English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘अनुवादक’… श्री संजय भरद्वाज (भावानुवाद) – ‘Translator…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi Poem “अनुवादक ”.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author  Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज 

☆ संजय दृष्टि –  अनुवादक ☆

हर बार परिश्रम किया है

मूल के निकट पहुँचा है

मेरी रचनाओं का अनुवादक,

इस बार जीवट का परिचय दिया है

मेरे मौन का उसने अनुवाद किया है,

पाठक ने जितनी बार पढ़ा है

उतनी बार नया अर्थ मिला है,

पता नहीं

उसका अनुवाद बहुआयामी है

या मेरा मौन सर्वव्यापी है…!


©  संजय भारद्वाज

प्रात: 10.40 बजे, 19.01.2020

☆ Translator… ☆

Every time, through diligence,

the translator of my compositions,

could reach close to the original…


But this time, he has surpassed

all the limits of gumption

As he has translated

my silence…


Each time, a reader

reads it,

a new meaning emerges

Knoweth not,

the translation is multi-dimensional or my

silence is ubiquitously all-encompassing…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 42 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 42 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 42) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

हम ई-अभिव्यक्ति के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों के लिए आदरणीय कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के “कविता पाठ” का लिंक साझा कर रहे हैं। कृपया आत्मसात करें।

फेसबुक पेज लिंक  >>  कैप्टेन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी का “कविता पाठ” 

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 42☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

आँधियाँ  हसरत भरी, कोशिश कर

सर पटक कर रह गईं…

मगर बच गए वो पेड़ जिनमें

हुनर था झुकने का…


Storms kept trying fiercely,

Only to fail repeatedly; but…

The trees  having skills  of

Bowing low survived merrily!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

सुना है आज समंदर को

बड़ा  गुमान  आया  है

उधर ही ले चलो कश्ती

जहां तूफान आया है…


Heard  that  the  sea  is

feeling too boisterous today

Take the boat there only

where the storm is raging…!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

नींद चुराने वाले पूछते हैं

आप सोते क्यों नहीं,

गर इतनी ही फिक्र है तो फिर

वो हमारे होते क्यों नहीं…


Sleep-stealer asks me

Why  don’t  you  sleep…

If  he is  so much concerned,

Why doesn’t he become mine

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

हवाएँ  आज  शायद…

हड़ताल  पर  हैं

आज  तुम्हारी

खुशबू नहीं  आई…


Probably, breeze is on

strike today since, your

fragrance  didn’t  envelop

the  environs  today…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘एकाकार’… श्री संजय भरद्वाज (भावानुवाद) – ‘Union…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi Poem “एकाकार”.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author  Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज 

☆ संजय दृष्टि –  एकाकार ☆

बार-बार इशारा कर

वह बुलाती रही,

देख समझ कर भी

वह अनदेखा रहा,

एक-दूसरे के प्रति

असीम आकर्षण,

एक-दूसरे के प्रति

अबूझ भय,

धूप-छाँह सी

उनकी प्रीत,

अंधेरे-उजाले सी

उनकी रिपुआई,

वे टालते हैं मिलना

प्राय: सर्वदा

पर जितना टला

मिलन उतना अटल हुआ,

जब भी मिले

एकाकार अस्तित्व चुना,

चैतन्य, पार्थिव जो भी रहा

रहा अद्वैत सदा,

चाहे कितने उदाहरण

दे जग प्रेम-तपस्या के,

जीवन और मृत्यु का नेह

किसीने कब समझा भला!

©  संजय भारद्वाज

Union… ☆

Repeatedly gesticulating,

she kept on calling,

Even after seeing her

He feigned to be ignorant,

Infinite charm,

lethal attraction

kept pulling them

towards each other…

But, the unknown fear,

Kept them at bay…


Their lasting love

remained like

Scorching Sun and

the soothing shade

Their rancor kept nurturing

like the light and darkness…


They avoided meeting

As much as possible

Kept postponing their union

almost always…

But then, their union

became so inevitable,

However hard they

Chose to be singularly existent…


Dead or alive

Mortal or immortal

whoever lived

Always been monistic,

the advaita,

No matter

how many references

the world may quote

of love-penance,

But, who could ever understand

the amorous affinity between

the Life and death…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ ‘धरना’… श्री संजय भरद्वाज (भावानुवाद) – ‘Dharna, the Agitation…’ ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwaj’s Hindi Poem “धरना”.  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author  Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this beautiful translation and his artwork.)

