas are experienced in our mind. It is like prana make active to some passive patterns. At that point ‘I’—the ego has to decide if it accepts the Rasa (emotion) that is experienced. If ego, after consulting the intellect (Bhuddhi), does not support a Rasa, then it will changed by act of will power. If the ego supports a Rasa, then even the intellect can do nothing and may be forced by the ego to support Rasa. When the ego support Rasa, it refers to the type of emotion from nine is of basic essence of that particular ego, which will be created due to four daily necessities of humans, which are Sex, Sleep, Food and Self-preservation. The different combinations of these four make different types of ego categories which can be didvied into nine types of emotions.

The aim of all yogas is to make our intelligence so strong that ego will not overcome its decision to reject all emotions inside mind, so that the mind becomes stable in any emotion and can concentrate on single point.

I asked, “Lord, it means all emotions generate from different parts of body?”

Lord Hanuman replied, “I’ll give you a simple example of how Singhara Rasa or emotion of Love is generated.

Flow of pranavayu comes down from heart region to down navel and mixes with water dominant Pitta dosa. Mind it, Pitta is a combination of water and fire elements, so there are three possibilities—one when water is more than fire, like in this case which is responsible to generate love emotion, or fire is more than water, which is responsible to generate anger emotion or both fire and water are equal, generate calm emotion. When this prana mix with water dominating Pitta dosa, then this flow moves towards Manomaya kosha and generate Dynamic sensation in ‘I’—the ego, and move towards upwards direction (near heart), this movement arranges the particles of mind in very simple and known patterns, and generate sensation in body. This sensation is called Love. Now understand?”

I fell at the feet of Lord Hanuman and requested him to tell me about the soul. Then he said,“Atma or soul is ever conscious. It has some opposite properties:

  • Atma—Soul is form of akasa (Space) because of zero visible structure in space. But also atma is form of Non-akasa because it is present everywhere.
  • It is not an object because no one can describe it, but it is object because it exists.
  • Atma is conscious because it is light. But it is unconscious because no one can see it from senses.
  • Atma is faster than fastest speed because it is present everywhere, but Atma is unmovable because it doesn’t have motion.
  • Atma doesn’t require any support to exist, so it looks like it does not exist. But atma is truth, so it exists.

My friend the only thing to know in three worlds is atma and nothing else, but we all know it.

Now I’ll tell you what is manna (Mind) Knowledge of sense objects is called manna, resolution and alternative is the nature of manna. This is that, I am this, all these objects belong to me—this desire is actually manna because we desire either resolution or alteration for some objects or concepts.

Sacrifice of all the objects for which manna desire is a way to liberate or Enlightenment.

Now I’ll tell you evolution of mind and senses from Consciousness.

When Consciousness is bound from Time–Space and causation, it receives alternate form and this is called chitta.

When chitta is thought from desire of me and mine, it called ego.

When ego is decision-making and defect, then called Bhuddhi—Intelligence.

When intelligence starts taking resolution, it become manna.

When manna takes a deep dip into options, it takes form of senses.

Take an example: Consciousness is only awareness inside us so Consciousness deciced that we do some thing or not, then other parts of mind like chitta, manna etc do their duties to fullfil the decision of Consciousness as a team.

Hanuman ji further said,“dear now I’ll tell you more about Prana, manna, senses, etc. All the physical works in which body energy is used like running, talking, etc. are done when pranavayu and apanavayu of body unite.

When a person sleeps, all the senses absorb in the prana, even manna, so we can contemplate while sleeping.

The subtle part of solid food which we eat goes upside in body with pranavayu after getting filtered by Jathar Agni at Manipura Chakra. This subtle part is manna. So if we eat Sattvic food, the subtle part of that Sattvic food makes Sattvicmanna, and we will take decisions which will be right for us. But if we eat more Rajsvic or Tamsic food, our manna will become more Rajsvic or Tamasic.

Similarly, the subtle part of consumed water collects and comes up—that is prana in pure form inside our body, and subtle part of clarified butter—greasing that we eat, collects and comes up to make voice of a person.  So if we eat clarified butter made of cow milk, it is Sattvic and makes our voice pleasant and good to hear for all. But in case of Rajsvic or Tamsic it can harm ourselves and others.

The power of food we eat has sixteen Kalas or art or phases, so manna also has sixteen Kalas or phases.

Indriyas or senses work with the combination of prana. If we remove prana from Indriyas then there will be no impact on chitta in any case. Keep in mind that anything where change is happening in micro cosmos or macro cosmos, is because of movement of Prana in one or other form. Without Prana there is no motion or movement or change so life is not possible.

Do you know that apanavayu is carrier for food? vayanvayu is nothing but a combination of prana and apana and this vayanavayu is actually responsible for our speech. This is the reason when person speak he don’t do work of prana and apana. I told you speech is made from greasing. Also vayana is our speech so we can say that greasing of our body is responsible for vayana. Again prana is made from subtle part of liquid we drink and vayana from greasing of body, and also vayana is combination of prana and apana. So it means apana is what left if we remove greasiness from subtle liquid of inside body. It is very deep science.

Now what will happen if we churn milk? It separates or generates butter and what left is butter milk. Now according to Ayurveda this butter milk is best possible thing to purify our body apanavayu which is actually responsible for all our stomach problems if misbalanced. So now clear that if you drink milk of cow it will create Sattvic prana inside your body and if you eat butter made of those cow milk, it will be good for purify vayana vayu and leftover of churning cow milk, means butter milk is best to make apanavayu work on its best inside our body. Now link between some important vayus is clear? Now I’ll tell you some more things.

Breath is unit of prana inside our bodies.

If anyone can do mastery over the flow and directions of vayu inside the body he can do anything. There are some yoga techniques for it. Even man can decide during sex if his semen goes to female body that child will be born or not. Means if he want to make his wife pregnant, then he has to make sequences of vayus in lower abdomen. kandrpavayu (special form of apanavayu which is works as carrier of semen) remains below and prana above which is general case for common human.

But if he does not want to make his wife pregnant, he has to locate pranavayu below kandrpavayu. But we don’t have to do this because sex is allowed only between husband and wife to generate children.

The knowledge of prana, soul, manna, etc. is very deep and I can’t tell you whole, but remember that when your chitta, ego, intelligence, manna, senses are filled with the name of Lord Rama, then you don’t need to understand these complex topics. Just surrender yourself to Lord Rama.”

© Ashish Kumar

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