English Literature – Poetry ☆ Few lines dedicated to all my friends…. ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.  Today, we present his poetry Few lines dedicated to all my friends…. dedicated to friends.  

☆ Few lines dedicated to all my friends…. ☆

I may write better than you,

But, your emotions are much better!


I may always be looking happy,

But, smile on you looks much better!


I may be apparently good-looking,

But, your inner-self is much better!


I may be a principled man!

But, your tenacity is much better!


I may have a good persona,

But, you’re much better-natured soul!


I may be good at arguments,

But, your reasoning are much better!


I may sing better than you,

But your tunes are much better!


How much I may keep saying!

But, your everything is much better than me!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 42 – Bheeshma’s Pledge ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra

(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Indian Railways, Pune Division. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem Bheeshma’s Pledge. )

☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 42

☆ Bheeshma’s Pledge ☆


Your depression and distress I comprehend now

Oh! My dear and beloved father

So? You wish to get home a beautiful lady

And make her your wife and my mother?


Ah! So relieved I am to finally apprehend

The cause of turbulence within your mind and heart

Your affection for me prohibits you from marriage

But father! I am also your humble part!


Heard I have that the lady whom you love

Has laid a condition, an assurance desires

That her sons should become the king, not me

Father, really I am ready for it, I have no ire


I understand that your affection for me forbids you

But father, love is the supreme of all sentiments!

Your happiness is what matters to me the most

How can I be fonder of the throne than my parents?


For a few moments, assuming an elder’s garb

I shall ask the lady’s father for her hand for you

I know that you will be so delighted

And seeing your pleasure, I shall be glad too


I promise that relinquish all claims I shall

To the throne, for that is my dharma

Give me the patience and courage to hold on to it;

The world shall know me and bless me as Bheeshma!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ My strange encounters with weight ☆ Colonel Jayant Khadilkar

Colonel Jayant Khadilkar

(We proudly welcome Colonel Jayant Khadilkar  on e-abhivyakti.  Colonel Jayant Khadilkar was commissioned in June 1980 into the Corps of Signals. He is an Alumnus of National Defence Academy, Pune and Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Academically brilliant, he was awarded Plaque of Honour in Signals Young Officers Course and Army Chief’s Gold Medal in the Signals Degree Engineering Course. He is an expert in Electronic and Information Warfare.  He was awarded the first prize for his MBA thesis on the use of Decision Making techniques in Electronic Warfare.  Colonel Jayant pursues writing as a hobby, to capture his thoughts on topics of current public interest.  Today, we present his classical poetry My strange encounters with weight  .)

☆ My strange encounters with weight  


My first RV with weight was in May 76,

at the pre joining medical for the NDA.

As the scale refused to move beyond 46,

a career in the Army seemed miles away.


I looked towards the doctor quizzingly,

outcome of the check up almost certain.

What a relief it was, when he said to me,

Go and eat bananas, minimum half a dozen.


Have water in plenty just before you come.

That should help you clear the minimum.

I thanked my stars, seized the opportunity.

The scale, next time, moved closer to fifty.


Courtesy the food at the NDA Mess,

coupled with intense physical work out,

weight was added and muscles built too.

I was above the Fly Weight, at fifty-two.


For Inter Squadron Boxing Competition,

Fly Weight category already stood taken.

Nominated to fight in the Light Fly Weight.

Pronto, my second encounter with weight.


Now I had to weigh between 45 and 48.

That meant a strict control on my diet.

No pastry and coffee, specially the cold one,

and getting wrapped in blankets after a run


Many years later, I had the third encounter,

when I was working in the private sector.

Courtesy the roles for which I was picked,

physical exercise got routinely skipped.


Frequently on tours, away from home,

Amongst buffet spreads, very inviting,

on savouries and sweets, I had a go,

acidity and indigestion notwithstanding.


My weight now measured eighty and two.

My waistline had grown, and tummy too.

As I visited him for a nagging head ache,

pre hyper tension, was the doctor’s take.


Very soon, I was prescribed a tablet,

and also had to take a blood sugar test.

Borderline diabetes was the diagnosis.

That made me sit up and take due notice.


(To be continued….)

