योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆ The Wheel of Happiness and Well-Being ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ The Wheel of Happiness and Well-Being☆ 

Video Link >>>>

The Wheel of Happiness and Well-Being

The faculty of the Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore loved participating in ‘The Wheel of Happiness and Well-Being’ program conducted in their campus in February 2017.

The Director of the Institute and the Heads of Departments were also present in the program facilitated by Radhika Bisht and Jagat Singh Bisht, Founders of LifeSkills.

“The Wheel of Happiness and Well-Being” is an activity based, multi dimensional program for health, happiness, peace and well-being. The components of the program include Positive Psychology, Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga.

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  Creating your happiness: What-went-well Exercise – Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Creating your happiness: Positive Psychology Exercises that work: What-went-well Exercise ☆ 

Video Link >>>>

Creating your happiness: Positive Psychology Exercises that work: What-went-well Exercise

Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.

Action may not always bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.

Positive Psychologists have chosen only evidence-based happiness-increasing strategies whose practice is supported by scientific research.


“Every night, for the next week, set aside 10 minutes before you go to sleep.


You may use a journal or your computer to write about the events, but it is important that you have a physical record of what you wrote.”
Martin Seligman/ FLOURISH


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  आनंदमय जीवन के वैज्ञानिक सूत्र: खुशहाली की ओर पहला कदम:  – जगत सिंह बिष्ट

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ आनंदमय जीवन के वैज्ञानिक सूत्र: खुशहाली की ओर पहला कदम:  – जगत सिंह बिष्ट ☆ 

इस वीडियो में है आनंद की विज्ञान सम्मत व्याख्या और खुशहाली की राह की ओर इशारा..

आनंद का वैज्ञानिक आधार क्या है?

आनंद के आधुनिक विज्ञान (The Science of Happiness, Positive Psychology) के अनुसार, आनंद के पांच तत्त्व हैं:

The Five Elements of Happiness:

Positive Emotion

Engagement or flow




सरल हिंदी में इन्हें कह सकते हैं:

सुखद अनुभूति

किसी काम में गहरे डूब जाना

आत्मिक सम्बन्ध

जीवन का अर्थ या मायने


इस वीडियो में इन तत्वों की व्याख्या की गयी है, इन्हें समझाया गया है। इन्हें समझने के बाद आप अपने आनंद को और विस्तृत कर सकते हैं और खुशहाली की ओर अपने कदम बढ़ा सकते हैं।

आनंदमय जीवन के वैज्ञानिक सूत्र: खुशहाली की ओर पहला कदम:  – जगत सिंह बिष्ट

The Five Elements of Well-Being:

Happiness is a thing and well-being is a construct. The five elements of well-being are positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.

Positive Emotion: Positive Emotion includes the feelings of joy, excitement, contentment, hope and warmth. There may be positive emotions relating to the past, present or future.

Engagement: Engagement denotes deep involvement in a task or activity. One does not experience the passing of time. One experiences flow in sports, music and singing but one may also experience it in work, reading a book or in a good conversation.

Relationships: We feel happy when we are among family and friends. The quality and depth of relationships in one’s life make it rich.

Meaning: It’s connecting to something larger than life.

Accomplishment: One strives for achievements in life as a source of happiness.

Each of these elements contributes to well-being. The good news is that each one of the above may be cultivated and developed to enhance level of well-being.


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  The Science of Happiness#5 -Happiness Activity – Beyond Happiness II☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Happiness Activity – Beyond Happiness-II ☆ 

Topic: Beyond Happiness: A new understanding of happiness and well-being and how to achieve them (Part II);

Speaker: Jagat Singh Bisht;

Forum: ASK Talks (attitude, skills and knowledge for the young minds);

Conducted by: State Bank Foundation Institute (Chetana), Indore;

Date: 07 February 2013.

This is an excerpt from the inaugural ASK Talk. It is based on the PERMA model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment) propounded by the renowned Positive Psychologist Dr Martin Seligman, author of ‘Learned Optimism’, ‘Authentic Happiness’ and ‘Flourish.

Mr Bisht is a Behavioural Science trainer with the State Bank of India (a global Fortune 500 corporate), Laughter Yoga teacher, Life Skills coach, Author and Blogger. The views expressed in this talk are personal.

(Part II of this talk is also available on YouTube)


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  The Science of Happiness#4 -Happiness Activity – Beyond Happiness-I ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Happiness Activity – Beyond Happiness-I ☆ 

Topic: Beyond Happiness: A new understanding of happiness and well-being and how to achieve them (Part I);

Speaker: Jagat Singh Bisht;

Forum: ASK Talks (attitude, skills and knowledge for the young minds);

Conducted by: State Bank Foundation Institute (Chetana), Indore;

Date: 07 February 2013.

