Mrs. Rupa Bhargava (Ajaat Anant)
(Mrs. Rupa Bhargava, a.k.a “Ajaat Anant” is a bilingual wordsmith, consultant by day, mother of two and is a seeker of life’s mysteries. Her poems delve into love, life, relationships, spirituality and philanthropy. She has performed at various local and international poetry platforms. She embraces adventure sports, loves to travel, paints, serenades with her voice and guitar.)
☆ ~ ‘Floating in the Dark viscosity…’ ~ ☆ Mrs. Rupa Bhargava (Ajaat Anant) ☆
(The Prize-winning entry in the Literary Warriors Group Contest. The subject of the contest was “परछाइयां” /Shadows”.)
How I play? and get played,
By reticent energies thick as tar,
Dark viscosity smears clairvoyance,
Obscure, heavy & opaque as they flow,
Slithering through the twisted spine,
Like visceral vines of the dimensions,
She sits there laughing and dancing,
with her supposedly dominant glow,
Unaware shamelessly of her darkness,
and the sifting sands of her existence,
Parables and eternal paradoxes summons,
The vicious multitude of rhetorical blows,
As I struggle to move,
stuck in the maze of dense tar,
Pulling myself out with all my
might and strength,
Everytime aiming to cut through
the stifling blur,
Fighting the dark viscosity,
I continue to flow…,
I will always continue to flow.
~Mrs. Rupa Bhargava (Ajaat Anant)
© Mrs. Rupa Bhargava (Ajaat Anant)
Excellent, flowing poetry!