English Literature – Poetry (भावानुवाद) ☆ कैसे कह दूँ…?/How can I say ? ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

(हम कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी द्वारा ई-अभिव्यक्ति के साथ उनकी साहित्यिक और कला कृतियों को साझा करने के लिए उनके बेहद आभारी हैं। आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के पूर्व छात्र कैप्टन प्रवीण जी ने विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर देश की सेवा की है। वर्तमान में सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार के रूप में कार्यरत हैं साथ ही विभिन्न राष्ट्र स्तरीय परियोजनाओं में शामिल हैं।)

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  द्वारा सुप्रसिद्ध  अर्थशास्त्री एवं  साहित्यकार श्रीमती मंजुला अरगरे शिंदे  जी की कालजयी कविता “कैसे कह दूँ…?”  का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद  “How can I say ?” ई-अभिव्यक्ति  के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों तक पहुँचाने का अवसर एक संयोग है। 

भावनुवादों में ऐसे  प्रयोगों के लिए हम हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू एवं अंग्रेजी भाषाओँ में प्रवीण  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के ह्रदय से आभारी हैं। 

आइए…हम लोग भी इस कविता के मूल हिंदी  रचना के साथ-साथ अंग्रेजी में भी आत्मसात करें और अपनी प्रतिक्रियाओं से कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  को परिचित कराएँ।

श्रीमती मंजुला अरगरे शिंदे जी न सिर्फ एक अर्थशास्त्र की ज्ञाता हैं, अपितु साहित्य  के क्षेत्र में भी एक उच्च कोटि की रचनाकार हैं।  पठन-पाठन में आरम्भ से ही उनकी रुचि रही है । एक कवियत्री के रूप में उनकी रचनायें कल्पना की उड़ान भरते हुए मानवीय संवेदनाओं के चरम को छूते हुए पाठक को भीतर तक झकझोर कर रख देती हैं। वे चार वर्षों तक  विश्व गाथा नामक पत्रिका से जुड़ी रहीं। अपने विचारों को  काव्य  स्वरुप में परिवर्तित करने की अपार क्षमता की स्वामिनी, मंजुला जी के शब्द हृदय को छू जाते हैं। प्रस्तुत है उनकी एक भावपूर्ण रचना… *कैसे कह दूँ…*

☆ श्रीमती मंजुला अरगरे शिंदे जीकी मूल कालजयी  रचना – कैसे कह दूँ… ☆


कैसे कह दूं. स्वप्न विपुल हैं

पर कोई संसार नहीं है ।

प्रेम पूर्ण इस जीव जगत से.

कैसे कह दूं प्यार नहीं है ।


मन चंचल और विमल अभीप्सा,

अंतःकरण सदा अनुरागी ।

महके उपवन. औे’ नंदनवन,

खिलें प्रीति के सुमन  गुलाबी ।


यूं समझूं अब अर्थ प्रेम का

है संकोच कहां स्वीकारूं ।

वनमाली की इस बगिया को.

पुलकित हो कर  नित्य निहारूं ।

☆  English Version  of  Classical Poem of  Shrimati Manjula  Argare Shinde ☆ 

☆  “How can I say ? – by Captain Pravin  Raghuwanshi 

How can I say that

 dreams’re in abundance

  But there is no physical

    existence of them…


How can I ever say

 that there is no

  endearment of this

   love-filled world…


Flickering mind and

 translucent longings

  Conscience, always

    admiringly devoted…


Fragrant gardens, and the

 Astral garden  ‘Nandanvan’,

   Blossom with myriad

     hued roses of love…


Now, I understand the

 true meaning of love,

  But, still hesitant

   where to accept it…


Keep beholding the divine

 garden constantly,

  Being  enamoured with

   the  ethereal gardener…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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English Literature – Poetry (भावानुवाद) ☆ देश कागज पर बना नक्शा नहीं होता/Nation is not a map on the paper ☆ कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी, एन एम्