This is an excerpt from the inaugural ASK Talk. It is based on the PERMA model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment) propounded by the renowned Positive Psychologist Dr Martin Seligman, author of ‘Learned Optimism’, ‘Authentic Happiness’ and ‘Flourish.

Mr Bisht is a Behavioural Science trainer with the State Bank of India (a global Fortune 500 corporate), Laughter Yoga teacher, Life Skills coach, Author and Blogger. The views expressed in this talk are personal.

(Part II of this talk is also available on YouTube)


A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  The Science of Happiness#3 -Happiness Activity – The Five Tibetans ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Happiness Activity – The Five Tibetans ☆ 

Five Dynamic Exercises from the Himalayas for Health, Happiness and Well-being.

Physical exercise is good for health. Everyone knows that. Positive psychologists have discovered that physical exercise increases your happiness and well-being too.

Physical activity is one of the scientifically proven methods for taking care of your body.

In this video, we are sharing with you one of the most effective and profound techniques of physical exercise, known as the Five Tibetans.

People from all age groups can learn it, do it, easily. And most important, it can be practiced daily without any difficulty.




The Five Rites of Rejuvenation, or simply The Five Tibetans, are five yogic exercises practiced by the Tibetan Lamas in the Himalayas.

These five dynamic exercises enhance health, energy, and vitality.

The five yogic exercises are reputed to strengthen the body, regenerate the mind, and stem the aging process.

Regular practice of these postures, tunes and energizes the chakras, and leads to deep relaxation and well-being.

They take only a minimum of daily time and effort, but dramatically increase flexibility of the body as well as mental sharpness.

In the beginning, start out with five repetitions of each exercise. Build your practice at your own pace. It takes nearly every beginner a month or longer to work up to the full twenty-one repetitions.

According to Chris Kilham, “The Five Tibetans are ideally practiced twenty-one times each.”

A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  The Science of Happiness#2 -Happiness Activity – Laughter Yoga ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Happiness Activity – Laughter Yoga ☆ 

Video Link >>>>

Happiness Activity: Laughter Yoga

Acting like a Happy Person: Taking care of your body

One of the happiness activities described by the positive psychologists for taking care of your body is acting like a happy person.

Laughter Yoga suits best in this category. It is voluntary laughter, for no reason, to create instant joy. It’s scientifically proven, easy to learn and a lot of fun.

It’s based on the principle: motion creates emotion. You act happy and you start feeling happy.

We demonstrate three laughter exercises – milk shake laughter, mobile laughter and hearty laughter – in this video. You can practice these any time and feel happier.

“Pretending that you are happy – smiling, engaged, mimicking energy and enthusiasm – not only can you earn some of the benefits of happiness (returned smiles, strengthened friendships, successes at work and school) but can actually make you happier.

“So go for it. Smile, laugh, stand tall, act lively and give hugs. Act as if you were confident, optimistic, and outgoing. You’ll manage adversity, rise to the occasion, create instant connections, make friends, influence people, and become a happier person.”




A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  The Science of Happiness#1 -Happiness Mantra ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ The Science of Happiness – Happiness Mantra ☆ 

Video Link >>>>

Happiness Mantra

We are sharing three happiness mantras for creating instant joy.

If you feel low at any time, you may chant and enact these mantras and feel instant cheer.

Chant the mantras with children, seniors or peers at home, workplace or in your community to share happiness and joy.

Happiness Mantra #1:

Very Good, Very Good, Yay!

Happiness Mantra #2:

I am good, very good, yay!

Happiness Mantra #3:

hoho haha..

Mantra #1 in other languages:

Japanese: Yatta yatta yay!

Russian: Harasho harasho yay!

Italian: Molto bene molto bene yay!

Spanish: Mui bien mui bien yay!

Hindi: Bahut achche bahut achche yay!

Mantra #2, other versions:

I am healthy, very healthy, yay!

I am strong, very strong, yay!

I am good, very good, yay!

I am smart, very smart, yay!



A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  Buddha#5 – Buddha – Quotes ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ Buddha – Quotes  ☆ 

Video Link >>>>

Buddha – Quotes

The Mind, when developed and cultivated, brings Happiness.

“If with an impure mind you speak or act, then suffering flows you as the cartwheel follows the foot of the draft animal.”

“Burning now, burning hereafter, the wrongdoer suffers doubly… Happy now, happy hereafter, the virtuous person doubly rejoices.”

“You have to do your own work, those who have reached the goal will only show the way.”

