Hemant Bawankar
(This poem has been cited from my book “Yield of the potentiality” an English Version of संभावना की फसल by Dr. Rajkumar Tiwari ‘Sumitra’.)
the vocabulary is ailing
from the jaundice
Knoweth not
where the
exclusiveness of words
has been lost?
It seems that
the vitiated environment
has impaired the
goodness of the words…
words do not have
good meanings too!
These days,
myself, Bhawani Mishra, or even if Bachchan!
shall not be able to build
the mansions of the words…
What has happened
to this world’s tradition & values!
One is unable to survive
in life
If he is not immoral.
Just heard that –
Recently, Angel’s schools
have been opened
in South Africa and Vietnam…
Just heard that
Few persons (?)
in neighbouring country
are eager to maul
the chastity of the vocabulary…
© Hemant Bawankar
≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM