Ms. Aparna Paranjape

? Poetry ?

☆ – “Smaller simpler things we ignore ☆ Ms. Aparna Paranjape 

(A poem from Ms. Aparna Paranjape’s book Divine meet.)

Thinking that biggest we have to explore

We want bigger more and more


Don’t like to enjoy on the sea shore

Diving deep inside is the wish to explore


Want to surf want to dive deep

To get the ultimate will to keep


Ignoring bud want to see flower full

Wish to enjoy flower as tool


Sand pebbles sparkle on the shore

Can give pleasure but  we feel bore!


Exploring heights we get wounds and hurts

But total focus on the height is joy full burst..


When reach height, watch behind

Come to know we were blind


As pebbles can be joy  forever

Moment to capture is lesson ever


What’s in hand is wasted for the thirst of the best

Sweet, simple, easy can be full if rest..


This is the real art to be caught for the bliss

For the moment to moment each thing to kiss


Joy is thing total interior

What we felt was inferior

Within us lies superior


Follow our heart

Is our best part


Nothing is inferior

As all is superior

All is superior

© Ms. Aparna Paranjape

Katraj, Pune 

मो. 9503045495

≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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…fun and frolic resonate with merriment, breaking the shackles of the yore…
…sure did the poetess dive deep to fetch poetic gems galore…!