English Literature ☆ Moksha –the salvation ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


(We welcome Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji to e-abhivyakti. We are also thankful to Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj ji who has given us an opportunity to share an excellent literary work of Capt. Pravin Raghuvanshi ji. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. We request Capt. Pravin ji to share his inspirational  journey of life with our readers. Today, we present the translation of an article of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj ji “Moksha – the salvation”.)

According to Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj – “‘संजय उवाच’  को अनेक मित्र अपने-अपने तरीके से समर्थन देते हैं। मित्र कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी ने रविवार  के उवाच का अँग्रेजी में उत्कृष्ट अनुवाद किया है। मित्रों के साथ साझा कर रहा हूँ।”


☆ Moksha –the salvation ☆


*Moksha* –the salvation, an illusive word, which as a wish is embedded in every human being in the world.  With growing age, it becomes increasingly overpowering.  While forgetting the rare achievement of being born in human body on the paradise-like-earth, the creature often indulges in myriad ways of seeking salvation in different cults, attires, praying systems, ethos and so on.  This chain of discovery creates an everlasting illusive disorientation.

I’ll narrate you an incident.  In the quest of highway to salvation, in perennial confused state, I was going on a city road. Had to stop as the sound of a crying dog ​​in the atmosphere was disturbingly echoing around, but the dog was not to be visible anywhere.  Suddenly, a hard object collided with my foot.  Distressed with pain, I saw, it was a ball.  Children were playing cricket across the street.  After hitting my foot, it rolled over and stopped next to an open manhole of a drainage.

A young child of eight or ten years came running and picked up the ball.  He too heard the wailings of the crying dog.  He peeped in the manhole and saw a puppy lying inside, which was desperately crying for help.  Without wasting time, in a jiffy, he put the ball in his pocket, and jumped into the drainage.

Took out the puppy, as he got wet in knee-deep slushy water. He put the puppy on ground, who kept on wagging his tail vigorously with gratitude, and started rolling in the child’s feet.

Before I could converse with the child, suddenly one of his group members called, “Hey Moksha, where have you stopped?  Get the ball quickly.”  The child ran back to his way…

The eternal confusion was sorted.  The path of liberation was found as the illusive fog got dispelled off…

Respect the salvation of the earth; Bliss of the heavenly Mokshadham will welcome you with open arms.


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – ☆ Reading – The best 15 minutes you’ll even invest ☆ – Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

☆ Reading – The best 15 minutes you’ll even invest ☆ 

 On the basis of two comparative statistics the following valuable information was made available.
The average human reads less than two books per year – one and a half to be exact – with almost two-thirds of those going unfinished. On the whole, at present humans have lost the habit of reading good books
There is a notable exception, however. Chief Executives of Fortune 500 companies read on an average, roughly four books per week. This is equivalent to about 200 times the average for the rest of the world, and it is guaranteed that vast majority of the books read by the so called Chief Executives are good, meaty stuff that causes them to think about their business and/or their life in a very healthy way.
Needless to say, you should start reading four books a week and there is a direct and positive correlation between the amount of good reading an individual does and their influence and income. Unquestioningly, the most life-changing habit you can develop is to systematically read good books.
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones coined the phrase that “Leaders are always Readers”. Brian Tracy has seen it happen many times where an individual went from zero to 30 minutes a day of good reading and saw their income double. If you do not currently make positive reading a regular part of your life, DO SO IMMEDIATELY. Along with changing who you spend your time with, it is absolutely the most powerful way to change your life for the better.
You have to work, spend time with your family and engage in all great activities that you engage in, and you should. You don’t need to become a full time student or some kind of hermit bookworm crazy person. All you need is 15 minutes a day, preferably right in the beginning or right at the end of that day. Watching TV, surfing the internet, eating lunch, just zoning out, the list goes on and on. Just take just 15 minutes out of those kinds of activities each day and invest it in a good book.

©  Jay Prakash Pandey

416 – H, Jay Nagar, Near IBM Office, Jabalpur – 482002 Mobile – 9977318765


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English Literature – ☆ Happiness ☆ – Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

Shri Jay Prakash Pandey

☆ Happiness ☆ 

(We present a very motivating article by Shri Jay Prakash Pandey.  Shri Jay Prakash ji worked a lot for the overall development and happiness of tribal people while he was working in State Bank of India.  We will try to share his experiences in future.)

Happiness is the big ingredient everyone wants in his life. Happiness is, in many ways, a personal matter.

There are three things to remember about happiness:

  1. Happiness is important
  2. Happiness is desirable
  3. Happiness is possible

No matter what your past circumstances have been, no matter what your present conditions are, happiness is possible for you. You can learn to develop it and this happiness will give you a healthier and richer life

  • Happiness is not achieved by devious or false methods. The first step building a state of happiness in your life is to raise the level of your own self-respect. Happiness is only within your reach if you first admit that is a definite possibility. Once you have reached that awareness, you can reorient your thinking and life-style towards happiness.
  • Happiness is knowing your true identity, for you will not be happy if you fail to see yourself in a true perspective

There are four requirements in a program for happiness

  1. Take an interest in the world around you: You are living in the wider world that includes all of humanity and your interest in the world should naturally extend to a desire to help and share in the work of the world
  2. Have a willingness to work intensively:  Work means an involvement with other people and extending the limits of your personal interests for doing something special with the job. The extra efforts and added interest can bring you dividends of happiness
  3. Have an appreciation of leisure: Leisure means freedom from the demands and responsibilities of work or duty and it does not mean the absolute cessation of all other efforts
  4. Have an understanding of solitude: You should look forward to your periods of solitude. Being alone gives you a chance to sit down with yourself and assess your situation honestly

There are seven principal characteristics of happy people:

  1. – Happy people are thinking people
  2. – Happy people are considerate people
  3. – Happy people have better health
  4. – Happy people show their age less
  5. – Happy people like themselves
  6. – Happy people are liked by others
  7. – Happy people are successful in what they do

The following are some practical tips which help you in your quest for happiness:

  • Add up your blessings and catalog them
  • List your past accomplishments and achievements
  • List your anticipations that you feel are attainable
  • Learn how to sharpen and develop your powers of observation
  • Learn how to take time to enjoy your life
  • Learn how to replace fear in your life with happiness


“Happiness resides not in possessions and not in gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul” – DEMOCRITUS


©  Jay Prakash Pandey

416 – H, Jay Nagar, Near IBM Office, Jabalpur – 482002 Mobile – 9977318765

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English Literature – In Memory of a Brave Soldier – Major Salman Khan

Major Salman Khan 


We proudly remember and extend a grand salute to brave Major Salman Khan who attained Martyrdom for Peace on 7th May 2005. Major Salman Khan was born on 17 November 1978.

Major Salman Khan was honoured by Shaurya Chakra  (Posthumous) on 26th January 2006


We are extremely thankful to Mr A A Khan, an author and Maternal Uncle of Major Salman Khan, who provided the information which has been reproduced as received.

© A.A Khan, Allahabad

(If any person gets such authentic information who sacrificed for the Nation, we will be pleased to publish the same.) 

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