श्री संजय भारद्वाज 

☆ संजय दृष्टि – धरना ☆

वह चलता रहा

वे हँसते रहे..,

वह बढ़ता रहा

वे दम भरते रहे..,

शनै:-शनै: वह

निकल आया दूर,

इतनी दूरी तय करना

बूते में नहीं, सोचकर

सारे के सारे ऐंठे हैं..,

कछुए की सक्रियता के विरुद्ध

खरगोश धरने पर बैठे हैं..!

©  संजय भारद्वाज

☆ Dharna, the Agitation… ☆

He kept on walking

They kept on laughing…,

He kept moving

They kept on envying…,

Gradually but steadily

Slowly but assuredly

he moved too far away,

Considering that

covering such a distance

is not possible

All are seething in anger…,

Against the tortoise’s

dogged perseverance

The rabbits are sitting on

Agitation, the ‘Dharna’ ..


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 41 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 41 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 41) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 41☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

वजह तो थी तुम्हें

बदनाम करने की

कसम खाई  थी

मगर चुप रहने की…


अश्क पलकों  में

समेट डाले  सारे

ये इंतहा थी मेरी

ज़ुर्म  सहने  की..!.


The motive was

to disrepute you

But, had vowed

to keep quiet…


Restrained all the

tears in the eyelashes

This was the limit of 

bearing the atrocities..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

ये  जो  तुमने

खुद को बदला है…

ये  बदला   है,

या “बदला” है…!


The way you’ve

changed yourself…

This is a change,

Or a “revenge”…!

   ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

वैसे तो कई किरदार निभायें हैं,

इस छोटी सी जिंदगी में

लेकिन ग़मगीन होकर खुश

दिखना निहायत मुश्किल था!


Although played so many

Characters in this short life

The most challenging was to

Look happy while being sad

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 40 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 40 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 40) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 40☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

यूँ इंतज़ार करना

तो हमे आता नहीं,

पर  जब  बात  हो

किसी  अपने  की

तो इंतज़ार लफ्ज़ ही कुछ

मदहोश सा लगता है…


As such, I do not

know how to wait,

But when it comes

to  someone own,

The word waiting

appears  to  be  a

bit too inebriated…!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

अपनी  पीठ  से  निकले…..

खंजरो को जब गिना मैंने

तो ठीक उतने ही निकले,

जितनों को गले लगाया था मैंने..!


When I counted the daggers

that came out of my back,

They  came  out  as many

people as I had embraced..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

हजार गम भी मेरी

फितरत नहीं बदल सकते

क्या करूँ मुझे…

आदत है मुस्कुराने की…


Even a thousand sorrows

cannot change my nature

What  to  do,  I  have

the  habit  of  smiling…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

कोशिश  तो  कर  तू

इन  आँखों को पढ़ने की

हर सवाल का जवाब मिलेगा

जो तूने मुझसे किये हैं…


Atleast, give it a try

To read these eyes, every

Question will be answered

That you’ve posed to me!


 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry (भावानुवाद) ☆ खिड़की…/The Window… – Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi—an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.)

We present an English Version of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra’s mesmerizing poem  “खिड़की ….  We extend our heartiest thanks to the learned author Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji (who is very well conversant with Hindi, Sanskrit,  English and Urdu languages) for this awesome translation.)

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra

(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Indian Railways, Pune Division.

☆ खिड़की … ☆

वो कच्चा सा मिट्टी का घर,

और उसपर टंगी हुई वो खिड़की…


ऐसा लगता था जैसे

उसे किसी का इंतज़ार है…


किसका इंतज़ार था उसको?

उस घर के आसपास

न ही कोई मकाँ थे, न कोई सड़क…


जब मैंने उसे छूते हुए, उससे पूछा यह सवाल,

उसने मेरी आँख में आँख डालते हुए कहा,

“मुझे इंतज़ार है रास्ते का!”

मैं आश्चर्य से भरी लौट गयी…


पर अगले साल जब फिर उधर जाना हुआ

तो मेरी आँख खुली की खुली रह गयीं…

एक कच्चा रास्ता वहाँ वाकई बन गया था!