(हम कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी द्वारा ई-अभिव्यक्ति के साथ उनकी साहित्यिक और कला कृतियों को साझा करने के लिए उनके बेहद आभारी हैं। आईआईएम अहमदाबाद के पूर्व छात्र कैप्टन प्रवीण जी ने विभिन्न मोर्चों पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर एवं राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर देश की सेवा की है। वर्तमान में सी-डैक के आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और एचपीसी ग्रुप में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार के रूप में कार्यरत हैं साथ ही विभिन्न राष्ट्र स्तरीय परियोजनाओं में शामिल हैं।)

कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  द्वारा सुप्रसिद्ध कवि सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना जी की कालजयी कविता “देश  कागज पर बना नक्शा नहीं होता ”  का अंग्रेजी भावानुवाद  “Nation is not a map on the paper” ई-अभिव्यक्ति  के प्रबुद्ध पाठकों तक पहुँचाने का अवसर एक संयोग है।

भावनुवादों में ऐसे  प्रयोगों के लिए हम हिंदी, संस्कृत, उर्दू एवं अंग्रेजी भाषाओँ में प्रवीण  कैप्टन  प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी के ह्रदय से आभारी हैं। 

आइए…हम लोग भी इस कविता के मूल हिंदी  रचना के साथ-साथ अंग्रेजी में भी आत्मसात करें और अपनी प्रतिक्रियाओं से कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी जी  को परिचित कराएँ.। 

☆ सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना जी की मूल कालजयी  रचना – देश कागज पर बना नक्शा नहीं होता ☆


यदि तुम्हारे घर के

एक कमरे में आग लगी हो

तो क्या तुम

दूसरे कमरे में सो सकते हो?

यदि तुम्हारे घर के एक कमरे में

लाशें सड़ रहीं हों

तो क्या तुम

दूसरे कमरे में प्रार्थना कर सकते हो?

यदि हाँ

तो मुझे तुम से

कुछ नहीं कहना है।


देश कागज पर बना

नक्शा नहीं होता

कि एक हिस्से के फट जाने पर

बाकी हिस्से उसी तरह साबुत बने रहें

और नदियां, पर्वत, शहर, गांव

वैसे ही अपनी-अपनी जगह दिखें

अनमने रहें।

यदि तुम यह नहीं मानते

तो मुझे तुम्हारे साथ

नहीं रहना है।


इस दुनिया में आदमी की जान से बड़ा

कुछ भी नहीं है

न ईश्वर

न ज्ञान

न चुनाव

कागज पर लिखी कोई भी इबारत

फाड़ी जा सकती है

और जमीन की सात परतों के भीतर

गाड़ी जा सकती है।

जो विवेक

खड़ा हो लाशों को टेक

वह अंधा है

जो शासन

चल रहा हो बंदूक की नली से

हत्यारों का धंधा है

यदि तुम यह नहीं मानते

तो मुझे

अब एक क्षण भी

तुम्हें नहीं सहना है।


याद रखो

एक बच्चे की हत्या

एक औरत की मौत

एक आदमी का

गोलियों से चिथड़ा तन

किसी शासन का ही नहीं

सम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र का है पतन।

ऐसा खून बहकर

धरती में जज्ब नहीं होता

आकाश में फहराते झंडों को

काला करता है।

जिस धरती पर

फौजी बूटों के निशान हों

और उन पर

लाशें गिर रही हों

वह धरती

यदि तुम्हारे खून में

आग बन कर नहीं दौड़ती

तो समझ लो

तुम बंजर हो गये हो-

तुम्हें यहां सांस लेने तक का नहीं है अधिकार

तुम्हारे लिए नहीं रहा अब यह संसार।


आखिरी बात

बिल्कुल साफ

किसी हत्यारे को

कभी मत करो माफ

चाहे हो वह तुम्हारा यार

धर्म का ठेकेदार,

चाहे लोकतंत्र का

स्वनामधन्य पहरेदार


☆  English Version  of  Classical Poem of  Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena ☆ 

☆  Nation is not a map  made on paper” – by Captain Pravin  Raghuwanshi


If a room in your

house is on fire

Then, can you sleep

in another room?

