Detail Geography of Space

(It is difficult to comment about young author Mr Ashish Kumar and his mythological/spiritual/scientific  writing.  I am really mesmerized.  I am sure you will be also amazed – an entire chapter as an excerpts will change your thinking.) 

Blurb : Scientists doesn’t have answers to some all time mysteries of science like; why quantum particles shows dual nature and uncertainty? How black hole created in space? Why we can only feel presence of dark matter and dark energy but unable to locate them in universe? Why amount of matter and anti matter differs in our universe? Is time travel possible?  What is Higg Boson, their composition and how they give masses to other particles?  Can teleportation is possible? Can life at other planets possible? And many more unsolved problems of physics are solved only by a simple old Hindu philosophy called ‘Sankhya Philosophy’ or ‘Philosophy of evaluation of elements’. Yes a Philosophy which is based on three properties of nature called Sattwa (goodness), Rajas (Activity) and Tamas (Inertia) are reason behind all unexplained scenarios of science. s quest of unify theory of anything finally solved?

Excerpts from the book:  A Chapter from ‘Detail Geography of Space’


Quantum mechanics does not assign definite values. Instead, it makes a prediction using a probability distribution.

In science world, we want everything perfect and accurate like accurate position, accurate momentum, definite energy, definite time of occurrence etc., but in quantum mechanics, we do not pinpoint the exact values of a particle’s position and momentum or its energy and time, rather it provides only a range of probabilities in which the particles might be given its momentum and momentum probability.

This uncertainty is called rules of uncertainty for quantum particles or particles which we can’t observe directly.

As we have discussed in details that according to Sankhya philosophy, we can’t tell the exact composition of three modes of nature in any matter or particle. We can only guess or make a probability of outcomes.

We can make more accurate guess on the species with large existence or objects which can perceive accuracy, but we can’t make exact prediction about atomic or quantum particles.

Now try to solve this uncertainty principle from Sankhya’s point of view.

Uncertainty principle: The position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision.

Important steps to understand the uncertainty principle are wave–particle duality. As we proceed downward in size to atomic dimensions, it is no longer valid to consider a particle like a hard sphere, because the smaller the dimension, the more wave-like it becomes.

It is clear from Sankhya’s philosophy that composition of modes of nature in every element is continuously in the process to convert from one mode to other. In large species like human being, composition is large and complex but keeps changing every time in our body and mind. We can’t perceive changes in a short time span in large species because it contains huge amount of modes components, and it will take time to completely change resultant of modes as explained in part Sankhya’s philosophy: abstract to generalised.

But as we go to atomic dimensions, there the total composition of three modes of nature is actually in very less amount. So a small change of one mode results into change in total composition of modes so that we can perceive changes. This rapid change shows wave-like pattern.

For example, if a particle is in the stage of Sattwa, it will change to Tamas and Rajas very fast because in these cases, Rajas has very less amount of mode in matter to change from Sattwa to Tamas, which Rajas can change very fast.

Now again we try to understand uncertainty principle from above explanation:

According to uncertainty principle, the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high precision.

Or ∆X∆P ≥Ћ/2

Where ∆ indicates standard deviation, a measure of spread or uncertainty; X and P are particle’s position and liner momentum, respectively.

We know that Sattwa is responsible for existence or position of anything in space, so we can say that in the above equation

Sattwa = f (X) – position of particle in space.

Similarly, Rajas is responsible for motion so we can say that

Rajas = f (v) – velocity of particle and

Tamas signifies heaviness or stability,

So, Tamas = f (m) – mass of particle.

We know that linear momentum of any particle is

P = m × v = mass × velocity.

So, we can write in Sankhya

P = Tamas × Rajas.

Or, uncertainty equation like

∆ Sattwa ∆ (Tamas × Rajas) ≥Ћ/2.

It is clear from the above equation that in atomic particles, one mode of nature changes into other so fast that we cannot tell the exact composition of three modes accurately.

More clearly, suppose a quantum particle is in Sattwa dominating mode at any given time. As we try to measure its position (Sattwa show existence in space), it converted into Tamas mode by Rajas (Rajas play as a role of convertor). Now, if we try to measure the momentum of this particle or we can say that it’s Tamas and Rajas mode (Consider now particle is in Tamas dominating mode), it will converted again to Sattwa. And again if we try to measure the position, it will again convert into Tamas or whole Rajas because we know in quantum particles, change of mode is so fast that we can’t predict them.

In more Sankhya terms, we can’t tell composition of modes of nature in any quantum particle with accuracy at any given time.

Till now, we have discussed uncertainty for quantum particles or particles which we can’t see directly. However, does it work on all level? As we told above, we can’t tell about compositions of three modes exactly but can make closer guess in big object with more accuracy than quantum particles. But then, what about our stars and galaxies?

To think about the prospective of macro level, we have to understand the relativity in general. Space and time are relative quantity.

Example 9.1: Suppose, we have one box of 1×1×1 feet three dimensions. In this box, I have placed an ant so the space inside the box is very large for the ant, but very less for us. So with the case with other large objects, means space is relative (Figure 9:1).

Figure 9:1

Again, we know that time looks long when we have to wait for someone and very small when we spend with someone we love. Therefore, time is also relative. Means space and time both are relative and depends upon the form of reference through which we are observing.

Now back to the uncertainty problem, we have proved that uncertainty works very well for the quantum particles but not for us when we are observing from the reference of us. However, when we saw our life from large reference, is it possible to tell about what might happen with our life in future accurately?

Or more correctly, will we be able to tell with accuracy that we will be doing at what time in future?

No! we can’t answer it with accuracy because in any species small or large, from small reference to large, we can’t tell exact composition of three modes of nature. We can go as close as possible as science progresses.


© Ashish Kumar

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