“Abstain from all unwholesome deeds, perform wholesome ones, purify your mind. This is the teaching of enlightened persons.”

“If one man conquer in battle a thousand times thousand man, and if another conquer himself, he is the greatest of conquerors.”

“As rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, passion will break through an unreflecting mind.”

“To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children and to be engaged in peaceful occupation – this is the greatest blessing.”

“One by one, little by little, moment by moment, a wise man should remove his own impurities, as a smith removes his dross from silver.”

“Monks, I know not of any other single thing that brings such bliss as the mind that is tamed, controlled, guarded and restrained. Such a mind indeed brings great bliss.”

“The mind, when developed and cultivated, brings happiness.”

– Buddha



A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer

योग-साधना LifeSkills/जीवन कौशल ☆  Buddha#4 – The Four Noble Truths & The Noble Eightfold Path ☆ Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator, and Speaker.)

☆ BUDDHA –  The Four Noble Truths & The Noble Eightfold Path☆ 

Video Link >>>>

The Four Noble Truths & The Noble Eightfold Path

The essence of the Buddha’s teaching can be summed up in two principles: the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

The first covers the side of doctrine, and the primary response it elicits is understanding; the second covers the side of discipline, in the broadest sense of that word, and the primary response it calls for is practice.

Two extremes that ought not to be cultivated by one who has gone forth: devotion to pursuit of pleasure in sensual desires, which is low, coarse, vulgar, ignoble and harmful; and devotion to self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble and harmful.

The Middle Way:

Avoid the two extremes – devotion to pursuit of pleasure in sensual desires and devotion to self-mortification. Follow the Noble Eightfold Path.

The middle way – Noble Eightfold Path – discovered by the Perfect One gives vision, gives knowledge, and leads to peace, to direct knowledge, to enlightenment, to Nibbana.

Noble Eightfold Path:

Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.

The Four Noble Truths:

Noble Truth of Suffering, Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering, Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering, and Noble Truth of the Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering.

Noble Truth of Suffering:

Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering, association with the loathed is suffering, dissociation from the loved is suffering, not to get what one wants is suffering – in short, the five aggregates affected by clinging are suffering.

Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering:

It is craving, which produces renewal of being, is accompanied by relish and lust, relishing this and that; in other words, craving for sensual desires, craving for being, craving for non-being.

Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering:

It is the remainderless fading and ceasing, the giving up, relinquishing, letting go and rejecting of craving.

Noble Truth of the Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering:

It is the Noble Eightfold Path, that is to say, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

Right View:

It is knowledge of suffering, of the origin of suffering, of the cessation of suffering, and of the way leading to the cessation of suffering.

Right Intention:

It is the intention of renunciation, the intention of non-ill will, and the intention of non-cruelty.

Right Speech:

Abstention from lying, slander, abuse, and gossip.

Right Action:

Abstention from killing living beings, stealing, and misconduct in sexual desires.

Right Livelihood:

A noble disciple abandons wrong livelihood and gets his living by right livelihood.

Right Effort:

A bhikkhu awakens desire for the non-arising of unarisen evil unwholesome states, for the abandoning of arisen evil unwholesome states, for the arising of unarisen wholesome states, for the continuance, non-corruption, strengthening, maintenance in being, and perfecting, of arisen wholesome states; for which he makes efforts, arouses energy, exerts his mind, and endeavours.

Right Mindfulness:

A bhikkhu abides contemplating the body as a body, feelings as feelings, consciousness as consciousness, mental objects as mental objects; ardent, fully aware and mindful, having put away covetousness and grief for the world.

Right Concentration:

Quite secluded from sensual desires, secluded from unwholesome states, a bhikkhu enters upon and abides in the first meditation, which is accompanied by thinking and exploring, with happiness and pleasure born of seclusion.

May all beings be happy!



A Pathway to Authentic Happiness, Well-Being & A Fulfilling Life! We teach skills to lead a healthy, happy and meaningful life.

The Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology), Meditation, Yoga, Spirituality and Laughter Yoga. We conduct talks, seminars, workshops, retreats and trainings.

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp us at +917389938255 or email [email protected] if you wish to attend our program or would like to arrange one at your end.

Jagat Singh Bisht : Founder: LifeSkills

Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
Past: Corporate Trainer with a Fortune 500 company & Laughter Professor at the Laughter Yoga University.
Areas of specialization: Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Meditation, Five Tibetans, Yoga Nidra, Spirituality, and Laughter Yoga.

Radhika Bisht ; Founder : LifeSkills  
Yoga Teacher; Laughter Yoga Master Trainer