उस रास्ते को वो खिड़की बड़ी मुहब्बत से

देख रही थी, मानो वो दोनों ख़ामोशी में ही,

कुछ बातें कर रहे हों!


कई साल तक उधर जाना ही नहीं हुआ,

पर जब अब कई बरसों बाद फिर पहुंची तो देखा

कि उस कच्चे रास्ते की जगह,

कंक्रीट का पक्का रास्ता बन गया था

और छुप गया था वो कच्चा रास्ता उसके नीचे…


मुझे लगा शायद अब खिड़की बहुत खुश होगी-

आखिर उसके पास से ही एक नया रास्ता गुज़र रहा था…

पर उस खिड़की को मैंने बहुत उदास पाया!

उससे जब मैंने पूछा कि “क्या हुआ है उसे”

तो वो तुनककर बोली,

“पहली मुहब्बत को भुलाया जा सकता है क्या भला?

वो रास्ता भले ही कच्चा था,

पर वो सिर्फ और सिर्फ मेरा था

और केवल मुझसे ही मुहब्बत करता था-

अब इस पक्के रास्ते के चारों तरफ

हज़ारों पक्के मकाँ बन चुके हैं,

उनकी खिड़कियाँ भी बहुत खूबसूरत हैं,

और वो नया रास्ता मुझे देखता भी नहीं!”


उस रास्ते पर चलकर जब मैं वापस आने लगी,

तो कहीं से उस दबे हुए कच्चे रास्ते की हलकी सी आवाज़

आ तो रही थी, पर वो पक्का रास्ता उसे दबा दे रहा था,

उसपर बेधड़क चली जा रही स्टाइलिश गाड़ियों से!

© नीलम सक्सेना चंद्रा

आपकी सभी रचनाएँ सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित हैं एवं बिनाअनुमति  के किसी भी माध्यम में प्रकाशन वर्जित है।

☆ The Window….

 That mud clay house,

adorn with the ageless window, precariously hanging on it …

As if, endlessly

waiting for someone…


Always wondered,

what could it be waiting for?

Since, around that house

Neither were there any houses, nor were any roads…

Delicately tapping it,

I asked quizzically about the reason,

It said, staring straight into my eyes,

“I’m waiting for the pathway!”

Bewildered, I returned with astonishment…


But the next year,

when I visited it again

My eyes were literally

awestruck to see…

A rough dusty road was indeed there!

And, the smitten window was chitchatting with it gladly

As if, they were both greatly in love with each other,

oblivious of the passersby!


Time flew off,

Couldn’t visit the place for a long time,

But soon, got the chance to visit it again,

Found that instead of  dusty pathway,

a concrete road was laid majestically,

And that rustic pathway was hidden somewhere under it…


Thinking, maybe the window must be very happy now-

After all, a new flashy road was passing below it …

Alas! I found the window to be very sad…

Curious about the reason of its sombre state, I inquired: “What happened to you?”

It retorted nonchalantly,

“Can you ever forget your first love?

Even though that path was raw-and-rustic,

It was mine and mine only…

And it used to love me only-

Now around this concrete path thousands of new houses have been made,

with plenty of enchanting windows which are way beautiful than me,

And that new path doesn’t even care to look at me!”


Dumbfounded, I started my return journey…,

The meek sound of that buried rustic road

was barely audible

As if, the new concrete road had choked its throat, excruciatingly…

With swanky dashing vehicles  zooming past, deafeningly revving over it…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 39 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 39 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 39) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 39☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

इश्क था इसलिए

सिर्फ तुझसे किया,

फरेब  होता  तो

सबसे किया होता…


It  was  love, that’s why

Just  did  it  with  you  only ,

If it was a fraud, then would

have done it with everyone!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

मेरे  दिल से निकलने का

रास्ता भी ना ढूंढ पाये वो…

और कहते थे कि तेरी

रग-रग से वाकिफ हैं हम…


Could not even find a way

To come out of my heart…

Who used to claim to be

Knowing me inside out…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

गिरते रहे सजदों में हम

अपनी ही हसरतों की ख़ातिर

इश्क़ ए ख़ुदा में गिरे होते तो

कोई हसरत ही बाक़ी ना रहती..