© Col Jayant Khadilkar, Veteran


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English Literature – Weekly Column – From Nidhi’s Pen # 13 ☆ The Migrant Worker ☆ Dr. Nidhi Jain

Dr. Nidhi Jain  

(Dr. Nidhi Jain is an Assistant Professor at Bharti Vidyapeeth, College of Engineering, Pune. She selected teaching as her profession, but it was a dream to be a litterateur. Her first book कुछ लम्हे  is a culmination of her interest. Her time management of family,  profession (Teaching in engineering science) and literature is exemplary. Today we present her short story with poem “The Migrant Worker“.)

☆ Weekly Column ☆ From Nidhi’s Pen  #13 ☆ 

☆ The Migrant Worker ☆  

I woke up in the morning, in the darkness only small light coming from the night lamp which was hanging on the wall. I started searching for my watch which I keep on my bedside table. It was 4 O’ clock in the morning. I started to toss and turn on my bed. After 15 minute, I started feeling uncomfortable. I wanted to get rid of my bed. The smooth bed, silk bed cover and woolen cozy quilt were not able to comfort me.

I went to the drawing-room which was full of beautifully decorated things. I rolled my eyes on the showcase. I started gazing each and every object sleeping comfortably on the showcase. I consoled myself that they were non-living, without heart and blood. They all beautifully decorated and transported from across the world.

I went outside into the balcony. Night was still holding the dark clouds. The stars were smiling and telling me, “I will go soon from the sky when the big boss sun comes to meet us. The sun is like a policeman for all the stars”. These stars captured and stole the light of the sun. When the sun comes they have to run.  The moon is the leader of all thieves. He remains full night in full swing without taking rest. The moon motivates the star to stay fearlessly in the sky without caring about the guilt of stealing the light.

Street lights were on. The rains drops were dazzling from the sky. They were meant to fall. The leaves of the trees were holding their hands sometimes. But the weight of the rain drops was increasing; the leaves cannot hold the pressure and stress and allow rain drops to fall. The edges of the building were also pushing rain drops to fall because they were meant to fall.

The breeze was touching my cheeks. Hairs were holding the hands of the breeze to fly but not able to leave their roots. The temples of my face were still talking with the worries. The hot air was jumping from my nostril to escape, from the inner lava that makes the eye to remain open.

The eyes were the window for the outer world. The eyelids were stuck on the roof of my eyes, not allowing to shut, which was governed by the chemicals of my brain. The worries were in full swing. They were rolling inside the brain doing all sorts of exercises to keep me awake.

Tensions are the output of all types of exercises the brain does. I was gazing and allowing my ears to do some work.

The only person I saw sleeping comfortably was the migrant worker in the half-constructed building. I stopped myself. I started churning and juicing my tensions. I instructed my mind to throw the dirt of mind. What I was thinking about? Is this way of living? What is my destiny? Peace is the only destiny.

Now the world became pleasant. The ears started listening to the beautiful music of the chirping of the birds. The darkness started fading. The breeze started kissing me. I was here to change myself, not the others. The world was only a reflection of ourselves. The shades of worries started running from my body. I was waiting for the sun to come. Feet started working and took me to the bed. I went to sleep again with a smile on my face.


Nothing to lose, nothing to gain, he went to sleep again.

Full day he works,

Taking mud and sand,

Never takes rest,

Works his best,

Nothing to lose, nothing to gain, he went to sleep again.


Night lamps are on or shut,

Nation economics are up or cut,

Rich are behind name or fame,

His hopes are concentrating on work not on dirty game,

Nothing to lose, nothing to gain, he went to sleep again.


No house, No bank balance,

No insurance, No worries,

Only single bed to sleep,

Days are passed, but nights are only to sleep.

Nothing to lose, nothing to gain, he went to sleep again.

©  Dr. Nidhi Jain,  Pune

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 11 ☆ गुमनाम साहित्यकारों की कालजयी रचनाओं का भावानुवाद ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

(हम कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी द्वारा ई-अभिव्यक्ति के साथ उनकी साहित्यिक और कला कृतियों को साझा करने के लिए उनके बेहद आभारी हैं। आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के पूर्व छात्र कैप्टन प्रवीण जी ने विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर देश की सेवा की है। वर्तमान में सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार के रूप में कार्यरत हैं साथ ही विभिन्न राष्ट्र स्तरीय परियोजनाओं में शामिल हैं।

स्मरणीय हो कि विगत 9-11 जनवरी  2020 को  आयोजित अंतरराष्ट्रीय  हिंदी सम्मलेन,नई दिल्ली  में  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  को  “भाषा और अनुवाद पर केंद्रित सत्र “की अध्यक्षता  का अवसर भी प्राप्त हुआ। यह सम्मलेन इंद्रप्रस्थ महिला महाविद्यालय, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा न्यूयॉर्क विश्वविद्यालय, दक्षिण एशियाई भाषा कार्यक्रम तथा कोलंबिया विश्वविद्यालय, हिंदी उर्दू भाषा के कार्यक्रम के सहयोग से आयोजित  किया गया था। इस  सम्बन्ध में आप विस्तार से निम्न लिंक पर क्लिक कर पढ़ सकते हैं :

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 11/सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 11 ☆ 

आज सोशल मीडिया गुमनाम साहित्यकारों के अतिसुन्दर साहित्य से भरा हुआ है। प्रतिदिन हमें अपने व्हाट्सप्प / फेसबुक / ट्विटर / यूअर कोट्स / इंस्टाग्राम आदि पर हमारे मित्र न जाने कितने गुमनाम साहित्यकारों के साहित्य की विभिन्न विधाओं की ख़ूबसूरत रचनाएँ साझा करते हैं। कई  रचनाओं के साथ मूल साहित्यकार का नाम होता है और अक्सर अधिकतर रचनाओं के साथ में उनके मूल साहित्यकार का नाम ही नहीं होता। कुछ साहित्यकार ऐसी रचनाओं को अपने नाम से प्रकाशित करते हैं जो कि उन साहित्यकारों के श्रम एवं कार्य के साथ अन्याय है। हम ऐसे साहित्यकारों  के श्रम एवं कार्य का सम्मान करते हैं और उनके कार्य को उनका नाम देना चाहते हैं।

सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार तथा हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू एवं अंग्रेजी भाषाओँ में प्रवीण  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी ने  ऐसे अनाम साहित्यकारों की  असंख्य रचनाओं  का कठिन परिश्रम कर अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद  किया है। यह एक विशद शोध कार्य है  जिसमें उन्होंने अपनी पूरी ऊर्जा लगा दी है। 

इन्हें हम अपने पाठकों से साझा करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं । उन्होंने पाठकों एवं उन अनाम साहित्यकारों से अनुरोध किया है कि कृपया सामने आएं और ऐसे अनाम रचनाकारों की रचनाओं को उनका अपना नाम दें। 

कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी ने भगीरथ परिश्रम किया है और इसके लिए उन्हें साधुवाद। वे इस अनुष्ठान का श्रेय  वे अपने फौजी मित्रों को दे रहे हैं।  जहाँ नौसेना मैडल से सम्मानित कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी सूत्रधार हैं, वहीं कर्नल हर्ष वर्धन शर्मा, कर्नल अखिल साह, कर्नल दिलीप शर्मा और कर्नल जयंत खड़लीकर के योगदान से यह अनुष्ठान अंकुरित व पल्लवित हो रहा है। ये सभी हमारे देश के तीनों सेनाध्यक्षों के कोर्स मेट हैं। जो ना सिर्फ देश के प्रति समर्पित हैं अपितु स्वयं में उच्च कोटि के लेखक व कवि भी हैं। वे स्वान्तः सुखाय लेखन तो करते ही हैं और साथ में रचनायें भी साझा करते हैं।

☆ गुमनाम साहित्यकार की कालजयी  रचनाओं का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद ☆

(अनाम साहित्यकारों  के शेर / शायरियां / मुक्तकों का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद)

बस इतना सा असर होगा

हमारी यादों का

कि कभी कभी तुम बिना

बात मुस्कुराओगे…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

The only effect of my

Memories will be that

  Sometimes without any

Reason you will smile…!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

काश मिल जाये हमें भी

कोई किसी आईने की तरह

जो हँसे भी साथ साथ

और रोये भी साथ साथ…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Wish I could also have

 Someone like a mirror

  Who could laugh together

    And  even  cry together …

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

उन्हें  ठहरे…

समुंदर  ने  डुबोया

जिन्हें  तूफ़ाँ  का…

अंदाज़ा  बहुत  था…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Calm seas…

drowned them only…

Who claimed to have great 

experience of braving the storms

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – Poetry (भावानुवाद) ☆ आ गए तुम ?/Is that you? – सुश्री निधि सक्सेना ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  is not only proficient in Hindi and English, but also has a strong presence in Urdu and Sanskrit.   We present an English Version of renoknowned author  Ms. Nidhi Saxena ji’s  Classical Poetry आ गए तुम ? with title  “Is that you?”   We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.)

त्रुटि  सुधार: इंटरनेट पर यह सुप्रसिद्ध कविता कई नामों से चल रही है। उसी क्रम में हमने इसे परम आदरणीया स्व. महाश्वेता देवी जी के नाम से प्रकाशित कर दिया था। बाद में हमें प्रबुद्ध पाठक मित्रों द्वारा ज्ञात हुआ कि यह रचना सुश्री निधि सक्सेना जी की है जिसे हम ससम्मान प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं एवं इस अज्ञातवाश हुई त्रुटि के लिए हम हार्दिक खेद प्रकट करते हैं। हम आदरणीया सुश्री निधि सक्सेना जी की ऐसी ही उत्कृष्ट रचनाएँ भविष्य में प्रकाशित करने का प्रयास करेंगे। 

आपसे अनुरोध है कि आप इस रचना को हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में आत्मसात करें। इस कविता को अपने प्रबुद्ध मित्र पाठकों को पढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करें और उनकी प्रतिक्रिया से  इस कविता केअनुवादक कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी को अवश्य अवगत कराएँ.

सुश्री निधि सक्सेना जी की मूल कविता  – आ गए तुम ? ☆

आ गए तुम,

द्वार खुला है अंदर आओ…!

पर तनिक ठहरो,

ड्योढ़ी पर पड़े पाएदान पर

अपना अहं झाड़ आना…!


मधुमालती लिपटी हुई है मुंडेर से,

अपनी नाराज़गी वहीं

उँडेल आना…!


तुलसी के क्यारे में,

मन की चटकन चढ़ा आना…!


अपनी व्यस्तताएँ,

बाहर खूँटी पर ही टाँग आना।

जूतों संग हर नकारात्मकता

उतार आना…!


बाहर किलोलते बच्चों से

थोड़ी शरारत माँग लाना…!


वो गुलाब के गमले में मुस्कान लगी है,

तोड़ कर पहन आना…!


लाओ अपनी उलझनें

मुझे थमा दो,

तुम्हारी थकान पर

मनुहारों का पंखा झुला दूँ…!


देखो शाम बिछाई है मैंने,

सूरज क्षितिज पर बाँधा है,

लाली छिड़की है नभ पर…!


प्रेम और विश्वास की मद्धम आँच पर

चाय चढ़ाई है,

घूँट घूँट पीना,


सुनो, इतना मुश्किल भी नहीं है जीना…!


महाश्वेता देवी


☆ Is that you? ☆


Is that you?

Come on in,

the door is open.


Just hold on!

There is a  doormat

lying outside the door,

Please drop

your ego there!


Madhu Malti creeper

is wrapped

around the parapet,

Pour all your

heartburns on it!


Offer the grudges

of your mind


In the basil-bed!


Please hang

all your preoccupations

On the peg



Kindly remove

all your negativity

along with your shoes

at the door!


Bring a little mischief

from the naughty children

playing  out there!


With the rose,

are grown the smiles,


and garland yourself!



I’ve laid out the evening,

Tied the sun

on the horizon,

Sprayed the carnation

on the sky!


Making the tea

on the slow flame of

love and faith,

Savour it, sip by sip!


Listen friend,

Ever pondered,

Even, life is not

so difficult to live!


© Captain (IN) Pravin Raghuanshi, NM (Retd),


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English Literature – Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 41 – Arjun receives Brahmasiras ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra

(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Indian Railways, Pune Division. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem Arjun receives Brahmasiras . )

☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 41

☆ Arjun receives Brahmasiras ☆


To the bank of the sacred river Ganga

Drona and his disciple Kuru Princes went one day

As Drona entered the water to bathe

A crocodile grabbed him to everyone’s utter dismay


Caught him fiercely and strongly by his thigh

And although he knew how to himself set free

Yet, he summoned all his disciples and yelled,

“From this monster, oh please do save me!”


Bewildered the other princes stood

But Arjun quickly aimed at the crocodile;

Five arrows he fired in quick succession

Before the others could, to the facts reconcile.


Embracing his pupil Arjun in delight,

Granted him the missile nonpareil and unique.

With a silent mind and body he accepted

Brahmashiras, along with secrets of its use mystique.


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature ☆ Weekly Column – Abhivyakti # 20 ☆ Some lines…. between the lines! ☆ Hemant Bawankar

Hemant Bawankar

(All of the literature written by me was for self satisfaction. Now I started sharing them with you all. Every person has two characters. One is visible and another is invisible. This poem shows us mirror.  Today, I present my contemporary poem ‘Some lines…. between the lines!’This poem has been cited from my book “The Variegated Life of Emotional Hearts”.))

My introduction is available on following links.

☆ Weekly Column – Abhivyakti # 20 

☆  Some lines…. between the lines! ☆

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

We came in the world

to learn and try

Not for suicide

and not for die!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

I’m wandering


birthplace and graveyard.

I’m hanging


painful birth and dangerous death!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

You born alone


you will die alone.


you can’t live alone.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Death after birth

is definite


tracks from birth to death

is the definition of life!

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Hemant Bawankar


9th August 1977


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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Anonymous litterateur of Social Media# 10 ☆ गुमनाम साहित्यकारों की कालजयी रचनाओं का भावानुवाद ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

(हम कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी द्वारा ई-अभिव्यक्ति के साथ उनकी साहित्यिक और कला कृतियों को साझा करने के लिए उनके बेहद आभारी हैं। आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के पूर्व छात्र कैप्टन प्रवीण जी ने विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर देश की सेवा की है। वर्तमान में सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार के रूप में कार्यरत हैं साथ ही विभिन्न राष्ट्र स्तरीय परियोजनाओं में शामिल हैं।

स्मरणीय हो कि विगत 9-11 जनवरी  2020 को  आयोजित अंतरराष्ट्रीय  हिंदी सम्मलेन,नई दिल्ली  में  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  को  “भाषा और अनुवाद पर केंद्रित सत्र “की अध्यक्षता  का अवसर भी प्राप्त हुआ। यह सम्मलेन इंद्रप्रस्थ महिला महाविद्यालय, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा न्यूयॉर्क विश्वविद्यालय, दक्षिण एशियाई भाषा कार्यक्रम तथा कोलंबिया विश्वविद्यालय, हिंदी उर्दू भाषा के कार्यक्रम के सहयोग से आयोजित  किया गया था। इस  सम्बन्ध में आप विस्तार से निम्न लिंक पर क्लिक कर पढ़ सकते हैं :

हिंदी साहित्य – आलेख ☆ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

☆ Anonymous Litterateur of Social Media # 10/सोशल मीडिया के गुमनाम साहित्यकार # 10 ☆ 

आज सोशल मीडिया गुमनाम साहित्यकारों के अतिसुन्दर साहित्य से भरा हुआ है। प्रतिदिन हमें अपने व्हाट्सप्प / फेसबुक / ट्विटर / यूअर कोट्स / इंस्टाग्राम आदि पर हमारे मित्र न जाने कितने गुमनाम साहित्यकारों के साहित्य की विभिन्न विधाओं की ख़ूबसूरत रचनाएँ साझा करते हैं। कई  रचनाओं के साथ मूल साहित्यकार का नाम होता है और अक्सर अधिकतर रचनाओं के साथ में उनके मूल साहित्यकार का नाम ही नहीं होता। कुछ साहित्यकार ऐसी रचनाओं को अपने नाम से प्रकाशित करते हैं जो कि उन साहित्यकारों के श्रम एवं कार्य के साथ अन्याय है। हम ऐसे साहित्यकारों  के श्रम एवं कार्य का सम्मान करते हैं और उनके कार्य को उनका नाम देना चाहते हैं।

सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार तथा हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू एवं अंग्रेजी भाषाओँ में प्रवीण  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी ने  ऐसे अनाम साहित्यकारों की  असंख्य रचनाओं  का कठिन परिश्रम कर अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद  किया है। यह एक विशद शोध कार्य है  जिसमें उन्होंने अपनी पूरी ऊर्जा लगा दी है। 

इन्हें हम अपने पाठकों से साझा करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं । उन्होंने पाठकों एवं उन अनाम साहित्यकारों से अनुरोध किया है कि कृपया सामने आएं और ऐसे अनाम रचनाकारों की रचनाओं को उनका अपना नाम दें। 

कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी ने भगीरथ परिश्रम किया है और इसके लिए उन्हें साधुवाद। वे इस अनुष्ठान का श्रेय  वे अपने फौजी मित्रों को दे रहे हैं।  जहाँ नौसेना मैडल से सम्मानित कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी सूत्रधार हैं, वहीं कर्नल हर्ष वर्धन शर्मा, कर्नल अखिल साह, कर्नल दिलीप शर्मा और कर्नल जयंत खड़लीकर के योगदान से यह अनुष्ठान अंकुरित व पल्लवित हो रहा है। ये सभी हमारे देश के तीनों सेनाध्यक्षों के कोर्स मेट हैं। जो ना सिर्फ देश के प्रति समर्पित हैं अपितु स्वयं में उच्च कोटि के लेखक व कवि भी हैं। वे स्वान्तः सुखाय लेखन तो करते ही हैं और साथ में रचनायें भी साझा करते हैं।

☆ गुमनाम साहित्यकार की कालजयी  रचनाओं का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद ☆

(अनाम साहित्यकारों  के शेर / शायरियां / मुक्तकों का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद)

दिल ना चाहे फिर भी यारो 

मिलते जुलते रहा करो…

करो शिकायत गुस्से में ही

कुछ ना कुछ तो कहा करो…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

 Heart may not desire still 

Friends keep on meeting

Complain even in anger only

But at least say something…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

 खामोशियां बोल देती है

ज़िनकी बातें नहीं होती..

दोस्ती उनकी भी क़ायम है

ज़िनकी मुलाक़ातें नहीं होती…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

 Silence converses with them 

who don’t talk to each other…

Friendship flourishes of those too,  

Who don’t even get to meet…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

 बेदाग़ रख महफूज़ रख

मैली न कर तू ज़िन्दगी…

मिलती नहीं इँसान को…

किरदार की चादर नईं…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

 Keep it spotless, keep it secure

Your life don’t you ever stain

For man does not receive again

A fresh mask for his character

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ 

क्या कहना उनका जो हवाओं में 

सलीक़े से  ख़ुशबू घोल देते हैं 

फ़िज़ाएँ मुश्कबार हो जाती हैं   

फ़क़त जिनके खयाल से…

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ In Search of Paradise ☆ Colonel Jayant Khadilkar

Colonel Jayant Khadilkar

(We proudly welcome Colonel Jayant Khadilkar  on e-abhivyakti.  Colonel Jayant Khadilkar was commissioned in June 1980 into the Corps of Signals. He is an Alumnus of National Defence Academy, Pune and Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. Academically brilliant, he was awarded Plaque of Honour in Signals Young Officers Course and Army Chief’s Gold Medal in the Signals Degree Engineering Course. He is an expert in Electronic and Information Warfare.  He was awarded the first prize for his MBA thesis on the use of Decision Making techniques in Electronic Warfare.  Colonel Jayant pursues writing as a hobby, to capture his thoughts on topics of current public interest.  Today, we present his classical poetry In Search of Paradise.)


In Search of Paradise


Do you eagerly strive to find

that place known as paradise

Where it’s happiness all around

And its people; caring and wise

But, somewhere along the way

Has that search come to a halt?

Caught up in the daily routine

Have you circled back to the start?

Do the work hours feel like torture?

Impossible deadlines adding to misery?

Your close ones, have they drifted apart?

Is family time, now only a fading memory?

Amenities aplenty for physical luxury, but

Emotional comfort still remains wanting

Entertainment starts with a remote click,

Yet, discovering joy is a task so daunting

Why has life become so stressful?

Who has taken that cheer away?

Those fun moments of childhood

Where have those got tucked away?

Try and recollect those growing years

You shall conclude this without doubt

That although amenities were very few

Your spirits were high, and hopes too.

Never repent the past, it’s already history 

Nor worry about the future, it’s still a mystery

Like a child, always live this NOW moment

Life is a precious gift, so treat it as a present

Nurture and protect that child in you

Permit it not to dodge you or slip away

Keep that spirit of enquiry well and alive

And life is sure to respond with a High Five

No more inaction, pray take control

To kick-start your life and put it on a roll

That lost paradise, needs no searching

It’s all around us, and ours for the taking


© Col Jayant Khadilkar, Veteran


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