Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra, known for his wit and wisdom, is a prolific writer, renowned satirist, children’s literature author, and poet. He has undertaken the monumental task of writing, editing, and coordinating a total of 55 books for the Telangana government at the primary school, college, and university levels. His editorial endeavors also include online editions of works by Acharya Ramchandra Shukla.

As a celebrated satirist, Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra has carved a niche for himself, with over eight million viewers, readers, and listeners tuning in to his literary musings on the demise of a teacher on the Sahitya AajTak channel. His contributions have earned him prestigious accolades such as the Telangana Hindi Academy’s Shreshtha Navyuva Rachnakaar Samman in 2021, presented by the honorable Chief Minister of Telangana, Mr. Chandrashekhar Rao. He has also been honored with the Vyangya Yatra Ravindranath Tyagi Stairway Award and the Sahitya Srijan Samman, alongside recognition from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and various other esteemed institutions.

Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra’s journey is not merely one of literary accomplishments but also a testament to his unwavering dedication, creativity, and profound impact on society. His story inspires us to strive for excellence, to use our talents for the betterment of others, and to leave an indelible mark on the world. Today we present his Satire The Guru’s Empty Promise

☆ Witful Warmth # 15 ☆

☆ Satire ☆ The Guru’s Empty Promise ☆ Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

In a tiny, run-down village in rural India, there lived a man named Ramu who was constantly plagued by the curse of poverty. His thatched roof hut barely protected him from the harsh elements, and his family often went to bed hungry, their stomachs grumbling with hunger. Ramu worked tirelessly as a farmer, tilling the barren land with his rusty plow in the hopes of producing a meager harvest to sustain his family.

One day, Ramu decided that enough was enough. He was tired of living in squalor while the rich landowners in the neighboring villages lived in luxury. He had heard stories of a mystical guru who claimed to possess the power to rid people of their poverty. Desperate for a change in his fortune, Ramu set off on a journey to find the guru.

After trekking through dense forests and crossing treacherous rivers, Ramu finally arrived at the guru’s abode. The guru, a portly man with a twinkle in his eye, welcomed Ramu with open arms and promised to help him overcome his poverty. Ramu was overjoyed and believed that his troubles were finally coming to an end.

The guru instructed Ramu to perform a series of bizarre rituals, including standing on one leg for hours on end and chanting strange incantations. Despite the physical strain and mental exhaustion, Ramu persevered, believing that his efforts would be rewarded with untold riches.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but Ramu’s situation did not improve. His crops continued to fail, and his family remained on the brink of starvation. In a desperate plea for help, Ramu approached the guru and asked him why his fortunes had not changed despite his best efforts.

The guru, with a knowing smile, replied, “My dear Ramu, poverty is not just a physical condition, but a state of mind. Only when you rid yourself of the shackles of your own mindset can you truly be free from poverty.”

Ramu was taken aback by the guru’s words. He had expected a quick fix to his financial woes, not a lecture on the power of positive thinking. Feeling disillusioned and defeated, Ramu returned to his village, resigned to his fate as a perpetually poor farmer.

As the days passed, Ramu watched in bitterness as the rich landowners in the neighboring villages flaunted their wealth, driving fancy cars and dining in lavish restaurants. He cursed his luck and wished for a miracle to lift him out of poverty once and for all.

But as fate would have it, no such miracle came. Ramu’s crops continued to fail, and his family’s hunger grew deeper with each passing day. In a last-ditch effort to salvage his situation, Ramu decided to seek out the guru once again.

This time, however, the guru was nowhere to be found. Word had spread that he had disappeared into the mountains, leaving behind a trail of disillusioned followers. Ramu felt a pang of regret for putting his faith in the hands of a charlatan, but he also realized that true wealth could not be bestowed upon him by anyone but himself.

And so, Ramu returned to his humble hut, determined to make the best of his situation. He worked tirelessly in the fields, planting seeds of hope and perseverance instead of crops. Slowly but surely, his fortunes began to change. The rains came, the sun shone, and his harvest flourished like never before.

Ramu had finally learned the valuable lesson that true wealth does not come from material possessions, but from the strength of character and the resilience of spirit. And as he sat under the shade of a bountiful mango tree, enjoying the fruits of his labor, he realized that he was richer than he had ever been before.

The moral of the story? Poverty is a state of mind, and true wealth can only be attained through hard work, determination, and a positive outlook on life. So the next time you find yourself cursing your fate, remember the story of Ramu and his journey from rags to riches – not in terms of material possessions, but in terms of inner peace and contentment. And beware of gurus promising quick fixes to your problems – sometimes, their promises are as empty as their words.


© Dr. Suresh Kumar Mishra ‘Uratript’

Contact : Mo. +91 73 8657 8657, Email : [email protected]

≈ Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

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