Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM
(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. He served as a Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He was involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.
We present Capt. Pravin Raghuvanshi ji’s amazing poem “~ Sparrow… ~”. We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit, English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)
~ Sparrow… ~
Upon my house’s parapet,
a sparrow made her nest
Each morning, she’d converse
with me in her sweetest best
“Chee-chee,” “choo-choo,”
she’d chirp with glee
Grains to sustain her young,
a mother’s love to see
Her visits stirred memories of
childhood’s joy and delight
As she’d descend with her flock,
in blue sky’s wondrous sight
With patio hops and yard skips,
she’d flit and flutter by
Bringing divine bliss to my heart,
a sense of wonder why
With beak so fine, she’d pick
and choose the finest grain
To feed her chicks, to soothe
their hunger’s pangs and pains
Their joyful chirps, a symphony
of cosmic love and delight
As they awaited their mother’s return,
shining with love’s pure light
The sparrow’s selfless love,
a divine lesson to my soul
A reflection of my mother’s love,
making my heart whole
Tears of nostalgia spouted,
as nostalgia of childhood’s past
Resurfaced with the sparrow’s love,
Fond memories, never to last
Says the adage, “Love is priceless,”
a precious treasure to hold
A gain that’s greater than all wealth,
a blessing that never grows old
For in the end, we leave behind
all earthly possessions dear
But love remains, a lasting
legacy that casts out every fear
So let us live in love, die in love,
and fade in love’s pure light
For the sparrow’s lesson taught me,
love is life’s greatest delight
A selfless love that asks for nothing,
yet gives with every breath
A love that’s priceless, pure, and true,
a love that’s worth our every death..!
~Pravin Raghuvanshi
© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM
≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