Kept on falling in  prostration

For the sake  of own  desires

Had only fallen in love of God

No desires would ever be left

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

पैर में कांटा क्या चुभा,

ये तस्सली सी बंध गई

कि इस अनजान गली में,

ज़रूर कोई  गुलाब  होगा…


With a prick of thorn in foot,

it was more of tranquil relief

That, of course, in this street,

There must be living a rose..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 38 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 38 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 38) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 38☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

उड़ने दो मिट्टी को फ़लक तक

आखिर  कहाँ  तलक  उड़ेगी,

हवाओं ने जब साथ छोड़ा तो,

आखिर जमीन पर ही गिरेगी !!


Let the soil fly high in the sky

How  far will  it  keep  flying,

When  the  wind  deserts  it,

It’ll fall  on  the ground  only!!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

उसने  भी  हँस  के  यूँही

आज पूछ  लिया मिज़ाज

लगता है  कि  उम्र भर के

रंज-ओ-ग़म याद आ गए हैं…


Today,  laughingly, she  just

inquired about my well-being

Felt, as if surfaced again are

the age old grief and sorrow

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

बस इतनी  सी बात

समुंदर को खल गई

एक कागज़ की नाव

मुझपे कैसे चल गई…


The sea just could

not tolerate it that

how could a paper

boat  ever sail on it…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ 

अब  उस  मुकाम  पे आ

पहुँची  है  जिंदगी  जहाँ,

चीजें तो बहुत सी पसन्द हैं

मगर चाहिए कुछ भी नही…


Now the life has reached

that point where many

likeable things are there

but nothing is required…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !


English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 37 ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 37 (सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 37) ☆ 

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi —an ex Naval Officer, possesses a multifaceted personality. Presently, he is serving as Senior Advisor in prestigious Supercomputer organisation C-DAC, Pune. He is involved in various Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing projects of national and international repute. He has got a long experience in the field of ‘Natural Language Processing’, especially, in the domain of Machine Translation. He has taken the mantle of translating the timeless beauties of Indian literature upon himself so that it reaches across the globe. He has also undertaken translation work for Shri Narendra Modi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, which was highly appreciated by him. He is also a member of ‘Bombay Film Writer Association’.

Captain Raghuvanshi is also a littérateur par excellence. He is a prolific writer, poet and ‘Shayar’ himself and participates in literature fests and ‘Mushayaras’. He keeps participating in various language & literature fests, symposiums and workshops etc. Recently, he played an active role in the ‘International Hindi Conference’ at New Delhi.  He presided over the “Session Focused on Language and Translation” and also presented a research paper.  The conference was organized by Delhi University in collaboration with New York University and Columbia University.

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

In his naval career, he was qualified to command all types of warships. He is also an aviator and a Sea Diver; and recipient of various awards including ‘Nao Sena Medal’ by the President of India, Prime Minister Award and C-in-C Commendation.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi is also an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus.

His latest quest involves social media, which is filled with rich anonymous literature of nameless writers, shared on different platforms, like,  WhatsApp / Facebook / Twitter / Your quotes / Instagram etc in Hindi and Urdu, he has taken the mantle of translating them as a mission for the enjoyment of the global readers. Enjoy some of the Urdu poetry couplets as translated by him.

☆ English translation of Urdu poetry couplets of  Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 37☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

इक तुम्हारा ख्याल

ही  मुकम्मल  है…

वो कितना खुशनसीब

जिसे तू हासिल है…


Your thought alone is

unblemishedly complete

How lucky is that person

who possesses you..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

जब भी तुम मुझे ढूँढना

चाहो, तो  सुन  लो…

मेरी  पसंदीदा  जगहों में,

एक  तुम्हारा  दिल  है…


Listen, whenever you’re

desirous of finding me …

Among my most favorite

places, one is your heart..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

तुम लिख कर लाना हर फ़िक्र

एक कोरे कागज़ पर, फिर हम

सिखाऐंगे तुम्हे कि कैसे जहाज

बनाकर उनको उडाया जाता है…


Bring in writing every worry

on a  blank  paper, then I’ll

teach  you  how  to make

aeroplane and fly them…

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

तैरना तो आता था हमें,

पर  जब  उसने  हाथ…

ही  नहीं  पकडा़  तो डूब

जाना  ही  अच्छा  लगा…


I did know swimming,

But when he didn’t hold

My hand, I preferred it

Better to get drowned..!

 ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


≈  Blog Editor – Shri Hemant Bawankar/Editor (English) – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM ≈

Please share your Post !
