Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra, known for his wit and wisdom, is a prolific writer, renowned satirist, children’s literature author, and poet. He has undertaken the monumental task of writing, editing, and coordinating a total of 55 books for the Telangana government at the primary school, college, and university levels. His editorial endeavors also include online editions of works by Acharya Ramchandra Shukla.

As a celebrated satirist, Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra has carved a niche for himself, with over eight million viewers, readers, and listeners tuning in to his literary musings on the demise of a teacher on the Sahitya AajTak channel. His contributions have earned him prestigious accolades such as the Telangana Hindi Academy’s Shreshtha Navyuva Rachnakaar Samman in 2021, presented by the honorable Chief Minister of Telangana, Mr. Chandrashekhar Rao. He has also been honored with the Vyangya Yatra Ravindranath Tyagi Stairway Award and the Sahitya Srijan Samman, alongside recognition from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and various other esteemed institutions.

Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra’s journey is not merely one of literary accomplishments but also a testament to his unwavering dedication, creativity, and profound impact on society. His story inspires us to strive for excellence, to use our talents for the betterment of others, and to leave an indelible mark on the world. Today we present his Satire The New Art of Leaders Shedding Tears

☆ Witful Warmth # 20 ☆

☆ Satire ☆ The New Art of Leaders Shedding Tears ☆ Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

When we look at leaders who wail after not seeing their name on the list of those who dream of greenery, prosperity, and development, a natural question arises: Is their entire political career based solely on opportunism? How many pairs of glasses must the leader have used to read the ticket list, yet none of these glasses ever weakened so much that they couldn’t reveal the right name. Ah! Is this the true essence of politics?

Let us sprinkle some satire on the plight of these familiar tear-shedding leaders. Once considering themselves lions of politics, these leaders now howl like those same lions after seeing a list without their names. It seems as though the political cup, into which we all hoped to pour ourselves, has now begun to overflow from the eyes of these leaders. Crying over a name not appearing on the list is indeed a comic-tragic spectacle that words can barely capture.

Shedding tears over not seeing their name on the list is the latest achievement of these leaders. These are the same leaders who once claimed to wipe away others’ tears, and now, they’re seen shedding tears themselves. Leaders who once roared like lions are now crying like jackals. Oh! Politics is like a colorful blanket, showing shadows on one side and weaving irony on the other.

When these leaders supported the Agniveer scheme, it wasn’t surprising. But now, as Agniveer-style politics has come back to bite them, tears flow like rivers. Their situation has become like watering a garden but offering snacks to each plant instead. Everything was fine as long as their tanks were full, but now that wings have sprouted, they lament the lack of water.

At one time, these leaders boasted when their names were absent from the unemployment lists. Now, seeing their own name missing from the list, they cry and create an uproar. Oh, dear leader! When it was time to throw around the unemployment list, no one thought these same tears would someday knock on their own doors.

The political journey of these leaders is like a play where each scene tells a different story, and in the end, everything seems worthless. Now, these leaders resemble bad actors in that play, who, when they step onto the stage, only perform strange antics. Is this the real meaning of their politics—that as long as there’s profit, they smile, and when trouble strikes, they shed tears?

The leader’s condition resembles that of a drowning man grasping at straws. These leaders once, like the mythical Sanjeevani herb, reassured the public with their promises, but when faced with adversity themselves, they unleashed a flood of tears. Oh, brother! Instead of crying over your name missing from the list, had you thought about those whose recruitment was canceled, your heart might have grown bigger!

In the midst of all this, both the politics of the leader and their art of shedding tears have become subjects worthy of deep study. This satire is not merely a comment but a harsh question on the reality of our politics. Is politics merely a search for opportunities, or does it genuinely have anything to do with public welfare?

The leader’s tears over not finding their name on the list adds a new layer to the theater of politics. It is crucial to understand that shedding tears in politics is easy, but doing true deeds and working for the welfare of society is the real challenge. Until these leaders emerge from their tears, their politics will remain a humorous play.


© Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

Contact : Mo. +91 73 8657 8657, Email : [email protected]

≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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