Dr. Balesh Jindal

Dr. Balesh Jindal is an author, artist, poet, photographer and a Physician, practicing for forty years. She has written two poetry collections and one nonfiction.

  • She was awarded the Day of Compassion award by Stanford University and has been mentioned by BBC.com and other international journals
  • Her art adorns the walls of collectors around the world. 
  • Her publications include Dear Father, A Hundred Dreams and The Reluctant Doctor. Her poems are a part of at least ten anthologies.)

☆ ~ ‘Evening Shadows…’ ~? ☆ Dr. Balesh Jindal ☆

(The Prize-winning entry in the Literary Warriors Group Contest. The subject of the contest was “परछाइयां” /Shadows”.)

The sun cast variable shadows,

As it became purple and deeper

Descending sharply

On the placid lake

For its daily repose.


Clouds stood restful 

In the skies above,

Even  as I recounted 

The happy day that was..


The evening shadows slithered and 

Coalesced into sheets of darkness

And engulfed us in a strange

Moonless night.

Cirrus clouds frolicked

In the skies above,

even as I thought 

We were happy.

By evening, 

The slivers of shadows

coalesced into a 

sheet of darkness

that engulfed the Earth 

Around us.

Suddenly, in the dark, I saw 

We were just pretending.

~ Dr. Balesh Jindal

© Dr. Balesh Jindal

≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈
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