Hemant Bawankar

? ‘विश्वास बादल तो नहीं…’ स्व डॉ राजकुमार तिवारी ‘सुमित्र’ – Faith isn’t Cloud ☆ English Version by – Hemant Bawankar ??

(This poem has been cited from my book “Yield of the potentiality” an English Version of संभावना की फसल by Late Dr. Rajkumar Tiwari ‘Sumitra’.)


Faith is not a cloud

which gathers; thunders

and dissipates into water droplets

and loses its

very existence.


Faith is a sky

that can be seen

far away

from eyes

but, close to our heart

but, don’t surround

in the circle of

fraction of time.


make it somewhat extraordinary,

So that

to whomsoever

you show it

He may exclaim


 What a wonderful offering”


Faith is nothing but sky

Which can be seen

From far away

but it is close to our heart.

But, don’t try to shackle it

By the moments of wheel of time.

Rather make it such a thing


If shown to anyone

He is forced to say ‘Wow’

What a heavenly treat of celestial fragrances!


Then, keep the trust

Like your beloved

in your hearts

And keep sowing them

Without losing patience.


Nurture it with all your nutrients

of endearment

with water of your eyes.

So that it becomes a huge tree

Like that of a banyan tree.

Then enjoy its soothing shade

Sing a melodious song

Come one

Come all

And make this trust indomitable.


© Hemant Bawankar


≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM 
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