Shri Ashish Mulay

? The Grey Lights# 32 ?

☆ – “Ascending” – ☆ Shri Ashish Mulay 

Do you want to ascend from your pit?

then be ready for a wild Ride

A ride where you can not really Hide ..


Think of Ascending as a War

A war against Outsiders

where you get Scars from Insiders ..


A war that hurts you bad

stabs that come to the Heart

and opinions that cut you Apart ..


You have to Kill too

kill the emotions of unwise Dears

and in solitude drink own Tears ..


You have to Face too

face the society and it’s Trials

but escape through nude Aisles ..


Can you become calculated savage?

If you can, Then the way is ascending

If un-calculated, Be sure of descending ..


Finally old you have to Surrender

Surrender in the arms of Destiny

There you realise a real Sanctity ..




You come out of the Pit

Where hugs You a nude savage Beauty

Fortuna is the name of that primal Nudity…


© Shri Ashish Mulay


≈ Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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