Shri Jagat Singh Bisht

(Master Teacher: Happiness & Well-Being, Laughter Yoga Master Trainer, Author, Blogger, Educator and Speaker.)

☆ Laughter Yoga and Diabetes ☆

November 14 is observed as World Diabetes Day to spread awareness about the silent killer.

Diabetes is emerging as a major health hazard worldwide. In India, the situation is grimmer as diabetes is often coupled with hypertension and cardiac problems which make it deadly.

Japanese scientist Murakami conducted several experiments over a period of time to ascertain the effect of laughter on blood sugar levels. He reached the conclusion that laughter has a definite lowering impact on blood sugar. During the course of his research, he found that 23 genes are activated with vigorous laughter. Often the production of insulin in the pancreas is affected due to poor immune system in diabetic patients. Laughter yoga strengthens and stabilizes immune system. Laughter also reduces the stress hormone cortisol responsible for increase in blood sugar level.

Vishwamohan, a member of a laughter club in Vijaywada suffered from chronic diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, high blood pressure and cardiac problems for a long time. His pain was never ending until he joined laughter club after which he gradually started feeling good. He now celebrates the day he joined laughter club as his birthday. Aruna Kalway and D C Rathi, members of my laughter club suffered from diabetes. I am happy they are now out of it and need no medication.

Laughter Yoga does help in diabetes. If you are not able to make it to the park and join a laughter club, you can now laugh from the cozy comfort of your home or on the move on your cell phone by connecting to Skype Laughter Club and laughing with people from all over the world.

Jagat Singh Bisht

Founder: LifeSkills

Seminars, Workshops & Retreats on Happiness, Laughter Yoga & Positive Psychology.
Speak to us on +91 73899 38255
[email protected]

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