If, a room of your house

is rotting with corpses,

Then, can you pray

in another room?

If yes, then,

I’ve got nothing

more to say to you…


Nation is not a map

made on paper of which,

when a part is torn

Then, the rest of it

will remain intact;

And rivers, mountains,

town, villages

will appear in their

own places,

and remain unaffected…

If you don’t believe it

Then, I do not have

to stay with you…


There’s nothing

greater than  the

man’s own life

in this world

Neither the God

Nor the knowledge

Nor the election

Anything written

on the paper

Can be torn and

buried deep in the

layers of the ground…


If the conscience

is supported

by the corpses,

Then, it sure is blind

If the rule of the land

is running through

the barrel of  gun

Then, it is nothing but a

‘Business of killers’

If you don’t believe it

Then, I don’t have to

tolerate you even

for a moment…


Always remember-

Killing a child

Murdering a woman

Bullet ridden body

of a man

Is not the fall

of a government

but the decay

of the entire nation…

Such a blood is not

accepted by the earth,

it only does blacken

the flags

fluttering high in the sky…


The land, which is

trampled by its

dictatorial boots, and

Corpses keep falling on it

If, that land, doesn’t run

in your blood like a fire

Then you must understand

That you have become

starkly barren-

You do not even have

the right to breathe here

This world is no longer for you…!


Last thing

Very straightforward-

Never forgive

An assassin

-Whether it’s your friend

or reverend preacher

of your religion,

-Whether he is the

Self-appointed sentinel

of the democracy…!


© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Thoughts ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwj’s Hindi Poetry “ विचार ” published today as ☆ संजय दृष्टि  –विचार   We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.)

☆ Thoughts… ☆

I have a thought,

Thought that I can give

But, don’t get the buyer,

Thought again-

Thoughts have their

followers not the buyers…

If the thought is auctioned

It becomes commercial,

And, the commercial

often buys the

Politics, the diplomacy

the body, the mind and

even thoughts…

Beware of ‘Business of thought’

This is fatally dangerous,

I thought.. !

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡  ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM


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हिन्दी साहित्य ☆ पुस्तक विमर्श (English Review) # – स्त्रियां घर लौटती हैं – “There exists books like this that make you halt and observe” – Shri Archit Ojha ☆ श्री विवेक चतुर्वेदी

पुस्तक विमर्श – स्त्रियां घर लौटती हैं 

श्री विवेक चतुर्वेदी 

( हाल ही में संस्कारधानी जबलपुर के युवा कवि श्री विवेक चतुर्वेदी जी का कालजयी काव्य संग्रह  स्त्रियां घर लौटती हैं ” का लोकार्पण विश्व पुस्तक मेला, नई दिल्ली में संपन्न हुआ।  यह काव्य संग्रह लोकार्पित होते ही चर्चित हो गया और वरिष्ठ साहित्यकारों के आशीर्वचन से लेकर पाठकों के स्नेह का सिलसिला प्रारम्भ हो गया। काव्य जगत श्री विवेक जी में अनंत संभावनाओं को पल्लवित होते देख रहा है। ई-अभिव्यक्ति  की ओर से यह श्री विवेक जी को प्राप्त स्नेह /प्रतिसाद को श्रृंखलाबद्ध कर अपने पाठकों से साझा करने का प्रयास है।  इस श्रृंखला की चौथी कड़ी के रूप में प्रस्तुत हैं श्री अर्चित ओझा जी  के अंग्रेजी भाषा में विचार “There exists books like this that make you halt and observe” ।)

अमेज़न लिंक >>>   स्त्रियां घर लौटती हैं


☆ पुस्तक विमर्श #9 – स्त्रियां घर लौटती हैं – “There exists books like this that make you halt and observe” – Shri Archit Ojha  ☆

When I was in school, I remember waiting for Wednesdays because I would get to read poetry in Hindi newspapers. I would sit patiently, devouring the content and take delight in the unique arrangement of words. It used to wonder me how the simple play of some letters can bring euphoria on someone’s face. How captivating! Such power they had on people seeking peace and pleasure in literature.

Years passed by and I forgot what it was like to be that person again. The rush we feel today to keep on moving forward, without pausing to be attentive towards every day things, without smiling at them and when it’s time to get old, lamenting “If only, I had stopped a bit.”

Thankfully there exists books like this that make you halt and observe.

Reading Vivek Chaturvedi’s book felt like being transported to the fields of sunflowers, oleander, mangoes, berries, guavas, basal leaves and marigolds, being surrounded by the fragrances these little things create, unknowingly, unapologetically being themselves; soaking in the aroma of Earth after the first rain, running back to home from school, celebrating festivals, resting in the sun during Summer, flying kites, racing with friends, waiting for the rainy days and when the rainy season came, then craving for the winters and those warm blankets, seeing a father’s tears when his daughter is leaving her home to make another one her own, conversing with mothers who never seem to get tired of nurturing their kids, waking up early to see the sunrise, gardening, chit-chatting with the neighbors, visiting fairs, persisting to buy toys that will be played only for a few days, laughing with friends without any reason, believing in funny superstitions, sitting under a tree, mourning when it was taken down in the name of development, sending letters without stamping them, appreciating the calmness of the moon on a peaceful night, caring for pets and weeping in the corner, lest somebody sees; when they leave us saying goodbyes.

Reading this book felt like living the childhood, the life once again and that there is no place for regrets.

There were a number of instances which took me by surprise with their lucidity and easy-going manner. All the 56 poems have their own distinctive charisma. It was difficult for me to select my favorites but following lines in these poems would stay with me. I’m providing English translation for the titles, so the readers can adore the magnificence of the author’s creativity. Here are a few lines, I hope they don’t get lost in translation:

  1. Women Return their Homes: A home too, is a child for a woman, that grows a little more, every day.
  2. The domestic/household women have been treated like pencils: Thrown with anger and boredom, dropped down from the desk and mentality, a bit of nib got saved, but the lead inside is broken, still they were picked up and employed for selfish purposes again and again.
  3. Where are you: The kids who were locked inside their homes are now playing in the mud, rolling and laughing, a tuft of grass has started growing through a crack in the concrete, where are you?
  4. Typist: I said “Courage”, and she wrote it once, I said “courage” again, and the whole page got filled with that one word!
  5. Dad: All your life, many icy storms went through you, and you did not let any of them touch us. Dad, you were Himalayan.

I believe that of all the literature in the world, Hindi poetry is a genre that you cannot get enough of. They take time to build upon you. They sing a song that means multiple things to different people, according to the life they have seen. Some years back, I read a poem by a Russian Poetess about how much she loved Hindi and reading this book, kept reminding me of why I also love Hindi so much.

I admired how nature was the core and strength of this book. Finding similarities between the nature and human activities, it warms the heart and develops imagination. More than that, I’m grateful for it brought the observer in me back again. It made me notice things around me, every day, mundane, normal things that nobody pays attention to.

Though the title says Women Return their Homes, the book carries insightful and smart observations, poems about environment, seasons, motherhood, parenting, friendship, love, home, children, elders, mythology, women empowerment and the society. You read a few lines and realize the richness of experiences these poems posses. I will turn back to this book again and again for its brevity, clarity and the wisdom it contains.

I wish that English translation of these poems would also be published some day, so that English speakers can take delight in the beauty that the author has fabricated.

If, like me, you haven’t been around Hindi poetry for a while, this book will remind you to go back to your roots, appreciate and feel the charm again in observing the effortless joy our surroundings carry.

If you have been around Hindi poetry for a while, this book will solidify the faith that Hindi Literature’s future is in gifted hands.


 – Archit Ojha

© विवेक चतुर्वेदी, जबलपुर ( म प्र ) 

ई-अभिव्यक्ति  की ओर से  युवा कवि श्री विवेक चतुर्वेदी जी को इस प्रतिसाद के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनायें  एवं बधाई।

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 26 – Destiny ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager,Indian Railways, Pune Division. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Destiny.  This poem  is from her book “The Frozen Evenings”.)

☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 26

☆ Destiny ☆

Destiny does its deathly dance-

We remain but a slave in front of the master,

While it secretly rejoices!


Karna, the man with kavach and kundal,

Was the best trained, equipped,

As a warrior.

With Sun God as his father,

Well trained by Parshurama,

Possessing Indrastra,

He appeared invincible.


But when destiny decided to destroy him,

He gave his kavach and kundal inalms,

Indrastra got used for killing Ghatotkacha,

His chariot got stuck in the mud due to a curse

Of one of his earlier lives,

He couldn’t use Brahmastra

Since he forgot its handling due to another curse

And was killed by Arjuna, despite his requesting Krishna

To halt the war.


Feeble we are,

Helpless we remain in front of destiny;

Efforts to train, inspire, prepare,

Are all futile!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Poetry ☆ Water ….. ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

We present an English Version of Shri Sanjay Bhardwj’s Hindi Poetry “पानी ” published previously as संजय दृष्टि – पानी   We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.)

☆ Water… ☆


Whenever the water

of man’s eyes dies

It crosses all the limits

of the Danger sign…


Quenching thirst

is water’s nature

Filling up the springs

is water’s attribute


Moistening up the countless

Rugged roots of the trees

Turning the grass velvety

Making it bask in greenery


Pausing merrily for the

Pools, ponds and pits

Soaking the barren soil

making her womb green!


Inimically concrete jungle enroute

prevents the water absorption

Cement, rubble, garbage  dumps

Together,  try to deter water flow…


As water has to quench

every thirsty soul around

It has to reach every possible

creature and the organism…


Interruptions make it little furious

Enraging it in a turbulent mood

As it blows away all the possible

Reasons of the stoppages enroute


Concrete jungles start shaking

Forcing every ungrateful man

to promptly start creating myriad

avenues for its natural free flow….


When the water comes back

In the eyes of abject mankind

Sensing it, the water level too

recedes below the Danger mark!

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© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM



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English Literature – Poetry – ☆ Anguish of the Tree! ☆ – Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

Captain Praveen Raghuvanshi ji is not only proficient in Hindi and English, but also has a lot of interference in Urdu and Sanskrit. We are pleased to present his original creation “Anguish of the Tree!” for our enlightened readers. Also, he made available the Hindi Version of his poem “पेड़  की व्यथा!” which you can read in tomorrow’s (Sunday) issue.)

☆ Anguish of the Tree! ☆


Some people have come

to cut the tree,

But, the biting sun forces them

to take refuge under its shade!


Exclaims the tree: Why to cut me

I would have died

Just like that only,

Had no one  sat under my shade!


How’d they know

the effect of scorching sun,

Who always live

under the coolest of shade!


How’d would they know

the extent of sufferings

Who have never lived in the devastated villages..!


Have you ever endured the agony

of losing some loved ones,

If yes! Then don’t cut me,

I’m also yours only!


Will give you shade,

Bear fruits for you…

More than your own

Will protect your loved ones too!

© Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 25 – Death ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager,Indian Railways, Pune Division. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Death.  This poem  is from her book “The Frozen Evenings”.)

☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 25

☆  Death ☆


I’ve lived on the fence


And also taken occasional plunges

Into the deep seas.

Yes, I’ve died

Not once,

But several times.


Whoever says

That there is no rebirth

Is wrong;

I am good specimen

Of enormous number

Of rebirths!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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English Literature – Classical Poetry – ☆ It was me only…! ☆ Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi, NM

(We are extremely thankful to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for sharing his literary and artworks with e-abhivyakti.  An alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, Capt. Pravin has served the country at national as well international level in various fronts. Presently, working as Senior Advisor, C-DAC in Artificial Intelligence and HPC Group; and involved in various national-level projects.

Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi ji  is not only proficient in Hindi and English, but also has a strong presence in Urdu and Sanskrit.   We present an English Version of Ms. Nirdesh Nidhi’s  Classical Poetry  “वो मैं ही थी…”with title  “It was me only…!” .  We extend our heartiest thanks to Captain Pravin Raghuvanshi Ji for this beautiful translation.)

सुश्री निर्देश निधि

इस कविता की मूल लेखिका सुश्री निर्देश निधि और कैप्टन साहब के प्रति आभार प्रकट करते हुए इस रचना मूल हिंदी  संस्करण आप इस लिंक पर पढ़ सकते हैं

>>> वो मैं ही थी…

मैं निःशब्द हूँ, स्तब्ध भी हूँ शब्दशिल्प से और सहज गंभीर लेखन से ।सुश्री निर्देश निधि जी की रचनाओं के सन्दर्भ में कुछ लिखना सूर्य को दीपक दिखाने के समान है। उनके एक-एक शब्द इतना कुछ कह जाते हैं कि मेरी लेखनी थम जाती है। आदरणीया की लेखनी को सादर नमन।

आपसे अनुरोध है कि आप इस रचना को हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी में पढ़ें और इस कविता को अपने प्रबुद्ध मित्र पाठकों को पढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करें और उनकी प्रतिक्रिया से  सुश्री निर्देश निधि जी एवं अनुवादक कैप्टन प्रवीण रघुवंशी को अवश्य अवगत कराएँ.

 ☆ It was me only…!☆

Who had ruthlessly trampled

over the lifeless body of the love;

And, got over the infinitely

complicated, centuries long never-ending evening!

Yes, it was me…


You moved all the rocks of the past, shaking all the thoughts of my mind

which had maintained stark silence and tranquility, hitherto!

It was me only…


You had brought all the veins

of love totally bruised

And I, didn’t even attempt to tender even a single one,

Kept sitting lacklusterly,

Indifferently to your presence!

That was me only…


The one who listened to all the sombre tunes,

Of instrument of separation,

For years and years on…

That one was no one else

But me only…!


You wanted to fill the deep

gorge of the past

With a handful of sandy excuses

The one who extended the

mocking smile on seeing this

That was no one else

But me only…!


In the scorching sun of your guilt

One, who never offered

any soothing shade

And stood stoically detached

That was also me only…!


If apathy is a crime, then

The one who confessed the

crime of being indifferent

That was me only…


Soon after you were gone,

Witnessed all the detached neutralities falling apart resolutely

Turning into heap of dry sand

Only to get restlessly drowned in the brackish saline water,

You won’t believe

That was no one else

But me only…!

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Originally Written in Hindi by Nirdesh Nidhi

English Translation by Captain (IN) Pravin Raghuanshi, NM (Retd), Pune

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Weekly column ☆ Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 24 – Deadends ☆ Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

Ms Neelam Saxena Chandra


(Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is a well-known author. She has been honoured with many international/national/ regional level awards. We are extremely thankful to Ms. Neelam ji for permitting us to share her excellent poems with our readers. We will be sharing her poems on every Thursday. Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra ji is  an Additional Divisional Railway Manager,Indian Railways, Pune Division. Her beloved genre is poetry. Today we present her poem “Deadends.  This poem  is from her book “The Frozen Evenings”.)

☆ Weekly column  Poetic World of Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra # 24

☆  Deadends ☆



A master craftsmen, painter and sculptor

All rolled into one,

Morosely paints scenes of dead ends,

Carefully crafts the finishing line

And sculpts your illusion

That sulks dejectedly and tearfully.


You believe in the obscure fantasy

You shudder in the make-believe pains,

You cry and wail,

And are ready to give up.


What is often required

Is just a little courage

To actually walk the road!

Dead ends will always be there,

But within you lights a lamp

Which shall make you push and shove

All the endings,

Transforming them

Into new beginnings!


© Ms. Neelam Saxena Chandra

(All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission of the author.)

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