English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Black Hole…. ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  for sharing his literary and art works with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national level projects. We present a translation of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi poem ” ब्लेक होल ” published in today’s  साप्ताहिक स्तम्भ – ☆ संजय उवाच – #8 – ब्लेक होल ☆ . We extend our heartiest thanks for this beautiful translation. )


☆ Black Hole…. ☆


How do you manage

to absorb

so many hardships

so much of sadness

within yourself,

Science says:

Decay of substance

Happens from more to less

Dense to sparse…

Misery of world

Comes and gets

consumed in me,

My inside is getting

used to of it

Entire emptiness of mine

is gradually turning

into the ‘Black hole!’


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM