Shri Ashish Mulay

? The Grey Lights# 13 ?

☆ – “Make her Man…” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

 If you can buy out

her share of mistakes

yet convert it into

your asset of strength


If you can enlighten her

with the ways of men

yet respect for her

crafty survival ways


If you can identify

you are her true pain

yet be the true friend

to stop her rain


If you can allow her

to be your sword

yet when her blade fails

be her shield


If you can walk forward

ahead of your time

yet stop for her

to catch up for a while


If you can make her

known for smile

when she is notorious

for her tears




If you can

‘make her man’

you will become more

than ‘just her man’…

© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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